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Wanted: Original T/A-AAR Air Cleaner Lid

Started by TWS, May 13, 2023, 06:05:32 AM

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Wanted:  An original T/A-AAR air cleaner lid.  Also same as A12 440-6.

Would consider the air cleaner assembly if you wish not to separate.



Is it different than a Hemi oval lid?

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Yes it is.  Different spacing on the carb studs.  If interested in selling, drop me a PM.


If memory serves, the A12 lid is a little different.
There was someone selling repros years ago, they had one listed for Trans Am cars, and a different one for A12s.


Interesting.  Trying to imagine why they would be different?  Unless just a design change along the way.


I was digging around online after I posted and not finding anything one way or another on the subject.
My recollection is from something I read in Mopar magazines many years ago.  I'm guessing even if there is a difference it's very minor.
Story goes that my T/A had its air cleaner assembly stolen off it in the mid 70s sometime. A new assembly was purchased most likely through a dealer.  I bought the car in '78, and it wasn't until the mid 90s someone pointed out I had an incorrect lid on my car. It didn't have the lip. I was able to find one on Hemmings quickly then fortunately.
Interesting thinking that you could buy a new T/A air cleaner assembly in the mid 70s from the dealer, but that they'd already superseded the lid on it to use the non fresh air type!


Looking at Tommy's site, he does not list an A12 lid as being available, but list all of the others.  Mopar weatherstripping is our specialty, but we offer a wide assortment of restoration products.


Quote from: TWS on May 13, 2023, 05:46:20 PM
Yes it is.  Different spacing on the carb studs.  If interested in selling, drop me a PM.
Makes sense since it's 3 carbs vs 2. I should have thought about that. I was asking because I have an NOS Hemi one but I don't have one for a TA.

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R/T's 4 R/P

I've noticed on original AAR/ TA lids the back lip edge is cut down. Kind of a large arc. Maybe reduces the lip at the center of the back by 1/4"...or something.
70 R/T 440 6 Pack
70 T/A
70 SE R/T 383
2015 SRT



Quote from: TWS on May 14, 2023, 01:56:34 PM
If you look very close in the one pic here with the lid upside down you can see what Ron is referring to.

I was going to say that was a great price until I saw the date posted.. :haha:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


This is the notched area on an original.
Initially the reproduction ones didn't have that, but they may now


Was that notch only on T/A AAR lids not A12s?
I just checked the one on my T/A and it doesn't look to have that.
I bought the lid used in around '95.  I don't think anyone made repo lipped lids by that time?


 @TWS    Appears one just popped up for sale on the FB group

Davey Loprinzi
Real AAR/TA air cleaner lid, proper 45° lip, and semi circular cutout at rear.
Professionally painted and ready to rip, just add your engine callout sticker, and boom, done.
Included are custom plastic washers, (non paint marring), and stainless steel wing nuts.
(Sale is for lid only, last pic is how I was running it on my Hemi 'cuda with an AAR hood.)
$275 plus the ride.
PM me if interested, with part description in message.
.         Doin It Southern Style


Thanks!  I'm not on Facebook, in case someone could help me out in making contact with Davey Loprinzi.

Update: had a friend check for me. Ad was posted 20 hours ago and it says sale pending 16 hours ago. Thanks for the heads up, but my search continues.