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Wheel lip moldings on Hemi Challenger

Started by Air grabbler, March 16, 2025, 04:39:34 PM

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Air grabbler

I have an unrestored and largely original (one exterior re-paint back in the 70's) Canadian export Hemi Challenger and two original build sheets that call out M26 wheel lip moldings, which I am lead to believe were not available on Hemi Challengers.

The strange thing is that while there are no wheel lip molding screw holes in the fenders there ARE factory holes in the quarter panels, and there have been screws in all of them.  In fact, there are several factory wheel lip molding screws still present.

The car is fairly well and uniquely equipped, and all indications point to the car being built with factory wheel lip moldings in the rear, but not the front.

Have any of you heard of other cars equipped like this? Or is it a factory goof?


The as-found original configuration of our 70 Hemi Challenger was exactly as you described.  We didn't have any screws left in the quarters, but the used holes were there.  No holes in the original fenders.  They had issues with the front fenders and the 15" wheels, which impacted the the WOMs as well.  That may have something to do with it.  They may have planned for a fix working, then gave up. Leaving the cars with holes only on the rear.  We left the WOMs off for our restoration.  I believe later Hemi Challengers were WOM delete. 

Air grabbler

Interesting.  When was your car built?  Mine was built 14 Jan, 1970.  So, not a particularly early car.