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Emergency Brake Pedal Doesn't Return

Started by money pit, March 23, 2025, 11:30:12 AM

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money pit

I bought a 70 Barracuda a couple of weeks ago. I'm fixing a lot of little things. I noticed the emergency brake pedal doesn't return when the parking brake is released. Is there a return spring that's supposed to pull the pedal up. I looked on Ebay and noticed on a 71 and up there is a return spring. Could I use the 71 and up pedal assembly?  I also noticed when I set the parking brake the mechanism doesn't pull the parking brake cable. I think the cables are rusted. The car is from Virginia and does have rust issues. Thanks


Sounds like the ebrake cables are siezed. The springs in the brakes themselves do most of the work. The small spring in the pedal mechanism wouldn't affect whether the brakes get released, it's more of an anti-rattle spring.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Can't use a 71 and up pedal they are different. 70 and older will work. It's been awhile but I think there is a spring in the pedal assy to help return the pedal. Also seized cables could be the cause for sure, I spray WD40 over the cabled front to back on a new to me old car to help if they aren't terminal.


Definitely agree that the cables are probably seizing up and on top of that the 70 parking brake isn't the greatest, which is why the 71 is different (better). Does the pedal click when you engage the brake? If not the small secondary spring for the ratchet has broken and then is likely missing altogether, if so you can get a kit to repair it at Megaparts, it includes a new grommet and return spring for the release lever as well.

money pit

I hear one or two clicks when I engage the parking brake. I noticed the cable doesn't move. I'll check out Megaparts.  Thanks

money pit

Quote from: EV2RTSE on March 23, 2025, 02:45:20 PMDefinitely agree that the cables are probably seizing up and on top of that the 70 parking brake isn't the greatest, which is why the 71 is different (better). Does the pedal click when you engage the brake? If not the small secondary spring for the ratchet has broken and then is likely missing altogether, if so you can get a kit to repair it at Megaparts, it includes a new grommet and return spring for the release lever as well.

Do you know where the return spring attaches? I looked online and don't see where the return spring goes.  Thanks


Not the greatest pics but these should help. Using one of those J-shaped pick tools will make installing the small spring a lot easier.

money pit