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1970 Plymouth Barracuda REAL FM3 Moulin rouge car

Started by MasonDaniel7, September 13, 2020, 12:28:41 AM

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I think more people know of/would want a FM3 car vs a M46 car :dunno:
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cuda hunter

I get that.  Seems pink is more popular than orange. But the ev2 I'm talking about was less rust.  way more options. 
This fm3 has no options aside from the minimalist option a93.  But it comes with a lot more rust.

I"m really only going on the pink color.  Not factoring in the scoops.  I get that no one cares about the scoops.

I personally think the a93 is cool as I own one.  But it doesn't have near the rust of this thing. 
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I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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cuda hunter

Pink is my favorite color but I don't lick cars.  So, Orange is my favorite color on a car.  Or black.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


The FM3 cars are pretty cool and have a following. I think it's just because Chrysler was the only manufacturer back then to offer such an off the wall colour. Everybody offered orange or green cars back then but not purple or pink. The following year though GM offered purple and pink on their pick up trucks completely missing the mark. I owned an FM3 car for almost 20 years and I can tell you it garnered a lot of attention (and made me a few bucks street racing doubters).