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Best Times You've Had in Your E-Body? ...... With Your Clothes On!

Started by Bullitt-, February 18, 2017, 08:14:34 PM

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Best Time You've Had in Your E-Body ...... With Your Cloths On?

This could be a Classic I Figure.. 

What comes to mind is the first time I took a young lady out in my Challenger. I'd been on some double dates but this was my first time out solo so to speak. It was the fall of '75 and I'd had the car only a few months. Really don't remember just how the date started but we were heading back toward our end of town when she scoots over to the middle to get closer, suppose she was on the console. I was doing maybe 40 & for whatever reason I gunned the 340, transmission downshifted and the poor girl went flying ass over teakettle into the back seat.. :Thud: 

Later that evening, I guess things were going pretty well, we found our way down to the local park sitting enjoying some Miller Pony's and other stuff in the back seat when she hollers out.. I look up & peering in the side windows are two of my Best Buddies. Now to say I was a bit pissed about that would be an understatement.. I jumped behind the wheel & left out in a cloud of burnt rubber.. Pretty Good Times we had back in the Day!  :D
.         Doin It Southern Style


1979 doing about 80 west on I94 coming over a hill that goes down and over the Missouri River in my 74 Challenger 440 6pack AT at about 11pm; just I crested the I discovered a highway patrol car parked on the side of the who hit his lights as soon as his radar hit me. I decided not to stop and opened it up, as I came to the bridge I looked down and saw the speedo passing 145, then looked back and noticed no one behind me. About then I begin to wonder when the last time I checked the lug nuts was. I backed off and continued home about 7 miles away.

2 days later while at work (an exhaust shop on main street), I was working on a car and heard "who owns that orange Challenger", as I begin to answer I looked over and there stood a highway patrolman but answered "its mine". He asked if I had been on I94 2 nights earlier, I hesitated and he said "don't worry, I cant do anything about it now" and then asked "what the hell do you have in it?". At that point I took him out and showed him the car which he liked. I told him that I was alone that night and would never do something like that with someone in the car. He said, "that's good" and as he turned to leave, he looked back and said "catch ya later"... 3 nights later he did...  :) I was doing 70 in a 55 but he cut me a break.

Good times!!
Mopar or no car!!!


Yes: Street racing my Challenger back in the early 80's. Too many stories to tell here and all of it illegal and I suppose irresponsible looking back. Crazy fun back then though. I trusted my life to belted tires back then and liked to run 3.23 gears. I wouldn't do it again though.

Cuda Cody

Some GREAT stories!!!!   :unbelievable:  I wasn't fortunate enough to grow up with these cars, but love hearing these stories.  My best memories are the trips across the country to find them and the great friends I've met because of them.  Some life long friends have come from E-Bodies.  :grouphug:


I was fortunate in that I got the Mopar bug early and got to see, ride, drive and build these cars when they were fairly new. I remember seeing them on lots frequently along with all of the muscle of the period. That said, it wasn't until relatively recently until I saw a real factory Hemi car, saw 6 pack cars, BB cars, TAs, AARs, super birds, etc but never a Hemi car. Once knew a guy who out ran the police in a 440 super bird and got off because the judge could not believe he averaged over 160 mph over a 70 mile distance; obviously not a aero enthusiast...  :D
Mopar or no car!!!

Chryco Psycho

I was out cruising in my 70 R/T 440 4spd on a stretch of highway notorious for cops & a 69 camaro pulls up beside me & gets on & off the throttle wanting me to go , I stayed cool until the 3rd time he did this , pulled it back into 3rd gear doing about 65 mph & Pegged the throttle but we pulled even for a few seconds until I realized the tires were lit as smoke was exiting my wheelwells so I  rolled off the throttle a little got traction & disappeared , then immediatly dropped back to the speed limit as I really did not want a ticket the camaro refused to pull up beside again .
Similar incident on the same highway with a car I built for a customer , also a Challenger but 71 440+6 auto , entering the highway on a merge ramp & A Muttstang trys to slingshot & pass , my friend punches the throttle & it kicks down into second with the 6 pack wide open , the back tires went up in smoke &  the car got sideways again around 65 mph , the muttstang wanted nothing to do with it after seeing that & I believe my friend went home & changes his shorts , I know it scared him as his comment was something to the effect of Never letting that car downshift @ WOT again !
Most of the street racing was in my 440 Duster , it would run mid 11s with heater wipers stock seats etc fully street legal in the mid 80s it would even lift the front wheels on street tires at intersections
I could fill this sites server with stories !


Back in those days I worked out of town all the time and I liked to drive my car to work when possible. I regularly worked in towns called Fort St. James and Mackenzie which were 100 and 120 miles from home. I could make it home from Fort St. James in less than an hour and a bit over an hour from Mackenzie. There wasn't much traffic at night but I ran halogen low beams and aircraft landing lights for high beams, moose are really hard to see at night.
I guess that's what I with the hobby these days, back then I really drove those cars the way they were designed to be driven, "Vanishing Point" and "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry" didn't seem that far from reality back then.


Another story, this one about another fellow. This fellow bought a brand new FC7 R/T, Challenger U-code in Vancouver and drove it the 500 miles to my town the first day on his way home. He stopped in my town loaded up 3 friends in the car and took them for a ride where everyone noted the car hit an indicated 150MPH (column auto, 3.23 car). He dropped off his buddies and continued the other 100 miles on his way home, I guess she was fully broke in. That was the first day on a brand new car. BTW the story doesn't end typically, he still owns and loves that car and I don't think the engine has ever been rebuilt although sadly the purple succumbed to the primer problem and the car was repainted early in it's life.


In the summer of 79, I was out hunting with my 74 440-6 challenger and 2 gentlemen (we could call Yuppies today) pulled a long side in a brand new Corvette and started romping the gas and letting off letting me know that they were pretty confident in their brand new "sports car", I looked over, pulled the car down into low, tapped the gas which boiled the tires, then popped it back into drive. When they saw the smoke roll out of the wheel wells, they shifted into drive, looked straight ahead and went about their business like nothing had ever happened..  :)
Mopar or no car!!!

Chryco Psycho

I drove them too
you could really feel a superbird settle down around 140 MPH with the aero
I was over 145 MPH in my 71 Charger a few times in 3rd gear with one more to go
I have been 170 mph + for real
street racing was every fri & sat night for decades in the summer .
One night I was at the top end of the 1/4 mile writing down results of race after race , who won & by how much
when a guy asks who is winning , I did not look over my shoulder as I was watching a pair run  , after the race I turned to talk to the guy & it was a cop !!  :o  :sorry:  I am trying to figure out how to stop the next pair already lined up to run  :thinking: when he says relax I am only here to watch  :slapme5: , I did get a complaint & you will have to break it up for a while but I want to watch for a bit first  :woohoo:


Quote from: Chryco Psycho on February 19, 2017, 10:01:17 AM
I drove them too
you could really feel a superbird settle down around 140 MPH with the aero
I was over 145 MPH in my 71 Charger a few times in 3rd gear with one more to go
I have been 170 mph + for real
street racing was every fri & sat night for decades in the summer .
One night I was at the top end of the 1/4 mile writing down results of race after race , who won & by how much
when a guy asks who is winning , I did not look over my shoulder as I was watching a pair run  , after the race I turned to talk to the guy & it was a cop !!  :o  :sorry:  I am trying to figure out how to stop the next pair already lined up to run  :thinking: when he says relax I am only here to watch  :slapme5: , I did get a complaint & you will have to break it up for a while but I want to watch for a bit first  :woohoo:

:rofl: I am sure you about crapped your pants.... We never had the cops condone what we were doing but on more than one occasion they showed up and everyone turned off their cars (open headers); the cops said "we will be back in 15 minutes and you better not be here"...
Mopar or no car!!!


blown motor

Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel

Chryco Psycho

We were out cruising in my neighbors Superbird one day heading into town for parts at approx 100 MPH  there is a film crew filming next to the highway the Cameras swung around & filmed us going by  on the the way back we stopped to talk To them !! :stayinlane:
When I lived in Edmonton there were 2 brothers that had everything cool , one night we are cruising in my friends 69 Charger R/T which runs high 13s at the track , we stop at a light & a black 70 Charger R/T rolls up beside us the light goes green & we are both gone & the Black Charger just keeps pulling away  I notice the small Hemi badge on the trunk lid . we pulled over & talked for about an hour lifted the hoods & the Hemi had a vacuum leak & supposedly fouled plugs  :bricks:
On another night we are at the A&W & I hear a car open up & run through the gears so I am looking down the road but there is nothing , I hear the same car slow & open up again still looking & still nothing  I hear it slow & open up a 3rd time now I see the headlights coming our way , In pulls a WO coronet 4 spd with open headers , the first time I heard him run through the gears he was on the freeway over a mile away !! Later that night he runs a 70 super bee that runs mid 11x at the track & out runs him even on 6 " wide bias plys !! 
Were is the gear jamming smiley with rubber in all 4 gears .
One night I ran a 750 motorcycle block to block in my 340 S 68 Cuda  I hooked & left he was spinning ran 2 blocks or so he never caught up !
Same car I am cruising home & my friend comes up beside me in his Ram Air 3 GTO the light goes green & we are gone , stayed even until I hit 2600 rpm or so & I just put a train length on him , pulled over & asked what was wrong ,, he said he was power shifting trying to keep up just no contest ! ............


This is definitely a rated "G" post.

I believe the year was 2006?? I drove Topcat and RusTySE from Carlisle to the airport in Baltimore. Fun times guys.   :)