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BH23G0B113378 M46 Gordon's car

Started by cuda hunter, January 10, 2025, 07:49:31 AM

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cuda hunter

Hopefully with a little attention You, we (this site) can find your future car.

About the maroon primered car, I was told ( I thought) that Gordon took that pic.
I purchased the original scoops from Gordon (his choice) and they are that color primer.
Could that perhaps be pictures Gordon received from the original owner of the car? 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on January 10, 2025, 12:23:12 PMHopefully with a little attention You, we (this site) can find your future car.

About the maroon primered car, I was told ( I thought) that Gordon took that pic.
I purchased the original scoops from Gordon (his choice) and they are that color primer.
Could that perhaps be pictures Gordon received from the original owner of the car? 

The yellow car is not Gordon's car I am pretty sure. I made the joke of seeing it in its prime compared to primer lol. Those pics of the red primer are Gordon's car the pics that he took. But the yellow car I am 99.9% sure is not his. Now Gordon's car was supposed to look similar to that but I do not think it is that car. I haven't saw those pictures before and I feel like I would have saw those when get got it.


@kotakid94  glad you joined up! Sorry to hear your Dad had passed I don't think I knew that. Sorry to hear of your family issues with him. We were facebook " friends" for many years but then it stopped , I now know why. Just casually we would talk share a like etc... He did live a different life , sad to see is some respects. My mothers life was " troubled" also.  Like I say to people.... "you can't raise your parents" they are what they are, and good bad or indifferent we only get one Mom and Dad. 
To bad about his car and to hear it was crushed? Why? Any more details on that story?
I talk to Alan Lemon very infrequently on facebook as well, last I heard his health was not good. It's been quite some time since I had heard from him.
He sold me a Milodon gear drive for my 451 that still going strong today. Sure was a fun group back in the day...... makes me sound old? LOL
Take care and reach out if we can help you in any way?


Quote from: Brads70 on January 10, 2025, 01:05:24 PM@kotakid94  glad you joined up! Sorry to hear your Dad had passed I don't think I knew that. Sorry to hear of your family issues with him. We were facebook " friends" for many years but then it stopped , I now know why. Just casually we would talk share a like etc... He did live a different life , sad to see is some respects. My mothers life was " troubled" also.  Like I say to people.... "you can't raise your parents" they are what they are, and good bad or indifferent we only get one Mom and Dad. 
To bad about his car and to hear it was crushed? Why? Any more details on that story?
I talk to Alan Lemon very infrequently on facebook as well, last I heard his health was not good. It's been quite some time since I had heard from him.
He sold me a Milodon gear drive for my 451 that still going strong today. Sure was a fun group back in the day...... makes me sound old? LOL
Take care and reach out if we can help you in any way?

As far as I know it was not crushed not sure who said that. I know he did something he probably shouldn't have like cutting out a bunch of structural metal with no reinforcements on a gravel for none the less. Knowing that I knew it would take some work to get the body square again. If he fell out of touch with don't feel bad that is the way he did most people in his life. Hence why he died alone and broke. It would be easier for me to feel sad about had he not been a stranger pretty much.

Probably makes me a bad person but I cared more that car than I did him. It was supposed to be mine after he passed he sure was not going to let me have it had he ever restored it. I know this because he had a white and a black 70 Challenger at the same time (fun to pick the color you want to drive that day). My sister was at driving age and she wanted the white one. He sold it and bought her a 90 Dodge Daytona...

I believe I used to live next to Alan Lemon is it up in the Graysville area of Birmingham? He had a ton of E body stuff but I only met him once or twice. Gordon talked with him mostly. I always wanted to go back to AL and see the secrets that Gordon told me that Al told him he had that Gordon saw. 


"Always wished that car would be mine some day but then I found out he sold it and was crushed." I took this to mean kotakid was emotionally crushed that Gordon sold the car, not that the car was crushed?
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


Quote from: kotakid94 on January 10, 2025, 01:29:58 PM
Quote from: Brads70 on January 10, 2025, 01:05:24 PM@kotakid94  glad you joined up! Sorry to hear your Dad had passed I don't think I knew that. Sorry to hear of your family issues with him. We were facebook " friends" for many years but then it stopped , I now know why. Just casually we would talk share a like etc... He did live a different life , sad to see is some respects. My mothers life was " troubled" also.  Like I say to people.... "you can't raise your parents" they are what they are, and good bad or indifferent we only get one Mom and Dad. 
To bad about his car and to hear it was crushed? Why? Any more details on that story?
I talk to Alan Lemon very infrequently on facebook as well, last I heard his health was not good. It's been quite some time since I had heard from him.
He sold me a Milodon gear drive for my 451 that still going strong today. Sure was a fun group back in the day...... makes me sound old? LOL
Take care and reach out if we can help you in any way?

As far as I know it was not crushed not sure who said that. I know he did something he probably shouldn't have like cutting out a bunch of structural metal with no reinforcements on a gravel for none the less. Knowing that I knew it would take some work to get the body square again. If he fell out of touch with don't feel bad that is the way he did most people in his life. Hence why he died alone and broke. It would be easier for me to feel sad about had he not been a stranger pretty much.

Probably makes me a bad person but I cared more that car than I did him. It was supposed to be mine after he passed he sure was not going to let me have it had he ever restored it. I know this because he had a white and a black 70 Challenger at the same time (fun to pick the color you want to drive that day). My sister was at driving age and she wanted the white one. He sold it and bought her a 90 Dodge Daytona...

I believe I used to live next to Alan Lemon is it up in the Graysville area of Birmingham? He had a ton of E body stuff but I only met him once or twice. Gordon talked with him mostly. I always wanted to go back to AL and see the secrets that Gordon told me that Al told him he had that Gordon saw. 

I went back and reread ...
"Always wished that car would be mine some day but then I found out he sold it and was crushed."

I miss read you were crushed , not the car  :-X  I don't drink, honest!  :)
Alan and Peggy live in/near Cullman for as long as I have known him. I remember when the tornado destroyed a lot of Cullman and Alan posting that he was ok, damage a couple sheds but cars were ok. May 16 2024 was his last post on facebook?


Robert Allison is in the Cullman area and helps to put on the Mopar show in that area.  He does post some on Facebook, so he might have some insight into the car.  Mopar weatherstripping is our specialty, but we offer a wide assortment of restoration products.


Quote from: Brads70 on January 10, 2025, 01:48:27 PM
Quote from: kotakid94 on January 10, 2025, 01:29:58 PM
Quote from: Brads70 on January 10, 2025, 01:05:24 PM@kotakid94  glad you joined up! Sorry to hear your Dad had passed I don't think I knew that. Sorry to hear of your family issues with him. We were facebook " friends" for many years but then it stopped , I now know why. Just casually we would talk share a like etc... He did live a different life , sad to see is some respects. My mothers life was " troubled" also.  Like I say to people.... "you can't raise your parents" they are what they are, and good bad or indifferent we only get one Mom and Dad. 
To bad about his car and to hear it was crushed? Why? Any more details on that story?
I talk to Alan Lemon very infrequently on facebook as well, last I heard his health was not good. It's been quite some time since I had heard from him.
He sold me a Milodon gear drive for my 451 that still going strong today. Sure was a fun group back in the day...... makes me sound old? LOL
Take care and reach out if we can help you in any way?

As far as I know it was not crushed not sure who said that. I know he did something he probably shouldn't have like cutting out a bunch of structural metal with no reinforcements on a gravel for none the less. Knowing that I knew it would take some work to get the body square again. If he fell out of touch with don't feel bad that is the way he did most people in his life. Hence why he died alone and broke. It would be easier for me to feel sad about had he not been a stranger pretty much.

Probably makes me a bad person but I cared more that car than I did him. It was supposed to be mine after he passed he sure was not going to let me have it had he ever restored it. I know this because he had a white and a black 70 Challenger at the same time (fun to pick the color you want to drive that day). My sister was at driving age and she wanted the white one. He sold it and bought her a 90 Dodge Daytona...

I believe I used to live next to Alan Lemon is it up in the Graysville area of Birmingham? He had a ton of E body stuff but I only met him once or twice. Gordon talked with him mostly. I always wanted to go back to AL and see the secrets that Gordon told me that Al told him he had that Gordon saw. 

I went back and reread ...
"Always wished that car would be mine some day but then I found out he sold it and was crushed."

I miss read you were crushed , not the car  :-X  I don't drink, honest!  :)
Alan and Peggy live in/near Cullman for as long as I have known him. I remember when the tornado destroyed a lot of Cullman and Alan posting that he was ok, damage a couple sheds but cars were ok. May 16 2024 was his last post on facebook?

I could have worded that better I see the confusion now not your fault. If he lives in Cullman that is not close to Graysville and where I thought he lived. Not sure when Gordon moved to Cullman if he did I was not made aware. Not surprising to not know though it would be on par with the course he took. Cullman is further North of Birmingham than Graysville so this may be a different person I am talking about that lived next to Gordon around Graysville. Could of sworn it had a Graysville address but google tells me that isn't right just says Birmingham. If that is not the same guy I don't know how Gordon managed to live next door to two E-body enthusiasts in Alabama.

cuda hunter

Regardless of specific location I know that Al said he knows of the car and it's whereabouts.   Worth calling him a few times.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter


Any info to add to this hunt that happens to be in your backyard? 

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on January 10, 2025, 04:38:51 PM@Bullitt-

Any info to add to this hunt that happens to be in your backyard? 

  I never saw the car but what I recall Alan told me was Gordon had cut a lot of metal off without doing proper bracing. He had to move it & I'm not sure where the car went but think it was somewhere in Georgia.   
.         Doin It Southern Style


Quote from: Bullitt- on January 10, 2025, 08:26:04 PM
Quote from: cuda hunter on January 10, 2025, 04:38:51 PM@Bullitt-

Any info to add to this hunt that happens to be in your backyard? 

  I never saw the car but what I recall Alan told me was Gordon had cut a lot of metal off without doing proper bracing. He had to move it & I'm not sure where the car went but think it was somewhere in Georgia.   

Who had to move it, Gordon? As soon as I found out he did not do bracing I pretty much knew that car would be a chore to restore and get square. Last place that I knew Gordon lived was in Valdosta, Georgia before he passed. Then he sold the car from there and it went to Florida from my understanding. Being there when Gordon picked it up in the late 90's I would like to see what happens to it.

Had some things to do today but I plan on calling Al, would he rather be called Al or Alan on the phone? Is everyone sure he is from the Cullman area? Because the odds of Gordon living next to two different E body guys are slim I would think especially in that small of an area between Graysville and Cullman. They weren't in Graysville it was to the East of Graysville but further South than Cullman. But Gordon not telling me he moved to Cullman would not be the first time he moved without saying anything.


Apparently he did tell me he was moving to Cullman so I did not live next to Al and he did live next to two e body guys somehow...

I guess I blocked it out of my mind because in the same email he tells me his wife took every bit of money he had and the divorce should be final soon. Tells me that he had a new girlfriend that he was going to marry named Teri. Which this was while he was overseas so he either never met her before or was cheating on the wife that he was divorcing before hand. Lines up with what he did to my mom cheated on her and the next wife. Honestly I lost count of the number of wives Gordon had. He couldn't find someone to put up with him like my mom did.

***suicide warning trigger***

If you all want to stop feeling so sorry about his death the reason I did not cry was not because he cheated on my mom. Whenever I was 10 (about the time he had just got the Barracuda) Gordon and I had a fight in the living room. Cannot remember exactly what it was about it might have been about him cheating on my mom. The thing I do remember is him saying to me "you want to me get the gun and shoot myself in front of you?". That night my mom and I left for my grandparents house while he was in the shower. That image still places like a video tape in my head of him saying that. He was a father not a dad there is a difference. I learned how to be a dad from my mom. She had to play both roles because he refused to. Gordon showed me how NOT to be as a person in general but especially as a dad. Having lived with him for decades I can tell you whatever Gordon you knew was a chameleon just waiting to reveal his true colors.


@kotakid94 All I have ever called MoparAl is Alan, he has lived at a Cullman address around 20-years now, actually closer to Holly Pond. Gordon lived next door for a relatively short period of time, I'd guess 3-5 years.
 Gordan had to move the car when the woman whose property it was on had enough of him from what I was told...
.         Doin It Southern Style

cuda hunter

Yep, he lived there for a little while.

Glad you have seen the bad and learned from it and will not repeat the unfortunates.
You're kids will be so much better prepared.  Congrats to you.

Have you perhaps tried to call the dealer that had the car for sale.  Maybe the car wouldn't sale and it is sitting behind the car sales barn in Florida. 

  Alan likes to be called Alan mostly.  Lots of memories with ole Al.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee