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Looking for garage parking ideas.

Started by nsmall, July 22, 2018, 11:10:39 PM

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72 Challenger

One of my to do things this past weekend was to measure for a lift. I have 9 feet of ceiling. Since I wouldn't want two Challengers I decided to look at all the mopars I want to own and took the highest one. It was a duster. I couldn't stack a duster and a Challenger with a lift with such a low height. So I had to put that idea to rest for now.

I still want a second car. I asked my parents to use their 2 car unused garage but they are planning to downsize to a condo next year.
Someday I will have a J0b.


I'm just saying my idea worked great for 10 years I could put it an inch away from the car without touching it.  I wouldn't want anything leaning up against it a matt or raft.  Plus it's cheap.  Wish I would have taken a picture. 


What about making or buying a larger version of this?:

Or how about this?:

Or two down the side. Or three with one in front.

Have it right against car. When you drive it hang/clip them up. When you get home and out of car, pull them down against car cover (you should have padded car cover too)

Spring Fling April 2024 Woodley Park, Van Nuys CA, 600+ Mopars, 175+ all Mopar swap, Malibu Cruise, Mopar Cruise-In: Date comming...


That's exactly what I was talking about.  Hang an inflatable raft from the ceiling at the door height.  Move it out of the way when you need to.


I have a similar situation, I get one half of the garage, the misses gets the other half.  So on my side, I cleared all the stuff that is closest to the wall.  This way I can pull the car in as close to the wall as possible.  Buy a good car cover!  Not some cheap sheet-like thing, something thick and durable typically made for outdoor use.  I supplement the car cover with some old soft blankets hanging over the car, under the car cover.  Maximize the thickness of those blankets where a car door might open.

For storage, on that wall where you've pulled the car closest to, go get shelf standards and cantilever shelf brackets and install a shelf or shelves on the wall above the roof of your car.  Plastic bins or boxes on the shelf work and prevent things from falling off the shelf. 
'72 Challenger
'13 Challenger


Same problem with space here except standard 3-bedroom 2 bath ranch style house with 20 x 25 garage. Problem is the welding bench on wheels, ac/dc Lincoln welder, Miller Pro 180 mig with argon bottle on cart, three Craftsman roll away tool chests stacked two-high each, two extra engines, Harley all squeezed in. The front guest bedroom shares a common wall with the garage. Seriously thinking about opening it up to be a work shop and storage for the tools and Harley.  The guest  bedroom conversion would be very convenient and secure. When I tackle a big job I move all the stuff into the bedroom anyways. Might as well expand the garage. In retrospect I should have done in many years ago when my son moved out.


I'd get as much off the floor in the garage as possible. Then I'd have people in the passenger side of the van get out before entering the garage. I'd trust myself opening the door of the cuda. I'd pull the cuda in as far over as I could but I wouldn't jack it up and slide it over, I feel like I'd use the car even less with the thought of having to do that each time. Maybe I'm just being too simple but oh well.

If you're dead set on putting something up, I like the inflatable raft idea. I've also seen clear curtains or you could always buy one of those bubble car capsules. Keep the car encapsulated and protected all in one  :bigthumb:


Do you have any room on either side of your house big enough to build ?

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: 72 Challenger on July 23, 2018, 10:15:19 AM
One of my to do things this past weekend was to measure for a lift. I have 9 feet of ceiling. Since I wouldn't want two Challengers I decided to look at all the mopars I want to own and took the highest one. It was a duster. I couldn't stack a duster and a Challenger with a lift with such a low height. So I had to put that idea to rest for now.

I still want a second car. I asked my parents to use their 2 car unused garage but they are planning to downsize to a condo next year.

What does the roof look like as opposed to the ceiling?  If your close to the roofline then your done but if the roof is peaked above the garage stall it may be possible to raise the ceiling.... Could be worth talking to a contractor.... Buddy of mine had it done, picked up 20" for a cost of about $3K...

Rich G.

I have car dolies I use for long term projects to slide the car over. Jacking it up to put them under the wheels all the time might be a pain unless you went for the ones that slide on the wheel and have individual pumps on the dollie so you wouldn't have to jack up the rear and put them on. I've never used that style since they are a bit pricey but if thats your only option you might want to go for the better ones


Wow.  You folks are awesome!!!!

  I cant put in a lift, there is a large beam going sideways in the garage.  I cant build another shop or garage because the lot I live on is small. 

But you all gave great advice.  I will try a variety of your ideas. 

I have a huge house so a lot of the crap out in the garage needs to find a new home inside.  Unfortunately I have to park it on the side it is on as the garage door to come inside the house is on the other side of the garage, so the car will be have a better chance of being left alone on the side it is on. 

Thankfully the vans door slides with the van so the only real concern is the passenger (my ol lady) opening her door too far. 

But now I have a ton of ideas, so thank you very much.

You guys rock, I am so thankful for this site and the amazing advice you all offer. 


I spent two days working on this issue.

This is my wifes spot.  Little messy.


I moved the three cabinets that were on the side of the garage where I park.  I now can back in with 100% confidence of not side swiping my car.  I also have enough space to get out.  The car is on the side of the garage where there are no doors. 

My wife now has tons of room to pull in and open doors and not worry about hitting my car.

THANKS again everyone as you helped me envision this and now I dont have to cringe when we enter the garage.  I still need to remove the shelves and ladder.


Looking at the shelving near and above your car, might give a little thought for earthquakes?


How do you get out? Or maybe you just sleep in there?  :rofl: