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Does this look correct? Distributor install…

Started by Jsand73440, September 09, 2022, 05:28:27 PM

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I verified that i was at correct TDC, by looking through the exhaust port. When i turn the engine crankshaft about 90 degrees past TDC, the exhaust valve starts to open. I have the balancer mark right at the mark, and the distributor rotor pointing right at No. 1 cylinder.
Are these positions correct for initial install of the distributor?


I always though #1 on the cap was down low, next to the clip ?
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Make sure the distributor drive slot is parallel with the camshaft at TDC compression stroke #1 cylinder. Then install distributor and turn the distributor housing until the rotor points at the #1 distributor cap position. Should fire right up.


I have the slot parallel to the front of the engine. My bad, i thought that was the way it was supposed to be. I will reposition the slot. Thanks for the pictures, they were very helpful.


I think i have it now. How does this look?


Close. This info is also on your FEBO posting. Vacuum advance toward number 1 and number one on cap just past distributor cap clamp.  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...