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Help me LA'ify my soon to own 5.9!

Started by kawahonda, August 21, 2019, 02:38:00 PM

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I'm picking up a 5.9 soon. It will be a 408 with LA-X or EQ heads (LA bolt pattern). 400 HP build w/ stock manifolds. Many more HP if I decided to put headers on it.

I'll need a nice list, with some good recommended specific parts to get in order to "LA-ify" it. The only thing I am willing to pull from my 340 is:

1) Exhaust manifolds
2) Power Steering pump w/ brackets
3) Alternator w/ brackets
4) Air cleaner
5) Distributor w/ wires

My 340 will go on a stand without these items as I "clean", "reseal", and "repaint" it. Then vacuum seal it for storage.

What I already have:

1) Mopar performance water pump
2) LA340 intake
3) Carter 440 AVS
4) Felpro gasket set

Everything else I would like to build fresh without cannibalizing my 340. The things I know about that I'll need to get...these can be reproductions as long as the fit/finish is good:

1) Oil pan
2) Valve covers
3) The dreaded driver's heat shield
4) V-belt pulleys
5) Timing cover

Others? Harmonic balancer? T-stat housing? Other things I don't know about?

I figure that many members may have lots of spare stuff sitting around that could help. If not, I'm curious which specific model/brands you'd recommend so I can start to create a build list.

The idea is to mimic the 340 to the T, aside from the part stamping on the side of the block which will give it away. :)

1970 Dodge Challenger A66


ran across this article I thought you might get something from

Never would have guessed the LA valve covers would work on a Magnum

everything I've seen on using LA heads on a Magnum says oiling for valve train requires some extra work.......
.         Doin It Southern Style


"everything I've seen on using LA heads on a Magnum says oiling for valve train requires some extra work......."- that's because the LA motors oil via a oil passage in the block that connects to the heads, while the Magnums oil via the push rods, a la Chevy. You can work around it by using AMC lifters that're configured to oil via the push rods. You'll need the specific push rods as well. I bought both from my local Chrysler dealer. Good luck  :cheers:
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"


Only applicable if using Magnum heads. I'm will be using LA bolt-style pattern heads. That means I should be able to bolt up stock LA 340 valve covers with no issues, and heat shield. and everything else. Yes, I will need to use magnum valve train, which is already in scope.

What this thread is about is all about the outside. Don't think too deep here fellas. :)

I will be selling the magnum heads.
1970 Dodge Challenger A66

1 Wild R/T

What your buying is a roller 360... Not a 5.9, not a magnum... It's one of the last LA engines...


Randy, let me know what i need to replace on the outside (builder is already taken care of internals) to make it resemble a 340.

I suppose I could ask him all this stuff, but I like to ask both parties and compare notes.

1970 Dodge Challenger A66

1 Wild R/T

You've got an intake, apparently you don't plan to use the heads even though they are the best flowing iron LA heads Chrysler made...  Port them & run them... :alan2cents:

You have an intake & carb, use repo 340 valve covers... Use you original exhaust manifolds cause they have the "Look"...

Stock pulleys & brackets... Stock Air Cleaner.. 360 center sump pan... Stock timing cover... Paint it orange & nobody will know... Till you let the cat outta the bag... So don't... Smoke'm & leave them scratching their head..


1970 Dodge Challenger A66


I have done this, using the EQ heads drilled for LA intakes.  You will be pleased.  I didn't bother with stock looking for my project (other than to maybe fool people into thinking it is an LA, but I do have an alternator bracket for A/C cars if you need.

1 Wild R/T

Yup, your right.. My mistake... No 308 heads & the block may or may not be drilled for oil to the heads/rockers on L/A style heads.... If you haven't bought it you might want to hold off for a 89-92 engine with the 308 heads... With a magnum block the only issue is if it doesn't has the oil passage for LA heads... A machinist can add it but it's easier if it's already there...

Where's Neil, he might know if the passage is drilled on a 94 Magnum...   @Chryco Psycho

Chryco Psycho

The 308 heads are LA style so they use shaft rockers & are drilled for oiling for Shaft rockers , 94 up use Magnum heads & pedestal rockers , the 94 blocks are not drilled for shaft oiling


The one I'm picking up is a "mid 90s" 5.9 Magnum. $250, complete, and is a "runner".

Already got a trailer and everything. My engine builder told me to go right ahead. Picking it up Sunday.

The stock heads, regardless of what year, is not apart of the build. I already got something special planned for that. Sounds like depending on the year, mine may need some "drilling" for oil?

Whatever it needs, my engine builder didn't mention any problems with the year and gave me the go to go get it. Took 3 weeks to find a "roller" 5.9 btw! They are out there...gotta be ready to jump when the time comes.

Hopefully all this still meets my goals of creating a totally-stock looking LA block from the outside. I would think my engine builder would have already raised a flag if not...always good to check in with you guys though.

Sorry for terrible pictures. Guy doesn't know how to take pictures obviously, but it looks pretty sound. He's guessing it has 100,000 miles on it. Pulled out of a wrecked 2500. Been sitting in his warehouse for 2-3 years, so it's pretty dusty.

If you guys think this is a bad idea, let me know. EQ or Indy-X will be builder has been very hot on EQ heads recently for the $/performance. He's got a guy lined up that does phenomenal port work.

@Chryco Psycho , @1 Wild R/T
1970 Dodge Challenger A66

Chryco Psycho

I don't see it as a bad idea but it is not going to work with what you want to do , you cannot put LA style heads on a Mag block


Quote from: Chryco Psycho on August 24, 2019, 10:03:00 AM
I don't see it as a bad idea but it is not going to work with what you want to do , you cannot put LA style heads on a Mag block
Not LA heads... Magnum style heads with intake bolt holes drilled to fit LA intake
.         Doin It Southern Style

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: Chryco Psycho on August 24, 2019, 10:03:00 AM
I don't see it as a bad idea but it is not going to work with what you want to do , you cannot put LA style heads on a Mag block

I wouldn't say you can't, but the oil holes need to be there... And that's probably 8" of cast iron per side to drill through & you've got to hit the mark dead on after drilling 8"... Not an easy task...

I spoke to my buddy who owns a machine shop yesterday & he sez some of the early 5.9 Magnums had the oil passages so till the heads come off I wouldn't venture a guess of whether the holes are there or not... 

Worst case scenario you run magnum heads & put L/A valve covers on them...