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Started by automate33, April 10, 2017, 01:36:53 AM

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Hi guys,

do you know where i have to plug the N95? Do you have scheme?

Thanks in advance


What year is your car?
I'm guessing 1971?


challenger RT 340 1971 :-)

Cuda Cody

@automate33  I might have the diagram at home.  I'll check after work.  You're wanting to know where the vacuum hoses go, right?


thanks Cody!

Yes I would like to know where the vacuum hose go..

On carburator?
On breather cap?

If you have pics?

thanks Cody

Cuda Cody

Don't let me forget to upload it when I get home..... I think I have a good reference from 1973 that will help.  This might not be correct for your application, but I'll get it uploaded anyway.


i have this scheme..

but i don't understand where goes hoses..

Cuda Cody

If it's a vacuum hose it would need to get vacuum from the carburetor, right?  If it's a vent hose it would most likely vent back to the air cleaner or breather on top of the valve cover.   :huh:  I've not done a 71 340 before, but looking at the diagrams that's what it looks like it does.

Quote from: automate33 on April 11, 2017, 02:11:25 AM
i have this scheme..

but i don't understand where goes hoses..


I looked into this back around 2009.  I'll have to dig up my notes on the topic sometime and post them here in the reference section with a lot of pics I've saved.

N95 is California Emissions, but that means different things for each year.  It was always changing.  That's why I asked what year your car was.  There's always a chance the someone could have previously installed an incorrect part. 
Does your car have an automatic transmission?
In 1971, NOX wasn't required on the high performance California cars.  383 four barrel and bigger didn't require them.  198, 225, 318, 340, & 383 two barrel did require them. 
The Dodge literature says Challenger R/T doesn't require it, but it's been on every 1971 N95 340 I've seen.

The Factory Service Manual is the best source of info.  I think there was a separate Body manual and Chassis manual for 1971.  You want the Chassis manual.

Your parts book diagram there should be correct though.  See if you can zoom in or print it out and use a magnifying glass.
Short vacuum hose comes off carburetor to a T connector.
The straight portion of the T connector has a vacuum line running to the NOX thermal switch on the firewall.
The 90 degree angle portion of the T connector goes up to the air cleaner snorkel valve.

I don't think it requires vacuum to operate.  It's more like an electric switched vacuum leak, to prevent the vacuum controlled portion of the air cleaner from functioning.
The wiring harness also connects to another vacuum solenoid on the engine which works similarly as a controlled vacuum leak for the distributor vacuum spark advance.

The 1971 system includes a special camshaft with more valve overlap, a 185 degree thermostat, a vacuum solenoid on the engine, the thermal switch on the firewall, the wiring harness which is integrated in with the neutral safety switch harness, and some special transmission parts.  There were 2 different setups available depending on manual or auto trans.

Manual trans = a switch on the trans sensed what gear the car was in. any gear below high gear made a solenoid cut off the vacuum from the carb to the distributor vacuum advance unless the temperature sensor indicated the underhood temp was less than 70 degrees.

Auto trans = similar to above, but used a speed sensing switch inline with the speedometer cable at the trans.

Cody's  1973 OSAC picture is not for you.

Here's a simplified picture from a 1971 book.


To explain from the beginning :

I bought my Challenger in Philadelphia. Former owner thinks she sold new in Philadelphia in 1971.
The fender tag is in bad shape and one code wasn't totally readable : 95...
I checked the 71 option list and the only "95" option is the N95 NOX.
Is it possible that my Challenger still had this option while not being a California car ?
Do you think it can be another option than the N95 ?

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: automate33 on April 12, 2017, 08:04:36 AM
To explain from the beginning :

I bought my Challenger in Philadelphia. Former owner thinks she sold new in Philadelphia in 1971.
The fender tag is in bad shape and one code wasn't totally readable : 95...
I checked the 71 option list and the only "95" option is the N95 NOX.
Is it possible that my Challenger still had this option while not being a California car ?
Do you think it can be another option than the N95 ?

Pay attention to the location of the code. they are in alphabetical order & read from the bottom to top so N codes are between L-M codes & P or R codes... N95 was sometimes ordered by servicemen knowing it was possible they would be transferred to California & not wanting to get hassled bringing a non-compliant car into California... 

Cuda Cody

 :iagree:  Super easy to know for sure.  All the codes are alphabetical order.  If you want to post a photo I'm fairly sure we can help you know for sure.

1 Wild R/T

Another thing, sometimes a code that is difficult to read is much easier to read from the back side of the fender tag....


It's also not unusual for military servicemen being discharged, to pick up their new vehicle when they arrive in California, and then drive it to whatever state they call home.

Another thing that happened was for new cars on the lot in California to be shipped to other dealerships outside of California.  If the car sat on the lot for a while and wasn't selling, send it somewhere else.   This is one way that cars intended to sell new in California, actually sold new elsewhere.

If you post a pic of your fender tag, I'm pretty confident that we can tell you whether the code should be N95, and maybe tell you other interesting things about your car.  :)

The picture that you posted earlier of a NOX temperature/vacuum switch on the firewall is a picture of your car right?
That part only comes on N95 cars, so if you have that on your firewall, I'd expect to see N95 on the fender tag.


  Some great information here. My car has the n95 option also. Have always wondered if it went to California first or not. Still has the control unit on the cowl and the speed sensor on the trans. Had always wondered what that was?  The tag also has n98 beside the n95.  Not sure what that codes for.