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Stall suggestions

Started by Matt13, October 03, 2020, 09:00:05 PM

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Recommended stall for a 340 forged crank? Probably going to end up pretty close to original hp (320 max?)


It all depends on your cam and rear gear ratio, more so the cam  ?


Yes, the hotter the cam the higher the stall needed !!  That is the most important consideration not how much horsepower you have.   Also, is the car mostly for street or track ?

Most stock cars will have between 1,000 – 1,400 RPM stalls and generally, a 2,000 or 2,400-stall converter is a good choice for advertised cam durations up to 248 degrees. For advertised cam durations up to 268 degrees, a 2,400 or 3,000-stall converter is the way to go.

On my 360 i originally had in it a Mopar Purple 508 Cam which was right around 292 advertised...248 at .050 degree...   I was running a stall of 2200-2400 and it wasn't enough...when sitting at a red light in gear...the car would "surge" on and off...horrible...   Replaced it with a Lunati VoDoo 703 which is advertised 271-279 and 226-234 at .050 lift and no such problem with 2400 stall.   

As far as performance...with 3.23 Sure Grip gears and 14 inch will light the tires on take off so easy it isn't funny...  cant give it more than half throttle below 15 mph in first.   

Remember this you don't want more stall than needed...!!!!!  Not only are higher stall more expensive to buy, but, you also loose a lot of efficiency for gas mileage...  and it will run hotter.   


Excellent, thanks. My rear will be a 3.55 sure grip. Not 100% on the cam yet.

Chryco Psycho

Basically if the stall locks up before the cam is into the powerband you will have a dog as it will struggle under load to get into the powerband , so if the cam makes power from 2000 rpm - up you want at least a 2400 stall .