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Stupid!,Stupid!, Stupid!

Started by usraptor, February 07, 2017, 05:33:33 PM

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So today I'm trying to re-install my engine and transmission by myself.  I lowered the car down over the them and needed to push the engine back slightly to get it to line up the K-Fame bolts.  I raised the car up on the hoist, pushed back on the K-Frame and the engine and K-frame fell off the small dolly I had them resting one.  They fell approx 6 inches to the garage floor and while the K-frame took the majority of the impact, I still dented my brand new oil pan.   :pullinghair:  Anyway, I had to remove the carb and put the lift plate back on the intake to lift the engine back up with my cherry picker to put it back on the dolly.  So my question is, do I need to pull the oil pan and inspect the the pick up tube etc?  I really don't want to and I've seen worse dents in oil pans from hitting dips etc. but I don't want to ruin my new engine either.  I put a straight edge across the bottom of the pan and at it's deepest the dent measures 1/8" from the edges.   After today I'm about ready to throw in the towel on this restoration and sell it as is.  Lately it just seems to be fighting me at every turn.

Opinions please on the oil pan.


This is easy for me to say...Although I doubt that you hurt the pickup, I would remove the pan and straighten out the dent in your brand new pan and repaint it. Otherwise, it's going to bug you forever. Easy to do right now.  :alan2cents:

61K T/A

There's not much gap between the pick up and the bottom of the oil pan. Do you know what the spec is for your engine. Remove your drain plug and look inside but really do your self a favor and remove the pan and fix it.


Similar things have happened to most of us that work on these cars.    :bricks:   Best thing to do is just step back and have a break with your favorite beverage and evaluate the big picture and any suggestions that others will share. Easier to fix before it goes back in, but that is what you will have to decide. Better to just take a brake from it for a bit and admire what you have accomplished up to this point.   :drinkingbud:

Cuda Cody

First off let's think about how cool it is to be putting your engine back in your car!!!!!   :bradsthumb:  Great day!    :veryexcited:  So what big deal you got a dent in your oil pan.  It will make a little fun story about the car when you're cruising to get a burger on warn summer day.  You'll be like "silliest thing happen to me when putting the engine in this car.   :stayinlane:  It fell off the dolly and put a dent in the oil pan.  Had to pull the pan and make sure the pick up was okay.  Double checked it and everything was fine."

On a side note, I love using these for oil pan gaskets.  They are pretty much the same that all new cars use and it's soooooo nice being able to remove the oil pan and not have to scrape sealant.  And you can reuse them over and over.

Get the one for the stroker (4.15") even if you are stock.  I have 2 or 3 normal 3.75" stock stroke ones sitting on a shelf because they never clear a stock 3.75 engine.  I forget each time and order the wrong one.  :alan2cents:

Now take a deep breathe and relax tonight.    :drinkingbud:


Cody, my oil pan has a built in windage tray.  Are you saying to use this also?

Thanks for the words of encouragement everybody.  I know I'll feet better tomorrow.  It's just frustrating after you try and keep everything nice to do something so stupid.
My painter told me over the weekend we might get the car into the body shop this week or next to finish up the remaining paint work, so I was trying to get the engine and trans back in so it would be a roller.  Now, I'll just have to wait until it gets back from final paint to drop the engine again, take it off the K-frame and remove the oil pan and inspect, etc. 

Cuda Cody

Can you remove the drag link and take the pan off with the engine in the car?  Ask me how I know?  I HATE LEAKS!!!!!!!   That's why I went to the newer style windage tray.  Never had them leak yet.   :woohoo:

Cuda Cody

Do you have a photo of your windage tray?  Not sure what pan you are talking about that has them built in?  Originally they had metal ones with 2 gaskets (Pan,gasket,tray,gasket).  Like this:


Quote from: usraptor on February 07, 2017, 06:22:45 PM
Cody, my oil pan has a built in windage tray.  Are you saying to use this also?


Maybe you're right.  Been a while since I looked at it. I'll look at my old one tomorrow and report back.  It's identical to the new one.


I wouldn't take it to hard, I'd just fix it after enjoying that ice cold beverage. We've all had our brush with "STUPID". Mine was while putting the front end up on jack stands. While raising the front end with a floor jack and keeping my eye on the stands under the back axle making sure raising the front wasn't pulling the back jack stands forward, I didn't notice that the floor jack wheels were stuck in a crack in the concrete. You guessed it........the K frame slipped right off the floor jack and crushed my brand new aluminum radiator. Crap.....after reliving that I think I'll go have a cold one.
"Love those round taillight cars"


Can you put a suction cup on it and just pull it down?


Biggest thing is that no one got hurt. Having a good dolly is a pretty big deal doing that.
Nothing to do but drop the center link and pull the pan off. It will drive you crazy if you don't fix it.
As an aside, when I watch these car shows on TV and see the fake drama and unsafe work techniques I wonder if there are any safety regulations at all in the states. Up here those shops would be shut down for what they portray on TV.

Cuda Cody

That's not a bad idea.  My buddy has a magnet that is used for body work that pulls dents out that would work too.  They're special high power magnets that would pull that right out.  But I would want to see the pickup inside. 

Quote from: Cudakiller70 on February 07, 2017, 07:26:10 PM
Can you put a suction cup on it and just pull it down?


Quote from: Cuda Cody on February 07, 2017, 08:01:50 PM
That's not a bad idea.  My buddy has a magnet that is used for body work that pulls dents out that would work too.  They're special high power magnets that would pull that right out.  But I would want to see the pickup inside. 

Quote from: Cudakiller70 on February 07, 2017, 07:26:10 PM
Can you put a suction cup on it and just pull it down?
Gotcha @Cuda Cody. What about a small borecope snake camera that could go in from the drain plug?

Cuda Cody

Has anyone tried those little phone cameras?  I've wanted to buy one for awhile now, but not sure what one to get?  Should would be easy to drain the oil and put one of those in there.   :yes:  That's good thinking right there!