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Is the Forum working OK for you guys tonight?

Started by cataclysm80, September 18, 2017, 07:41:14 PM

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Is the Forum working OK for you guys tonight?

Most of the time tonight, my replies aren't posting, especially not if they include any pictures.
Sometimes I can reply without a picture.  (sometimes not)
Also having trouble modifying my posts.
One time I was able to post text and then modify the post to add the picture, but subsequent attempts have failed.
After clicking send, I usually get a blank white screen that never loads my reply into the thread.

A few times, even the Forum Home list didn't load any of the thread topic names.

It's practically unusable.
Is this just me?

Cuda Cody

 :o  Not something I want to hear, but I will be on the phone tomorrow with the hosting company to see if anything is going on. 

Cuda Cody

It's working okay for me, but I want to hear from anyone that is having any issues at all.  I will do my best to make sure it gets fixed.

Cuda Cody

The load averages look good.  The 1 spike was me doing a quick backup up of the site, but it shouldn't have made the site act different or anything. 

Do you have another computer, tablet, or phone that you can test for me?  Let me know if it acts up on a different device too?  I want to get to the bottom of this and get it fixed for you.


Maybe it's just me.  We'll see if anyone else replies. (assuming they're able)

Something else that I've been seeing (not just tonight) is that while I'm typing a reply, the animated smiley faces all freeze for a couple seconds, and while they're frozen, I'm unable to type.

Tonight during a reply, all the animated smileys actually disappeared, along with the text that I'd typed.  I was still able to click the post button, and luckily my text did post that time, so I didn't lose any of what I'd typed.

Cuda Cody

Glad you said something.  That has happened to me a couple times a few days ago.  I think it has something to do with out server.  But I'll find out more tomorrow.   :yessir:  I will get to the bottom of it.


Quote from: Cuda Cody on September 18, 2017, 07:48:56 PM
Do you have another computer, tablet, or phone that you can test for me? 

Good thinking!  I have several other devices that I could try, but my pics are only on this one.
I think the forum is working ok on my phone, but it's more difficult to type on that.

I have a ton of stuff on this machine, so maybe it's some kind of memory issue on my part.

I haven't run into any problems posting here in the Help section so far, only in the Electrical section.
I've taken to copying my typed text, so that if it gets lost after clicking Post, I can just paste it and try again.

Cuda Cody

If your computer worked before it should be fine.  We had some site issues about 2.5 weeks ago and we're still working through it.  Trust me, I will do my best to make sure it works for you.  Your contributions are very much appreciated.  :drinkingbud:


No issues here . . . Have you cleaned your cookies lately?
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


It sees to be working fine here. Will post this then followup.

Working here and no delays, instantaneous.


 :banana: everything seems alright here - I'll go back & edit and add a picture



Thanks guys!    It's working fine for me here in the Help section.   I went and worked on my 70 Road Runner topic in the General section, and that worked fine also.   Just tried going to the Electrical section where I was having problems earlier, and attempting to post my picture, and again got the blank white screen.
It seems to be only the Electrical section giving me problems tonight, though I couldn't explain why.
I'm still on the same machine.  Haven't restarted or tried a different machine or anything like that. (yet)


Here's a link to the topic where I seem to be having most of the difficulty.
+ the Forum Home screen occasionally loading oddly.


1970 Cuda Yellow 440 4 speed (Sold)
1970 Cuda clone 440 4 speed FJ5
1975 Dodge Power Wagon W200


Most things seem to be working fine again now, though I'm still on the same machine and haven't restarted it or anything, so nothing really changed here.
The one picture I was trying to upload still won't upload, but other images seem to be uploading fine, and typing/editing is working smoothly.