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What do you like most about this forum? (Possible changes coming)

Started by Cuda Cody, January 21, 2021, 05:30:43 PM

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What do you prefer we do with the forum?

I would prefer keeping the forum as it is even if it's slow at times.
25 (71.4%)
Let's drop some features and see if we can speed it up.
10 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35


Quote from: VCODE on January 22, 2021, 05:42:46 AM
Adding Pictures so easy.
I too do not go into Calendar, Gallery or Prize Shop
Thanks for looking into this Cody

Same here plus I don't look at member map hardly ever. 


My "go to" is the "new unread" link... my first click probably 90% of the time. 

When I go looking for past posts I made, I typically go back through my profile and then "show posts."   If there was a quicker way to do that, it would be mildly helpful.   This is not a major pain.

The search function works really well from the "home" page.   It seems like it's more limited if you're on one of the subtopic lists.  Maybe that's intentional, but I usually end up re-doing any search from the Hime screen if I didn't start there. 

Being able to post web links is really easy and useful. 

Although I don't need it as much now, all the tech information would be really helpful for anyone just starting so lease don't lose that stuff.

I am REALLY grateful that all of the political stuff stays off this forum.  I rarely go into FB anymore because the noise level is so high. 


Love this forum just the way it is! :bigthumb:  I would not change a thing. 



I see this as the reference forum in the future for restoring these cars correctly. That is the most important feature I think. The day to day forum stuff is good too and the civilized nature of it is a huge plus.


Quote from: Brads70 on January 21, 2021, 05:34:55 PM

What kind of features are slowing it down?  :notsure:

Seems like a logical approach to treat the sick patients, not the healthy ones. I could complain about the occasional slowness of this site but when it happens, I just move on and check back later. I'm thankful for this site and it's been great being a small part of it.


Quote from: Flatdad on January 22, 2021, 04:22:36 AM
Having no politics & zero tolerance for drama is pretty refreshing.

:iagree: "THE" best thing about this site in my opinion :alan2cents:
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Cuda Cody

Quote from: Brads70 on January 21, 2021, 05:34:55 PM
What kind of features are slowing it down?  :notsure:

That's the big question.  We can't seem to locate the exact reason the site bottlenecks sometimes and other times it works fantastic. 

Since the majority seems to be okay with the occasional slow downs, I think we'll just remove some of the smaller features that don't get used as much calendar and gallery, but keep the feature like easy to load photos and tagging (mentions).  We will not do any major changes based on all the replies here.  Thank you everyone.

Jay Bee

Quote from: Cuda Cody on January 22, 2021, 09:27:51 AM
I think we'll just remove some of the smaller features that don't get used as much calendar and gallery,

If, once removed, "some of the smaller features" make absolutely no difference with the occasional slowdown/bottleneck would you consider re-introducing them. On that note I'm going to check out the gallery again while I can.


So many good features . . . the attitude of the members and the lack of drama is what we strive for here.  Certainly no politics and please keep your religious opinions to yourself.  When Cody created the site, we set out to make the best site possible and we will strive to keep it that way.  Although I am down for a bit, still try to log on everyday and check on what everyone is doing.  Keeping the spammers away is challenging and I know Cody is more involved with that than I am . . so far it is working pretty well I think.  Once in awhile, one will slip through but the members report it and they are shown the door pretty quickly. 

I hope the forum continues to improve and the members enjoy the friendly atmosphere and information!  Big thanks to all that assist!

:bigthumb:  :ohyeah:  :cheers:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Not a fan of the 'welcome ad' that shows up when you click the first thread you want to view, but other than that I have no issues with the site.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill

Rich G.

If it ain't broke don't fix it! I don't have any problems the way it is.


Bills Auto Works

  As far as the "Nuts & Bolts" operation of the forum, I see no issues what so ever.  A saying I use frequently is " I ain't cheap, but I am easy" & I just can't see that taking a few extra seconds to load something as being a problem.

  I am heavily into politics, but like to think I am mature enough to know it doesn't belong on a car forum & I hate drama, so that is another plus of this group! 

  I am on many forums for 2 reasons...One Is for my business, but the other is because I love so many different "flavors" when it comes to cars & trucks. This forum is tops on the list & I enjoy it just the way it is.

  I am a first hand witness to a couple of other forums whos' owners/mods are very much lacking Codys' Integrity. One I was on years ago takes bribes to delete negative feedback about an advertiser that has screwed over members numerous times & another Major one is right now run by someone who is so immature that if you don't follow in lock step with his political views he not only targets you with unfair actions, but actually sends you P.M.s pushing his views & telling you that you are a lesser human, because you don't believe what he does!  Comparing these "real" issues with slightly slower loading times once in a while...I will take this place anytime!

God Bless


I completely agree with what others have said, Cody has created a fantastic site and I wouldn't change a thing.  Sure, if some rarely-used features were eliminated in exchange for speed increase that would be just fine, but I wouldn't want the tone of this site to change in any way.  This is one of my favorite sites because it is informative, low-drama, and focuses on what we all come here for - old Mopars!  I'm sure you'll make whatever decision is right Cody, and keep up the good work.

- Wade


Quote from: 750-h2 on January 22, 2021, 06:42:46 AM
Love this forum just the way it is! :bigthumb:  I would not change a thing.
I knew there was something about you that I liked beyond your excellent taste in motorcycles.  ;) X2 for me as well!
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"