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Challenger kills nine people....

Started by anlauto, January 30, 2022, 09:08:27 AM

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....but not without the help of an idiot driver  :looney:  Nine people dead in one car accident would be some sort of record wouldn't it ?
:pullinghair: :andyangel: :andyangel: :andyangel: :andyangel: :andyangel: :andyangel: :andyangel: :andyangel: :andyangel:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


A Challenger didn't kill 9 people, a reckless idiot driving a Challenger killed 9 people.
I have a 2009 Challenger and it isn't a threat to anyone as I am a safe and responsible driver.
That being said, Mopars are very popular among the carjacking gangbangers here and likely other areas of the country.  Challengers, Chargers, Durangos and Grand Cherokees are popular choices for them. Not just carjacking but stealing off dealer lots.  I'm not sure why but performance is a factor I'm sure.
It's sad our cars images get tarnished by these loser skids.


" cars don't kill people, people kill people" That saying sounds familiar  For professionally rebuilt door hinges...


Indeed it does and it reflects 2 different mindsets or ways of thinking.
Some like me believe people are responsible for their behavior and must be held accountable. Others think people are all fundamentally good at heart and if they do wrong, it's some thing, society or other outside influence that lead this poor innocent soul to sin.
Depending on which news report you see, it was either a Challenger or Charger that led this poor guy to speed and blow through a red light and cost him and others their lives.  Given the fact many call Challengers Chargers, it was probably a Challenger.  But they may have to sift through a lot of carnage to find a piece of the car big enough to positively ID it.  :andyangel:


Maybe when AI is commonplace we can start blaming mechanical/manmade things for hurting people but until then it`s always the humans fault.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

Chryco Psycho


Quote from: Chryco Psycho on January 30, 2022, 06:55:22 PM
Guns kills people everyday too  :rolleyes:
You're right Neil, but you can take a gun, load it, cock it and set it on a table, and unless somebody comes and misuses it, it'll be right there a hundred years from now, still loaded, cocked and sitting there. It wasn't just semantics that led JH27N0B to say what he said, it's just a reality. Funny thing, there were 1762 car caused deaths in Canada in 2019 and 743 gun deaths, yet you never hear any politician hollering for "car control", do you? Here endeth the sermon!  :cheers:
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"


Quote from: jimynick on January 31, 2022, 02:45:06 PM
Funny thing, there were 1762 car caused deaths in Canada in 2019 and 743 gun deaths, yet you never hear any politician hollering for "car control", do you?

Canadians don't license or register their cars?   :pokeeye:

Canada must just be a happier place.... America's 2019 numbers are much higher: 36,096 deaths in car accidents, compared with 39,707 deaths from firearms . The population is also 10X higher than Canada.


Interesting. Using the stats from the above two posts comparing  :canada: to the  :unitedstates: kinda shows that the CDN stricter gun control laws seem to work  :dunno:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Do we have any stats that compare the amount of accidents caused by high performance muscle cars compared to regular everyday transportation cars ? :burnout: :haha: :haha:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


I don't know if the government does, but I imagine the insurance companies have pretty concise data.
That more than gas shortages and new pollution control regs was what ended the muscle car era in the early 70s.
You might have been able to afford the car payments but not the insurance. Deal off!
I wonder how bad insurance is now on something like a Hellcat?  I heard stories when the Demon came out even old farts were getting quoted over $3000 for insurance.
I only pay $400 and change a year for my 09 R/T recreational use only multi car and homeowner bundle discount.
I see videos of lots people getting stupid leaving cruise ins, almost a cliche with Mustangs they end up losing control and crashing into cars, walls or even spectators.
But the real problem is an increasing number of people who have absolutely no regard for life, theirs or others, who think nothing of stealing a car and driving 100+ mph down urban streets, or shutting down a road while they drift with friends hanging out the window until they hit another nut in a car doing the same, or the spectators.  Or shooting at people wearing other gang colors or flashing gang signs, and often killing or wounding bystanders.
Always breaking a bunch of laws in the process, so the call to address these problems by passing yet more laws doesn't give me much optimism that us humans have evolved to being able to think beyond a simpleton level.


Quote from: anlauto on January 31, 2022, 05:34:12 PM
Interesting. Using the stats from the above two posts comparing  :canada: to the  :unitedstates: kinda shows that the CDN stricter gun control laws seem to work  :dunno:

Chicago has much stricter gun laws than many other areas but one of the highest murder rates, a lot of which involve guns.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

Skid Row

 :verymad: Gary Dean Anderson, Driver that ran the red light that killed 8 people and himself had a lengthy criminal history in the Vegas area.


Quote from: Skid Row on February 01, 2022, 04:50:14 AM
:verymad: Gary Dean Anderson, Driver that ran the red light that killed 8 people and himself had a lengthy criminal history in the Vegas area.
Gary Dean Robinson
.         Doin It Southern Style


The strict gun law's are were most of the murders take place. Chicago, New York and Philadelphia and on and on.   :headbang: