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Facebook alternatives, MeWe, Parler, etc. what`s good?

Started by torredcuda, November 12, 2020, 03:29:48 PM

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I don't know how you guys have time for all these different sites  :'(
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From seeing what friends of mine show me on social media, I don't have time in my life for the amount of ridiculous opinions and outright BS and  that social media fosters.
I agree they are killing forums though. An RV forum I used to frequent has no traffic at all anymore. Everybody moved to FB. Except me and a few others.

I'll bet in a while, everything you guys are moving to will be the same as what you left.  :alan2cents:
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Quote from: Chris Pauluk on November 16, 2020, 12:03:54 AM
I shared something that was proving election tampering and they slapped big disclaimers on everything and made it to where only I could see it, what is the point of all that

Can you post what you shared that was proving election tampering?  The conservative courts are not finding anything that team Trump/Giuliani is presenting as proof of tampering as being credible.


"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Just to add my two cents, Social Media will continue to evolve. At some point facebook will die. Will it be mewe or palour that kills it? Who knows. I couldn't figure out facebook for a long time after switching from myspace. I couldn't understand how it could replace myspace cause it wasn't the same. Turns out, I was not comparing it correctly. THey are different things just as Twitter is different.

Which to use is less about which is better, but which get's traction. So, where are all your "friends" going to? But also remember, this is a young persons game. It is less concerned with us older stablished persons that don't live on social media, but on the younger generation that does. So the next facebook replacement might not make any sense to us or may not be built yet.

I personally am tired of Facebook. It used to be fun. I didn't like using it with close friends or family, but more for old "friends" or friends of friends who it was convenient and easy to stay somewhat in touch. No it is a chore and everyone is bitching and has become a Lawyer, Political analyst, human phycologist, and experts in just about everything. No longer fun. Do I wish to recreate that on a different forum? Or do I want to tailor my "friends" to a specific belief? Nah. If that is what it has become, I think I'm done with it.


^^^^^ This. It was entirely for me to keep in touch with a wider range of casual acquaintances, former co-workers, and school friends. With covid this year, it actually was somewhat useful for contacts and the marketplace. But, the last  half dozen years has seen it is become a cess pool of partisan politics and conspiracy reposts by many.  ITs getting more difficult to wade through the mire. Although I do have to say things have actually calmed down quite a bit the last couple of weeks. I imagine after Dec 14 it will all blow up again.