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Has anyone heard from ChallengerHK?

Started by Cuda Cody, June 16, 2018, 02:56:47 PM

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Cuda Cody

Was thinking about him and haven't seen him post in awhile and just curious if everything is okay?  @ChallengerHK  are you doing alright? 

blown motor

He crossed my mind this past week also.  :dunno:
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel


Chryco Psycho

I sent a couple of emails with zero response  :notsure:


I apologize for disappearing, as I've done in the past. Too many things have slammed me, which I'll detail below. As many of you know, one of my other hobbies is science fiction, and in science fiction fandom there is a term, "to GAFIA-TE," which means "to Get Away From It All." Partly out of necessity, that's what I've been doing.

The first issue to pop up has been going on for a few years, but I didn't realize it was anything serious. When I was in Saudi I started stumbling, a lot. I thought it was just a matter of being tired, but after about a year of it I looked into it during one of my trips back home. At first I thought it was a neurological issue, but when I went to see a neurologist he sent me for an ear test to check my balance. My hearing was outstanding (which is surprising, given the AC/DC concerts, after which I couldn't hear for three straight days). After that I went to an orthopedist, and, long story short, the ortho send me back to a neurologist, this time with a tentative prognosis. (Each one of then, a total of 3 neurologists, 2 orthos, had to do their own X-rays, of course, even after I told them how many I'd had done already. Go, Barrycare!) So, it looks like I have muscular dystrophy.

What they tell me (assuming that they're telling me the truth, which is a big assumption) is that I have a very tame form. I didn't even know there were different forms, so that alone was eye-opening. As the last neurologist put it "You've probably had this since you were a teen, and you're just noticing it now." They seem to think that with some regular exercise, it won't become too much of an issue for many years.

That was about a year ago. So I started doing some light workouts, and I was exhausted, but I chalked that up to the fact that I typically don't work out. Two things happened simultaneously next.

First, I found out I was very likely going to lose my job. This is sadly common in my business (training design), as companies hire people for their projects, then, if they don't get new projects, they're let go. I've been through it a lot, and talked about it here and on c-c. That started a pretty stressful period of about three months where I was trying to find another position, still fulfilling the role I was in, which was very time intensive, and helping my employer put in some bids for more work.

During this period, I was not able to get up and fix a breakfast. I started getting a breakfast from the canteen in the office building where I was worker, which consisted of a bag of Doritos, a Snickers bar, and a Coke. I knew this was unhealthy, but I figured that, worst case scenario, it would last three months, and then one way or another I'd be back on my regular schedule.
Amazingly, my company came through, and landed another contract for me and the three colleagues who were on the same contract which was going away. Needless to say, that was a load off. Better yet, I was able to work from home, which was much better than trying to fight DC traffic.

After a few weeks of this, and a few weeks after I laid off my Snickers/Doritos/Coke breakfast, I started feeling constantly thirsty. I was drinking close to a dozen bottled waters a day, and it wasn't helping. In fact, the water didn't feel "wet" to me. At one point, three days in, I stuck my tongue in a glass of water and it felt like sand.

Back to healthcare, this time a minute clinic. The "maybe High School graduate" who was operating this thing took a blood sample and told me that I'm diabetic. I'm not sure I believe this, but in the meantime I've went on a very low carb diet in any event, and I'm going to go back and get checked again and see what the results are. However, part of the ramifications of the low-carb diet is that I don't have any energy to work out. Life is funny that way.

There are other issues, but those are really the things that have been keeping my focus elsewhere.

Chryco, I checked my spam filters and no emails from you. Not sure what the issue is, but believe me, you're one person I don't ignore. I need you to come up here and build me a motor after I get the car back :-)


Dave - Good to hear from you, sent an email also.
Be sure to keep in touch, nobody gets to slip out the back door, there is security in place.    ;)



Hey Dave. Sorry to hear of the issues. Hope you get the right steps to get fixed.  Finally had my knee replaced, I can do stuff I used to do more now.   How about posting some new pics of the car. You know how these threads are...   :needphotos:


Cuda Cody

Sorry to hear everything you've been going through.  Sounds like you've battle through and have better times ahead.  Keep your head up and let us know what we can do to help you.   :grouphug:

Chryco Psycho

I have the rest of my life off & the suggestion is I should do a North American Couch tour & fix everyones car while travelling the US & Can
Not sure what will come of the idea but the max time I can spend in the US is 180 days / year but name the time & I will be there to help  .
Sorry to hear about the medical struggles , I often wonder how much of this is related to GMO , Monsanto , Food additives , Hormones & general tampering with food is causing medical problems . Nice to live away from that finally  :cooldance:


Hey Dave.  :wave:  Good to hear from ya buddy...  Get with a real Dr., there's meds that will help..  Don't discount the psychiatric side of what your experiencing.. I know where your coming from... hard to get going when it all seems uphill... 

Keep us tuned in.  :cheers:
.         Doin It Southern Style



Keep plugging away Challenger HK. We get these tests every so often for some reason. When you brought up the thirst thing I thought Diabetes right away as I've worked with a few fellows that came down with it. Some of these doc's nowadays don't know much more than where to cash their cheque and it's hard to put your faith in them.


Could be worse  :andyangel: Glad to hear you're doing okay..
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Dave , hope your gonna be ok. I well aware of the turd sandwich that can come along at times. Hang in there brother.

303 Mopar

Good to hear from you Dave.  Life has a way of throwing us curveballs at times, but it sounds like you are managing this well and have a positive attitude.