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Herniated disc surgery

Started by 06Daytona, May 09, 2018, 06:58:05 PM

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Well, since most of these posts are lengthy, I,will be brief.....blew out a disc in 84, had the surgery, and now, its2018.  I know what my limits are, but pretty much, do what I want to. Just be careful, lift with the legs of course and you will be fine. Oh, I am 66 years old now too!


I'm scheduled for surgery on June 27th. I have an appointment with a neumologist on the 20th to check my lungs or something silly like that, then with a cardiologist on the 21st and on the 22nd with my neurologist then pre admission stuff on the 25th. Unfortunately it's a little over an hour away in a truck with broken AC and we're currently having 100 degree days. I also have to pick up a back brace before the surgery and put up with my wife's driving after the surgery


Good Luck with your situation!  I will pray for you!


Hope all went well for you.

Chryco Psycho


Hope all is well. Just follow the drs orders, don't stress, and you will be fine.


Everything went well with my surgery. They kept me overnight but I was on my way home by 10 the next morning. I have to stay in bed for the first week but then I can start moving around more and more. We went to my primary doctor this morning so he could check everything out and teach my wife how to properly clean and dress my back since they didn't do it at the hospital. All the pain is gone from my legs and I just have really mild pain at the surgery site but the doctor says it's normal


Great news. Anything to do with the back is always scary.

303 Mopar

That is great news! I hope PT goes well and you are back on your feet soon!

Chryco Psycho

That is great news , I am glad the pain is gone & you are on the mend !!


Sounds like they did a good job.  You do the therpy correctly, and you will be fine.  :ohyeah:


Just a quick update.

I'm feeling lots better. I'm only using the brace when I leave the house but I'm not doing anything strenuous around the house which means it all falls on my wife to feed all the animals in the morning and keep the house clean. I was supposed to have a check up with the neurosurgeon last Monday but storm cloud Beryl caused them to cancel the appointment so it's rescheduled for this coming Monday. I had x rays taken of my back last week and according to the xray reader everything looks good. My back gets fatigued after about 20 minutes of walking around when we go out so we keep the trips short and driving around in a Prius is not helping but my Ram scares my wife. I can't wait to wear real pants again because I'm stuck wearing stuff with elastic waistbands so keep pressure off the surgery area. At least I can play video games on the computer again for short periods.
That's about it


You will does just take time...........may even have a few spells of muscle spasms.  Key is to just relas and it will pass........enjoy the time not doing nothing....... you will have to catch up later...........and then...   :wrenching:

Jay Bee

Glad to hear that it all went okay. I can see myself going this route sooner than later. Please keep us updated as your progress continues. Thanks to everyone else that shared their experiences too.


Keep taking it easy thought I know it`s difficult. The worst part of my back surgery, other than the staff infection the hospital gave me, was the 7 weeks of doing nothing hanging around the house.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club