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Some People just SUCK

Started by js27, October 05, 2021, 06:45:04 AM

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I had some E Body parts for sale on Facebook and 90% of the people I dealt with are stand up guys. Over the last 3 years I sold $17,000.00 worth of my collection and had NOT ONE unhappy customer. Then you have the assholes. I had a guy named Mike from the E-body page on Facebook message me on a 2 piece fuel line cover for the Calif 70 Challengers or  for all the 71's. He defiantly wanted it and gave me very specific shipping instructions. He wanted shipped in a USPS Medium size flat rate box. I said sure no problem I had one on hand. So I tell him $ 30.00 for the part and $15.00 shipping. He said fine and would send me a US postal Money Order because he did not have Pay Pal. I said fine and then he wants me to call him. I said for what since he could ask me anything he needed to ask thru messenger. He said he wanted to talk to me to see what kind of guy I was. So I call him and he immediately in a cocky voice says  WHAT ELSE YOU GOT.I tell him only what I have advertised which for some reason he did not believe me. I told him I sold almost all my parts last year and just have some leftover. He wants to know what I sold. I told him I had some NOS trim pieces and he said I WANT THEM. I told him one guy bought all my NOS trim for like $ 1200.00 so he snaps TOO WHO I WANT HIS NAME. Really it was over a year ago. Then he wanted to know what else I sold and told him there was too much and too long ago. So we finish up that very weird call and I wait a week and message him if he sent the money order out. NO ANSWER. I wait another week and message him again--NO ANSWER. So after all that he did not even buy the part. Not sure if he is a member here but if you are and you read this --YOUR AN ASSHOLE and ruin this hobby.  Sorry for the vent but if your selling parts and a guy name Mike contacts you and is rude --BEWARE first name Mike--Phone Number is 304-797-0607!

1 Wild R/T


Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


And I thought you were being interviewed by the IRS.
1973 Challenger Rallye, 416 AT
2012 Challenger SRT8 6 speed Yellow Jacket

Challenger in NC

I remember talking with this guy a couple years ago while inquiring about some e-body parts. He talked a lot about his past cars and a current e-body he was restoring, he also had a hemi charger and he knew a guy in Texas that had his matching numbers block but he couldn't seem to work out a deal....anyhow, that was my one and only dealing with him. He definitely had an opinionated personality.

Filthy Filbert

I've dealt with the "I want you to call me" guys.   I've probably sold $25-30k gross in brake kits, and have had a few guys that said "You have to call me, I have questions to ask"   

sorry, you can ask me anything you want through FB Messenger, email, etc.   If you want to chat on the phone, you will have to call me.


Mike is "little detroit" on Moparts and he comes across as being a hot head.  He gets into pissing matches with Barry W and others from time to time there arguing about rebodies and repro VIN tags and such, which he seems to think are OK.
He deals in parts and his prices are sky high.  I think he was the guy trying to sell NOS cuda convertible quarters for 15K each and a NOS 71 Challenger grille for $5000 or maybe it was $6000 recently. 
When I retrieved my car from the restoration shop 5 years ago,  the reverse lockout linkage had seemed to have disappeared.  Brewers sold them but at the time had been on backorder for quite some time, and Mike said he had one to sell.  I checked it out at his table at the Indy Cylinder Head meet and it looked like it had been taken off a car pulled out of a swamp and he wanted something like $600 for it.  :unbelievable:
I was feeling desperate but passed on it.  Thankfully.  Several months later digging through boxes of old parts the restoration shop gave me back with the car, I found my linkage hidden in the bottom of a box!  No idea why they stuffed it into the bottom of a box rather than install it with the rest of the shifter linkages when they installed the engine and trans, I was sure they'd sold it off on me. 
Mike isn't a guy I want to do business with.


Sounds like all he wanted was find stuff to resell for 3x as much and faking interest in an item you had for sale was just to get his foot in the door. I don`t have a problem with flippers except when they lie top your face to try and buy something cheap only to jack up the price to resell - they are just A-holes!
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

Filthy Filbert

Quote from: JH27N0B on October 05, 2021, 10:58:30 AM
Mike is "little detroit" on Moparts and he comes across as being a hot head.  He gets into pissing matches with Barry W and others from time to time there arguing about rebodies and repro VIN tags and such, which he seems to think are OK.

Swapping body tags/stampings to pass off a worthless car as a 1 of 5 6-figure car is not ok.    However, what's wrong with reproduction VIN/Fender tags, door stickers, etc?


Actually the latest Moparts pissing match on the subject that he ramped up the fighting on, was a thread on a hooptie Challenger vert restmod and whomever did the work used Home Depot type rivets to install the presumably original VIN tag to the dash.  Barry pointed out that incorrect rivets can get a car into a pile of trouble in some states, which set off Mike aka Little Detroit who has no use for Barry. Cue days of our lives theme music.
Several pointed out their states such as Nebraska inspect new vintage car purchases and won't allow a car with incorrect rivets to pass, and I posted a link to an article that has been in the news recently about a Vette that Kansas is going to crush (!) after a poor guy bought it and it failed their inspection for wrong rivets and they won't even allow the car to be taken to another state that doesn't care about that.
I personally don't have issues with repro fender tags if they are made based on a cars damaged original tag, I have a repro on my T/A myself, but some including Barry think that's a sin.  I don't think anyone has a problem with repro door stickers.
And others think back halfed or even rebodies are ok, which is why these types of conversations usually turn into lively debates or more likely pissing matches.  In this case the thread finally was locked.



I didn't know Little Detroit was that big of a douche bag.

And guys like they are always hypocrites. He complains about low ballers and people that won't man up to his prices.
Spring Fling April 2024 Woodley Park, Van Nuys CA, 600+ Mopars, 175+ all Mopar swap, Malibu Cruise, Mopar Cruise-In: Date comming...


Here's the thread on the Challenger with hardware store rivets used to install the VIN tag that he got locked.


Quote from: js27 on October 05, 2021, 06:45:04 AM
Over the last 3 years I sold $17,000.00 worth of my collection and had NOT ONE unhappy customer.
Yes, people can be assholes....there's more out there than I like.

As one of the people that bought part (a small part) of that $17k in parts, you were a great guy to deal with. Mike must be a 'real piece of work' to get a transaction discussion with you to go sour like that.

"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Quote from: JH27N0B on October 05, 2021, 08:13:11 PM
Here's the thread on the Challenger with hardware store rivets used to install the VIN tag that he got locked.
Precisely why I don't go on Moparts any more and reading that type of thread makes me appreciate the moderators here even that much more  :worship: :drinkingbud:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


The old "what constitutes a rebody and is it legal" debate never ends and Barry and Mike are on polar opposite sides of it. 
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club