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Turkey and Covid?

Started by torredcuda, December 04, 2021, 04:10:11 AM

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Quote from: Skid Row on December 06, 2021, 06:57:54 AM
:thumbdown: I work for a public utilities company and was given no choice but to take the jab before the Jan. deadline.
A year and 10 months from retirement they held my pension as ransom. I've already had the covid(Feb.2020) as well as the Delta(Aug.2021) And had built up pretty good antibodies. Both Moderna shots
created the same effects as the Delta except for loss of taste for a short time. I Didn't need the shot!

You bring up the other issue that many have natural immunity but those pushing the vaccine refuse to acknowledge the fact, in many cases it gives you more immunity than the vaccine. Why is that - money, politics, control? To me it`s just another reason to not trust what they are telling us.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club

cuda hunter

Holding your retirement and pension ransom is WRONG. What this shows us is that money is indeed the root of evil.  So few can give up the promised retirement as life will be so bleak after working for 20 years and not getting anything more than actual pay for it.  It's all so wrong. 
  One of the greatest atrocities of this whole Covid thing is exactly this.  Not letting people work at their life long jobs because they won't get the jab. 
  We have become slaves to our work places. 

  I run my own business.  I make my decisions. 

  People like me are what the government are trying to destroy.  Small business owners.  We don't need their direction in our lives.  We don't except it.  We still view and consider, but the government has no place with small business owners. 
   Since 80% of America has already been vaccinated and another 6% is going to get vaccinated due to omi variant (bidens words)  it makes sense to me that most all of you are slaves to your corporate owners. 

  All so you can have a comfortable end of life.     

  I refuse to be a slave.  I will loose everything I have in order to keep my personal integrity and self respect. 
  After all, Everything I have is just stuff anyway.  My lord has taught me this. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

I did not intend to come off with the intention of pointing at any of you specifically. 
Take no offense to my first amendment rights. If you take offense, then it was deserved. 

Any of you, regardless of vax status are welcome to come over to my garage and talk ebodies.
I have multiple ones and we can have a great time and discussion about all things cars. 

Just sayin, by reading words it is difficult to understand just who people are.   
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Alright let's make sure we play nicely here guys .  .   :bigthumb:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


cuda hunter

Quote from: Spikedog08 on December 06, 2021, 08:12:10 AM
Alright let's make sure we play nicely here guys .  .   :bigthumb:

I wasn't trying to be a jerk.  I will straighten up. 

Gotta love bein an American!!! 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

70 Challenger Lover

I have always lived on the pessimistic side but it's served me well. I'm not one to get victimized because I ask questions and don't always accept what I'm told or shown. The first thing that comes to mind in most situations is what does this person/group have to gain from getting me to do something or think a certain way.

I retired in January after dealing with this stuff for more than nine months. It was a daily shit show and it became clear that all of us were simply making it all up as we went along just for the sake of appearance. In fact, during our daily meetings, my chief frequently asked, "what's the optics of this for us?" It was never about doing what we thought was right. Only appearances. I retired three years early simply because I knew this wasn't going away anytime soon and would affect me and my family more negatively each passing month. I could have received 40% more on my pension had I stuck it out to 55 but my sanity was worth far more. Seeing that things have indeed gotten worse out there, I know it was the best decision we ever made!

cuda hunter

A wise decision from a wise man. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: 70 Challenger Lover on December 05, 2021, 08:27:29 PM

Conduct this little experiment: talk to people who identify strongly as conservative or strongly as democrat. Ask them to provide a number of Covid deaths for people they know of to include family, neighbors, friends, co-workers etc. Conservatives will answer that they know of none or maybe 1 or 2. Democrats will answer 20 plus. I've even heard 50 once. Ask them how severe the disease was for those who didn't die. Conservatives will say symptoms were very mild for a couple days but democrats will always say it was the most horrible experience ever with the patient lingering near death on a ventilator for weeks. I've done this with lots of democrats I used to know in California and all the conservative people I've been getting to know in our new state of Tennessee. The results are always as I listed. How the hell can this be? Maybe the disease affects democrats more aggressively?

I conducted the poll as you described and got none of the results you got.

Asked 20 coworkers if they knew anyone that had died from covid.

14 democrats, most knew 0, 4 knew 1, 1 knew 2.  None reported knowing anything about severe, horrible experiences.  The 1 that knew 2 they were a couple, both already with conditions leaving them near death already.

6 republicans, 3 knew 0, 2 knew 1, 1 knew 2, same lack of knowledge of severity.

I challenge(r) others here to conduct this same experiment to see if anyone else gives answers at all like 70 Challenger Lover has found.

I'm highly doubtful your results will be duplicated 70 Challenger Lover.


I know at least three dead in my close circle. One of my friends in town died of it in three days. This was before the vaccine came out. He never made it to his monday doctor's appointment. They found him on his floor, dead over a weekend. He got it from hanging out with a bunch of his denier friends. The rest of the group all got relatively mild cases over the next few weeks. To add to the disgustingness of their behavior, they were all the ones badgering his famiy over buying his cars and parts for pennies on the dollar not even days after he was gone. Total vultures.

Another carguy I knew for 40 years died in a matter of days. Unvaccinated to the end.

My sister in law is a doctor in NYC. She lost two close friends who were also ER doctors duiring the initial wave in 2020 when the hospitals were overrun.

Eleven people I work with got it. Some severe cases, some mild. One tested positive and didn't have any symptoms. She caught it from a family member who had a bad case. The ones that had symptoms still don't have their sense of taste or smell back, or have serious lasting problems, months after - like being major athletes before and now can't even walk to the mailbox without almost passing out. One guy who got through it relatively unscathed said he had a high fever for a week and had the worst nightmares he had ever had in his life. Nightmares so bad he wouldn't even tell us what they were. (keep in mind that this guy was a former combat vet and nothing could scare him). All eleven who got it were unvaccinated (Though some caught it before the vaccine was available to them)

I am vaccinated (Moderna) and had the booster. I have had dozens of mandated vaccinations over the decades due to my government service and OCONUS work assignments. I didn't bat an eye when I got those vaccines either. I also get the flu shot every year. Ever had shingles? I did, seven years ago. That was HELL! Imagine a poison ivy looking rash, only its doesn't itch - instead it feels like some hammering electrified ice-picks into your bones along the rash path. That's why I sure as hell got the new Shingrix vaccine when it came out.

My younger brother and sister (twins) were born deaf due to the Rubella epidemic in 1964. I still blame myself even though I was a toddler. My parents hired a baby sitter for me when they went to a prenatal visit at the doctor's office. That babysitter infected my mom with German Measles (Rubella) in her early stages of pregnancy. My brother and sister were lucky to only have a hearing loss. Most of the kids in utero either miscarried or were born with horrendous birth defects - like no arms, or legs, or eyes. So when the Rubella vaccine came out in the later 1960's we were damn sure to get it. That vaccine only took a couple years to be widely disseminated. I remember everyone in my second grade class lining up to be innoculated with the fancy new high pressure gun that looked a lot like a big chromeplated paint gun.

Politically I am independant. Voted for Reagan in 1980 and have voted for various candidates of all parties since. Remember Ross Perot?


I don't know anyone work or otherwise who has died, a few who've had it but no hospitalizations.
Some people at my moms assisted living place had Covid and passed, I don't know the breakdown of how many of them actually died of Covid as opposed to died of something else but tested Covid positive.
Like everyone else my information is irrelevant because it's a small sampling.
I'm conservative but my mindset is along the lines of both sides of the spectrum are mostly wrong.  My mindset on just about everything is that "nobody knows nothing" so I get most riled by self righteous blowhards who think they have anything in this world figured out, because at best maybe they know just a bit more than nothing.
I did get my shots last spring but am in no rush to get a booster.  I had a bad DVT (very likely Covid lockdown and resulting inactivity related) a year ago and during a follow up with my vascular doc in April he encouraged me to get a shot because blood clots are sometimes a side effect of Covid and after my bad clot in November it would be especially bad to get another, so that helped cement my decision.
Since Fauci and the rest in government have shown themselves to be hacks and control freaks, I have no trust in them, so have to make my own decisions, and regardless of what anybody decides, it's your choice as your guess is as good as anyone's as to what is right.


As I said I am retired now but both my wife and I worked thru the pandemic as essential workers. The shop we both work(ed) at has seen the virus go thru it too many times to count with many employees having now had covid more than once, many that are now fully vaccinated are now sick with it again. None of these cases, probably close to 100, have resulted in hosptilization or death, most fairly mild with a few having bad flu symptoms for a week or so - that`s it! Just as an update I am feeling about 90% today, just a little lingering stuffiness/head cold feeling and my wife is starting to feel better but has almost completely lost her senses of taste an smell. Maybe we should consider ourselves lucky as I am in the over 60 age group but am in good health with no risk factors, my wife is younger but has asthma and is a bit overweight so I was actually more worried about her than myself.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


Quote from: JH27N0B on December 06, 2021, 11:02:00 AM

I'm conservative but my mindset is along the lines of both sides of the spectrum are mostly wrong.  My mindset on just about everything is that "nobody knows nothing" so I get most riled by self righteous blowhards who think they have anything in this world figured out, because at best maybe they know just a bit more than nothing.

I think along the same line, anytime someone thinks they know they are right about something just wait a bit and they will be proved wrong, history has proven that out every time.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


I Live in Oregon and work in Washington.
Inslee and Brown have been in strict control during the Pandemic, masks inside and outside plus social distancing.
Restaurant and Hospitality businesses were shutdown early on, and have taken an absolute beating in these two states.
Rent moratorium, yeah, no body pays rent.

Company I work for is Industrial Mfg.  We have stayed up and running this whole time.
I report to work every day.

My Family's members are first responders, EMT's and Dental Hyg., I am at increased risk due to my age and BMI.

I know of about 24 people who have had classic COVID symptoms, most have tested positive, but some negative.
Severity ranged from sniffles and no taste or smell to OMG I wished I was dead,  (Still didn't go to Hospital).

I don't know of anyone hospitalized or deceased as a result of the virus.

My tin foil hat on.  If I was to design a virus to destroy my enemies economies, I couldn't have done better.


People are sick and tired of Covid, yet we have 80M people in this country who refuse to do anything about it.

Won't wear masks.
Won't get vaccinated.
Won't social distance and still want to gather in large crowds

With Covid mutating to become MORE contagious and probably eventually MORE deadly, we will NEVER get rid of this like we did w/Polio.

It's like the same people complaining about gas prices, yet drive gas hog trucks/SUVs.

Welcome to the new normal including blaming others for the crisis we're in.