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Turkey and Covid?

Started by torredcuda, December 04, 2021, 04:10:11 AM

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cuda hunter

That's a lot of reading, but worth while. 

Is this just conjecture made up from states and people who disagree with Washington state? 

Or is this correct and acceptable.   Acceptable to the general public?   
I know it's not acceptable to me. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

And a petition that can be signed to show that the people do not support "isolation camps". 

Or, is this also  just misinformation that I am just "believing"?

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on January 09, 2022, 08:05:45 AM

And a petition that can be signed to show that the people do not support "isolation camps". 

Or, is this also  just misinformation that I am just "believing"?

So all of these rules were approved back in 2003 for one.

All the internment camp talk is scaremongering by a few far right sites.

Washington government is actually just meeting to discuss if at all Covid could be applicable to these long on the books recourses.  Doesn't say considering interment camps, but that's a better headline I agree, if your tactic is to scare.

cuda hunter

I know the pundit is considered a wack site.  Interesting that it is brought up.
Here in Colorado we have internment camps.

So, no one is actively trying to bring that bill back or encourage it?  Just total scare tactics?  Washington members?  I would very much like someone to disprove this. 

Seems the law is an actual consideration.  Regardless of who put it out there.     Is this false information?
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Since this was pushed in 2003, I would assume then that none of this is real since it didn't have anything to do with covid in 2003?
Is it just being brought back up now by news source's to just simply scare the public? 

Fear runs deep on both sides.   
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on January 09, 2022, 10:06:04 AM
Since this was pushed in 2003, I would assume then that none of this is real since it didn't have anything to do with covid in 2003?
Is it just being brought back up now by news source's to just simply scare the public? 

Fear runs deep on both sides.

The bill(s) were already approved and effective in 2003, the scare stories act like this is a new bill.

Enough scaremongering resulted in the Washington Board of Health having to clarify some misinformation like what Gateway Pundit and United Push Back are peddling to those with cognitive bias.

cuda hunter

Indeed.  Thanks for that.  I did not find that on search. 

So, what they are considering is putting covid 19 into the already existing bill. 
That way, if those other things that are already passed and stated (use of police for vaccination) can be used for covid,  "IF" they deem covid to be worthy of the already passed law. 
Really, they already have the ability to lock up families for not adhering to the rules of vaccination for other pre known ailments.  They are just trying to include covid into this law "Just in case". 
  Am I reading that wrong? 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on January 09, 2022, 12:27:54 PM
Indeed.  Thanks for that.  I did not find that on search. 

So, what they are considering is putting covid 19 into the already existing bill. 
That way, if those other things that are already passed and stated (use of police for vaccination) can be used for covid,  "IF" they deem covid to be worthy of the already passed law. 
Really, they already have the ability to lock up families for not adhering to the rules of vaccination for other pre known ailments.  They are just trying to include covid into this law "Just in case". 
  Am I reading that wrong?

Always difficult to read through the legal releases, but it seems they have a Technical Advisory Group present their most recent analysis of whether Covid should be added to the list of 11 other vaccines required in Washington schools.

At some later meeting the Board will consider whether to actually add this vaccine, based on the TAG findings.

Doesn't lead me to the conclusion of United Push Back, considering 11 vaccines are already required, with exemptions available.


Simply scaremongering, for what reasons I have no idea?  But then Qanon is still a thing.

As for applying Covid to the ability to quarantine families, that isn't even a topic of discussion, I'm not sure how that was included on this (well I do......right wing nuts), but it seems any actual application of this law would take a lot more than some rouge Dr. deciding to get cops to lock up families in camps.  That isn't being considered, but may for some much more serious virus in the future, there is no list of viruses included.

cuda hunter

Fear mongering for sure. 

In this example, people are being instructed on how to hold unvaccinated people accountable for not getting vaccinated.  Regardless of those unvaccinated peoples reasons. 
Now, this article states that only 15% of America is unvaccinated.  How, does 15% of the population get the other 85% of the population so sick.  They claim the hospitals are plugged up with unvaccinated people.  Is that true?
And is sane to bare burden upon those who have simply done nothing.  Do we separate people that much that we require more of their share to be given because they are supposedly the only people spreading and the only people in the hospitals? They are the only people who cause an over burden on the insurance companies. Seems like more big companies getting rich and taxing those who did not get the vaccine. 
Again that is a vaccine for a virus that has a less than 1% death rate.  Which is pretty low.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


It seems the pro multiple shot advocates have a dilemma,
If the shot works, why are the vaxed worried about the unvaxed?
And if the shot doesn't work, why push it so hard, especially for kids?

Covid shots: The only product in history where it's failure is blamed on those who do not use it............

cuda hunter

It appears that 49% of actual covid hospitalizations are caused by actual covid.  The other 51% were there for other things and happened to test positive. 
This is a report that New York has put out.  I'm surprised we got anything from them.

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Even though, only 15% of the population is unvaccinated, and New York has an even lower non vax population they have now had more hospitalizations and more single day deaths than ever before.   With as many deaths happening in New York, there shouldn't be any non vaxed people left there. 
  There is a lot to listen and read on this page.  Lots to consider.  And we get some wise words of wisdom from Fauci.  So, it's definitely not misinformation.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Not sure how old this is, but I still see a 14 deaths by nonvax for every 1 death per vax.