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Weird home/yard security issue looking for ideas

Started by 1 Wild R/T, July 04, 2017, 05:53:33 PM

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Willlocal zoning regulations permit you to install a 6' chain link fence out to the edge of the property line with a locked gate for you to access the area


This topic reminds me why I left California.  We had a similar issue, I used my dog.  It looks like there is plenty of shade there, you could put a dog stake there and put one of ur dogs there during the day.  Leave him some food/water and give him enough line to let him hang in the shade.  If the dog is too friendly for that, u could use one of those wifi camera doorbells.  U get a motion alert on ur phone even if they don't touch the button, then u hit the button on ur phone and u can talk to them directly.  "Get out of my yard or I'm coming out with my shotgun" should send em running
Looking for the right 70 Cuda project!


Probably  not abe to what I did years ago. Had a new generator and some other things walk off. Was really pizzed, thought about about it for a bit, went and fire up the backhoe, dug an 8' hole in the shape of a grave, then proceeded to get over a couple of the neighborhood kids who had big mouths and let them know, the next thief that wanders in will have a new residence. Left it open for about a year, nothing else has left since.

I would do as others suggested and cut the lower branches on the trees. Start with about 1 foot and reevaluate, should not need more the about 20-24"

1 Wild R/T

Well thought I'd update this... Took out the lower branches to a height of 1 meter (Not a metric guy, just what looked "right") & added uplighting under the trees..... And today, in broad daylight had some low life in full view of three cameras stole the construction tools out of a neighbors truck.... Wouldn't know how to actually use tools but sure knows hows to steal them....

Cuda Cody


Have had the broad daylight construction tools stolen before, to a lot of neighbors or other people the thiefs just look like a worker getting tools to go to work not a thief.


Threads like this are why I want to live far, far away from people.

The worst part about all of this it that the cops aren't willing to use the security camera footage to find the thieves. Goes to show that the only thing you can count on to protect you and yours

Sounds like you've got your tree situation sorted out. I recently installed a camera system that sends alerts to my phone any time there is motion. It's pretty neat.

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: rebelyell on July 28, 2017, 05:51:44 AM
Threads like this are why I want to live far, far away from people.

The worst part about all of this it that the cops aren't willing to use the security camera footage to find the thieves. Goes to show that the only thing you can count on to protect you and yours

Sounds like you've got your tree situation sorted out. I recently installed a camera system that sends alerts to my phone any time there is motion. It's pretty neat.

I'm working on moving... Just missed a place out in the country that I would have loved but when you have people with the ability to drop a million dollars cash competing for the property then you aren't really competing at all.... Photo attached...

Trust me my neighbors & I are all pretty fed up with the situation with the cops.... And if we do protect our property then we become criminals because cops do protect the criminals against bodily harm.....


Problem is , if you set a trap and the low life's get hurt they will sue . A sheriff told me one time it is better to be tried by 12 than carried by six. So if anyone does anything make sure they cant talk. Sounds harsh but I cant stand a thief. If some one is hungry I will buy them something to eat, but dont steal from me. I have AR-15, AK-47, a 50 cal Dessert Eagle and many more and sure not afraid to use them. Set up a bait truck with tools on it and hook up a electric fence box to it. Wont kill them but it will buzz them pretty dang good. :rofl:
Get in, I'll drive


I think gamecams send a good message. On one hand they say hey this guy is a hunter and two I don't want a pic/video of me.

Now unfortunately your dimwit criminals don't care cause your cops won't do their job.

Maybe planting some poison oak around your trees will keep them away. Sad fact is Commifornia cares more about criminals than it's citizens, so putting a blank shooter out there will only put you in jail.

What you need is a device which makes a very loud noise without getting yourself thrown in jail. Or you can go the prank route and hook up some way to dump huge buckets of water when they come behind your trees.  :rofl:
1970 Cuda Yellow 440 4 speed (Sold)
1970 Cuda clone 440 4 speed FJ5
1975 Dodge Power Wagon W200