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A video of the subject JH23J0B309997 T/A.
It is not a clone. It is JH23J0B309997. Sold at Mecum Glendale 2024, Lot S32 for $77,000.
Not coded for the A62 - Rallye Dash with N85 - Tachometer which would both be on the fender tag.
Standard instrument cluster T/A's came with 2-speed wipers. Rallye cluster T/A's came with 3-speed wipers.
This can be seen on the below JH23J0B307265 FE5 Challenger T/A which is not coded for J25 - 3-speed wipers on Line 8 of the broadcast sheet.

Keeping it muted but project creep is happening.
Needed to rebuild the coupler and also had some light rust at the firewall pass thru. Pulled column to correct.
Then the "well since I am in here" kicked in.
Will repaint column.
Pull custom dash cluster and finally finish it as was planned many years ago.
Consider changing to 3-point seat belts from Wesco or Seat Belt Planet.
Details in pictures to choose correct belts.

Body Shop / Re: rocker gills need repainti...
Last post by MoparCarGuy - Today at 08:28:40 PM
The Rocker Panel Gills and the process to paint them from Mopar Connection magazine.
Also, the pinch weld below the gills is blacked out with flat black.

@mtull is correct.  230th day of 1969. Your Scheduled Production Date (SPD) is 802 or August 2, 1970 so the MC you have was made after your SPD.
Maybe @6bblgt can provide some info on when your car actually was in process on the assembly line. It would be unusual for an 802 SPD to be produced weeks after this MC's production but it is possible.
Do you have other date coded items on the car that are after your SPD?
This is the supporting info for the MC in your picture.
I ride a motorcycle as my daily driver, all year long. To me it  is  about managing risks. If   I am in an accident I am screwed. I try to drive defensively and watch out for idiots (everybody but me  :smile: ),  but I'm only half the equation. It seems odd for me to wear seatbelts when I am  in a car in general where I am infinitely safer. I know I would be even safer if I wore a seatbelt but again, I  am on a bike the  majority of time. I do wear the seatbelt, but not all the time. 

Every one  has  to manage their own risk. This is not  a justification, but I  do feel we  are at less of a  risk. For one,  I tend to  think we  drive  more  cautiously in our  20-100K cars that can't  be  easily replaced and that we worked  so hard on  getting just right. In  my regular car  I  tend to take things for granted that I wouldn't in my  challenger. On  the flip  side, I   think others notice our cars and tend to take a wider bearth or at least notice  us. Basically it  lowers the odds of a crash.

something like   20-30K people  die  from car crashes a year and "some"  of  those could have been  prevented, how  many we don't  know,  but some.  So   I'm  not saying people  shouldn't wear seatbelts,  but if  I was overly worried about it, I wouldn't ride my motorcycle. Life is a dangerous place in general
The casting number appears to be 86? I think this is the 86th day of 1969. [ edit: oops, perhaps that casting date is 198th day of 1969?  I may have been reading it upside down]

The assembly date stamped on the side is the 230th day of 1969.  August 18th, 1969.  The stamped numbers above the assembly date (last I read) are unknown but believed to have something to do with internal processes?
Hopefully someone can decode the numbers on this master cylinder. Trying to see if it is close to my car with a build date of 802 of 1969, an early 1970 model. Thanks for any assistance on this one.
Last post by Brads70 - Today at 02:58:03 PM
I've been using WIX  51515R it has a finer micron rating.