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door glass anti-rattle alignment clips

Started by GoMangoBoys, August 18, 2021, 07:33:28 AM

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Pull back your roof/door weatherstrip. At the top of the A pillar where the trim curves to head down to the cowl area there is a screw right in the middle of that curve. That's where the clip goes. One each side.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill




Though advertised as 70-74, I do not think those clips came on 1970 cars.


Quote from: Floyd on August 18, 2021, 10:43:08 AM
Though advertised as 70-74, I do not think those clips came on 1970 cars.
And I don't think they do anything either. With, or without, I hear no rattling mine are in a bag.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Quote from: Floyd on August 18, 2021, 10:43:08 AM
Though advertised as 70-74, I do not think those clips came on 1970 cars.

I definitely do NOT have these on either side of my 1970. (11/69 build)


They were still available a couple years ago but are gone from the system now.


I bought some repros last year that were pretty much garbage.  The bends were not quite right so they distorted when mounting.  They also lacked the rubberized coating that protects the door glass edge.


I also don't think they were used in 70.  They are not "anti-rattle" clips, they were used to keep the windows from being sucked out creating wind noise from the vacuum at higher speeds.


I just spent a BUNCH of effort reinventing these small pieces. Needed some for my own Challenger. The coating on them, after a TON of research, is called hard Nylon Dip. Not the soft Plastisol found on plier handles. The dip process cost more than the metal stampings!


I would love to find out the exact time these were introduced....I've taken apart many E-Bodies over the years, and rarely come across these.. :thinking:
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@71TA Did you make any extras? I'd be interested in a set.  :cheers:


I have one drivers side on my 74, passenger side is missing but there is a witness mark on the glass showing one was there previously. The rubber coating is long gone on mine.


They weren't (anti-rattle) clips, those were actually used to keep the windows from getting sucked out at higher speeds on the freeway.


Quote from: anlauto on September 03, 2022, 06:52:41 AM
I would love to find out the exact time these were introduced....I've taken apart many E-Bodies over the years, and rarely come across these.. :thinking:

Yep, I have a few sets. Just received these prototype/samples.

Alan, they were factory on my 71 Challenger. I sell a TON of them so they must have been used. I have read and heard many times the Chrysler management made a few changes to eliminate rattle after the first few 70's rolled off the line. These clips, the window stabilizers (guides) that went thru 3 iterations.