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Window Adjustment/Alignment

Started by Odin, December 08, 2019, 03:04:13 PM

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Can anyone provide a simple "any idiot can do it" set of step-by-step instructions for adjusting the door and quarter windows in a 71 Challenger and a 70 Barracuda?  I have the service manuals, but that didn't help me get anything done correctly.  I think the alignment is actually worse after I messed with them.


 :alan2cents: You have to have a feel for it. I just did mine and it took the better part of a day.

I did the quarter windows first. Basically you have up stops and down stops to adjust to get the window going far enough up. The two bolts at the bottom push the top of the window out or in depending what is needed. Adjust until the glass fits nicely in the rubber weatherstripping.

The door glass is a little more challenging and there are more adjustments available. Get the glass front to back where you want it first. You want the back edge of the glass to parallel the quarter glass and lay nicely on the quarter glass vertical weatherstripping. The two bolts on the rear face of the door adjust the glass "cocking" front to back. Adjust those bolts so the top of the window is parallel to the door weatherstripping and the quarter glass weatherstripping.Adjust the up stops last when the glass fits in the weatherstripping nicely. Bottom of the door bolts adjust the top of the glass in or out. Adjust until the glass rolls up into the weatherstripping the way you want it. Now adjust the up stops.

Some combination of all those adjustments until you are happy.  :cheers: