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Testing mentions

Started by Cuda Cody, November 06, 2016, 01:41:41 PM

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Cuda Cody

Cuda Cody

Cuda Cody

J-Code Jeni

Chryco Psycho

OK so if someone types in a user name it will take you to the profile ?

Cuda Cody

Mentions work by using the "@" symbol in front of the users name.  Then they get a message that you "mentioned" them in a topic so they know to come and take a look.  That's only one of the many neat little mods that are being added to the site.  :)  Stay tuned for more soon.

Cuda Cody

Testing out some changes to the Mention @J-Code Jeni ....  did it work?

Cuda Cody

Cuda Cody

Cuda Cody

Chryco Psycho

Chryco Psycho

J-Code Jeni

J-Code Jeni

This is a great feature, @Cuda Cody ! Mentions are going to be an effective to keep threads going!

I want more smiley faces!  :D

J-Code Jeni