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Time for new timing light and tune up gear... Any Recommendations?

Started by Cudakiller70, May 22, 2017, 05:25:55 PM

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My wife bought this SUN kit for me a long time ago, when I had my Cuda. It has served me well, but got a little trashed by one of the kids. So... I'm wanting to get a new timing light and tach.
What are you guys using and like and dislike? What's the best bang for the buck?
Kinda like this one, good ratings for the most part.

Cuda Cody

That one on Amazon looks like the one I have and I love mine.  Just set the timing to what I want and look for zero.  Works great!



Very timely question....we are currently needing one too. Watching.  :pixiepop:


I have A blue-point I like a lot. gives voltage, RPM, dwell and advances.  :alan2cents:

Shane Kelley

I like this one. 79.97 from Summit Racing. Works great and does everything you need.

Chryco Psycho

I have that exact same kit from Sun
Never usd the timing light , I can set the timing better by ear 


Ive got the one from amazon .  But i got the pro. I think cause it came with case.

Works well build  rugged .

