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Door Jamb measurements 70 Challenger Drivers side

Started by Marksmopar1, November 20, 2019, 05:04:24 PM

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70 Challenger
  Asking if someone could send me the door jamb measurements for the drivers side 1/4 panel area?
The areas in the pictures with the black lines.
  Best would be to put a straight edge on the 1/4 and take the measurements straight across at a 90 deg.
I want to make sure my jamb is within a tolerance to allow alignment of the door.

Much appreciated!


We're in roughly the same stage. I'm gonna follow this. 70 here also.
1970 Challenger R/T Numbers Matching 440 Auto in F8 Quad Green


I'll do it after work tonight if no one else does it first. I guess the question would be, is mine is in tolorance. LOL


I'm wondering how much variation was allowed in production.
1970 Challenger R/T Numbers Matching 440 Auto in F8 Quad Green


Following also. Good point to measure.
I'm going to a friend next week to take a bunch of measurements on his stock 70 RT convertible for my quarter panel change. I suspect my AMD skins sits a bit
low in the rear. Not welded in yet. I was gonna measure from top of the panel to the bodyline and also to the wheelhouse opening.
Any other good measurements tips for quarter panels to take while I'm at it?


Here you go. Let me know if you need another shot.


Quote from: 7E-Bodies on November 22, 2019, 02:30:42 PM
I'm wondering how much variation was allowed in production.
Give or take about an inch...... ::)
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Great to capture these measurements and I'm definitely saving the pics as I'm currently doing two 70 quarter panels with AMD sheet metal. I still am hoping others chime in with pics as I'm wondering how much tolerance drift was allowed on the assembly lines.
1970 Challenger R/T Numbers Matching 440 Auto in F8 Quad Green


 71 Challenger convertible - approximately 8-5/16" and 2-1/4" .


Thank you for getting these measurements, much appreciated.
These will at the very least allow a baseline of where the panel should be...
I am sure some variation in measurements will be seen from car to car because with everything Mopar nothing seems to be the same... lol

   Thank you !


I just measured my friends -70 R/T Convertible, original quarters.
The long measurement was 213mm (In Inches Fractions thats is in between 8-3/8"  to 8-25/64")
The short measurement was 60mm (In Inches Fractions 2-23/64")

I also took some measurements from the top of the quarter to the bodyline if anyone needs them, I'm replacing skins and I wanna see if mine measure up to stock.

1 Wild R/T

The panel has to match the curvature of the door, moving it in or out 1/8"  shouldn't be a problem..
When you line up the door to the top & bottom of the quarter, then adjust the door to match the top area of the fender (which is a set distance due to the hood setting the location of tops of the fenders) it's not uncommon to find the bottom of the door at the front of the rocker is out 1/4" or more....  Most cars with that issue wind up with the fender following the door but the fender now is offset to the rocker....

When replacing panels you have the ability to correct those issues....  So bolt the hood on, bolt the fenders on, line up the doors to the fender & rocker the set the quarter in/out top to bottom to match the door....


Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on November 29, 2019, 12:47:21 PM
The panel has to match the curvature of the door, moving it in or out 1/8"  shouldn't be a problem..
When you line up the door to the top & bottom of the quarter, then adjust the door to match the top area of the fender (which is a set distance due to the hood setting the location of tops of the fenders) it's not uncommon to find the bottom of the door at the front of the rocker is out 1/4" or more....  Most cars with that issue wind up with the fender following the door but the fender now is offset to the rocker....

When replacing panels you have the ability to correct those issues....  So bolt the hood on, bolt the fenders on, line up the doors to the fender & rocker the set the quarter in/out top to bottom to match the door....

@Wild R/T , In my case, since my car had everything line up nice and good gaps before I took it apart, and when I cut the quarters out I left a piece by the doorjam, do you think I can get weld the quarter skins with this as my guide? Without adding the fenders and hood again? I lined up the driver side door to this and it seems to fit fine.

1 Wild R/T

Entirely up to you... If your comfortable with it go for it.... I tend to over think & over work wanting the best possible outcome.... And having built allot of cars I've had pretty good results.....


Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on November 29, 2019, 01:12:57 PM
Entirely up to you... If your comfortable with it go for it.... I tend to over think & over work wanting the best possible outcome.... And having built allot of cars I've had pretty good results.....

Hmm, I am very uncomfortable with the whole thing, first time and I want it to be perfect...
I should probably do that, just to be safe.