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Carlisle pics 2021

Started by cuda hunter, July 26, 2021, 09:21:40 PM

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cuda hunter

Scroll past the talking below if you just want pictures.

I'm going to talk a little about my adventure and then post some pics.   

I drove straight through to Carlisle almost.  I took a 2 hour nap.
I packed 8 or 9 motorcycles on the trailer, in the trailer and in the suburban.
Took the nap on top of a row of can am gas tanks with my nose touching the ceiling of the suburban.
Off loaded the motorcycles in Indianapolis with no issues. 
Not one bike slipped and nothing scratched the paint of the car.

I loaded the car in the cross loading pattern both front and rear plus two straight middle straps both front and back.
Just before Indianapolis I avoided a crash where a ups truck blew a tire went into the left land then crossed all lanes and went in the ditch on the right.  All the cars in front of me and around me just freaked out and went all directions. I had to brake pretty hard.  At the next gas stop I checked the straps like I do on every stop.  One of the rears had come loose and the car shifted  the passengers rear tire 5" and touched the inner trailer wheel well.  Still had motorcycles in the rear of the trailer that I didn't want to remove 20 straps to jack the car up and re-strap so I just re-strapped the rear of the car in the same X pattern and headed to the motorcycle drop off location. 

  When I pulled into the show field on Wednesday, first one in, I noticed this long trail of liquid coming from inside of the trailer. One of the hooks on the straps was just high enough from the little incident that it rubbed a few holes in the gas tank.

  Started the car up and parked it on the show field.  Parked the trailer over in the vendor section and I offered the trailer as a drop spot for parts over on as well as a mention here and helped out a half dozen C body guys with parts exchanges.

  First one on the field.  Got lots of rain that Wednesday evening.  First time this car had seen water since it's restoration/rebuild beginning in  98-04.  Last one off the field as well.  It was nice to deal with strapping the trailer without a ton of people around. 
I purchased new straps from the strap vendor on the last aisle that made all kinds of awesome products.  I purchased a few extra things while I was there. 

  On my way home, still in Pennsylvania I blew a tire on the trailer.  My mechanic, who packed bearings and did a good check up of the trailer did not put the wheel lug lock back into the trailer when he (probably employee's) worked on it.  Took 2 hours to get someone to agree to come and help me just get the stupid lug locks off the wheel.  Turns out they were 1/4 mile from me so I limped the trailer and the car over to them.  7-8 hour delay with all this. Got the locks off, met a really cool "mad scientist" at the diesel shop who figured out a way to get the lug locks off all 4 tires.   Back on the road with no issues all the way home.

1900.00 in gas both ways.  May I just say that the gas prices were ridiculous!
Lobby's of most fast food/road food restaurants were closed and only drive through's were open.  Most companies were operating on bone crews because they can't get anyone to work.  I couldn't do the drive through's as I had a trailer and they wouldn't serve me if I walked through the drive through.  Ridiculous laws out there.     No matter, I had healthy food that I had packed and I didn't have to eat any of the many places that I tried ( wanted a shake for miles and miles). 

  I didn't take near as many pictures as the last two years I have attended but I did take enough to show off some of them.

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

I must say that I absolutely HATE having hoods up at the shows. 
However, no one would see my 512 stroker if the hood was down. 

Pictures have hoods up :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :no:

The dash did sale Saturday. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

this is a 69 build sheet in a 70 seat frame that was together in a set with the dash frame. 
I just couldn't see shelling out 650 for the set since the M 4-_  didn't have a 6 on it.  After all, that's what I'm looking for.
It sold Saturday evening all pieces together.   The purchaser said he could care less about the paper in the seat(as I was told). 
Sure wish it was an M46 sheet. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

This is Thursday evening before the rains began. 
I know, I know, more pictures of my car. 
Other car pictures to come shortly for your viewing pleasure.  Not just my measly little BH M46. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Suddenly, Friday morning, Cars Everywhere !! 

I get to look at some cars on the showfield now!

OH Look !!  an M46 !!
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Now my two favorite cars of the show. 

I could post 100 pics of each of these cars, but I will spare you the finer bug splatter details. 

First car and favorite of the show is @76orangewagon  car.  Absolutely BAD ASS  car!  And he drives it. 

It's hard to get good pics with a chain in front of the car and all the people that gathered around the car.  Very popular car!

And the details are phenomenal on the car.  And I mean every little detail down to correct threads on screws. 

"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

And my 2nd favorite car. 

  Absolutely awesome car.  I will own a fifth generation viper. 

This is the T/A.  (Time Attack). 

I have a hard time between the acr's and the T/A's. 
Way fewer T/A's but the wing on the ACR,  man oh man is that thing cool!,_2013%E2%80%932017)
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

I got to sit in a viper.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

Alright, I'll get to a bunch of ebodies. But only one more for the evening.  12 hour day tomorrow. 
Will post more tomorrow.

This car was in the show field but was for sale(as I recall).
I had about a dozen pictures that didn't take correctly for this car so I apologize for the lack of pictures and the quality of the few.


"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


@cuda hunter  Your measly little BH M46 is a great looking car!  :drooling:
Thank you for sharing the pictures!  :twothumbsup:

1972 Dodge Challenger Rallye E55 727A in Bright Blue Metallic


Quote from: cuda hunter on July 26, 2021, 10:14:21 PM
Now my two favorite cars of the show. 

I could post 100 pics of each of these cars, but I will spare you the finer bug splatter details. 

First car and favorite of the show is @76orangewagon  car.  Absolutely BAD ASS  car!  And he drives it. 

It's hard to get good pics with a chain in front of the car and all the people that gathered around the car.  Very popular car!

And the details are phenomenal on the car.  And I mean every little detail down to correct threads on screws.
  Thanks Josh I appreciate the kind words and distinction of being one of your favorite car's at the show. Now that I had the car meticulously gone over with a fine toothed comb by Bill Rolik (which I see you got some pictures of) for any incorrect details, I'll pass on that he short list of items he found are on their way and will be installed before the car goes to MCACN, some in a week or so before the Mopar Nationals in Columbus. It was a pleasure meeting you and thanks for hanging out with me since I didn't get out of the Building as much as I wanted to.                                                     


Great Pictures cuda hunter!  Nice job!   :yes:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


I agree, nice shots....I wasn't even at the show and Ross's car is probably my favorite....but I'm a little bias towards 71 Cudas :drooling:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

cuda hunter

I really like Rick's flat hood Gran Coupe.  That is one cool car. 
Apparently it has attended lots of shows.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee