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Started by 71-440, July 25, 2022, 07:27:29 PM

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It felt good getting back on the car buddy!


cuda hunter

This is great news! 
The rest of the parts should just fall in place and you will be burning tires in no time. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on October 17, 2022, 05:25:20 AM
This is great news! 
The rest of the parts should just fall in place and you will be burning tires in no time. 

Thanks buddy!

Speaking of falling in place....I was ready to put the timing chain cover on and a bolt fell into the oil pan. :Thud:
One step forward two steps back.

Any way got one side of the center link disconnected but can't swing it out of the way because of the headers. So I have to take it off altogether.
I have a 7 quart pan on there which I don't like. Got to be careful wherever I went as not to bottom out.
So when i get it of I'll see if my wife will give me an early Christmas gift and get a new pan.

Probably could have left it but with my luck I thought it best to get that bolt out.
I will get the other side off this week and get the oil pan out.

On a good note got two decent size jobs booked this past week. One coming up this weekend and one next weekend. :)
That's a added boost to my normal jobs.

Since I had that video call with Neil I got the itch back.  :stayinlane:



cuda hunter

Hey Joe @71-440 , Got any updates for us? 
Hope all is going well. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Hey Josh

The last update was when I dropped the bolt in the oil pan. :Thud:

Well I swapped out the 7 qt. pan for a 6 qt pan got the pick up tube installed and put the front end back together.
The timing cover and damper is back on. Fuel pump installed. Took the alternator and the March brackets and water pump
out on the bench and started to Compare to the pictures I took before I broke it down.
Then got busy with work. Also was sick for a while. Went for a MRI in Feb. for my prostate and it looked like possible Cancer. So two weeks ago went for a biopsy
And the results came back negative.  :banana:

Put work off for a week then back at it.
Now next week I have time to get back on the car. :wrenching:

Hope to get those March pulleys and water pump, alternator, power steering pump reservoir back together this week.
Then move on to the radiator etc.


cuda hunter

Glad to hear the good news! 

Can't wait to see some more pics of your awesome car!
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Yesterday I got the water pump,alternator and power steering pump/reservoir installed.
Good thing I took pictures before I broke it down. Had to play with the spacers and switched out a couple bolts that were too short in my opinion. 
Was hoping to get more done but maybe Friday I'll have some more time.



How's things? Are you doing ok? Anymore progress on the car?

cuda hunter

Hope all is well.   
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Chryco Psycho

Odd that this came up , I am worried , I have always been able to reach Joe , we usually talk twice / month , I cannot reach him now , anyone near Kennisaw that could check on him ?


I'm still

Tried reaching you Neil a couple times.

More medical issues here. Cancer is back.Leg and arm.

The car is running and going up for sale soon. Got some loose ends to tie up.

Call me tomorrow night if you get a chance.

Hope everyone here is doing fine. Sorry I haven't been on here in a while . Too much crap happening.
Sucks getting



Here's an update.
The cam that Neil helped me pick out works great. I can actually stop the car now without standing on the
Lunati roller cam and PRW steel roller rockers.
That purple cam produced no vacuum. Ran like a raped ape but not street-able. Getting rid of the MSD dist too. Ordered a new one from Dave at Mancini with vacuum advance. New proform carb 850 CFM on top. My kids bought me that 2 years ago for Christmas. It's been a long time coming.
I won't lie I got choked up when she finally started up and Backed out of the garage after almost 5 years.

Been a long bumpy road. I hope she doesn't sell too fast. I'd like to have some fun for a change.

Again I apologize for not keeping up with this forum. Too many health issues and other stuff that life has been throwing at me.

I wish I could meet some of you guys. Neil has been a great friend. Maybe some day I can thank him in person. 

We'll see what the big guy upstairs has in-store for me. 



Joe, just wondering how you are doing?  :wave:


Hey Brad

Going for a bone biopsy on my arm this week. Next week a CT Scan of my head. Leg and arm constantly hurt.
But I'm still kicking. I hope everyone here is doing well.
Closed part of my business. Couldn't do it anymore.

The car sold! I brought it to Streetside Classics.I didn't want to deal with people. To many scams out there. I had that problem
when I tried to sell my 2009 Challenger back in 2014. Waiting on some paper work so I can collect my money. I did get to drive it a little.
Ran great. If my health wasn't so messed up I would have kept it. I have to get my Medical bills and credit card debt payed off.
I didn't want to leave my wife with a bunch of bills to pay when I'm gone.

Brad when are you getting out of Canada?

Again I hope everyone here is doing well.


cuda hunter

Good to hear that you are getting your lose ends tied up. 
Really cool that you were able to drive it around some. Nothing like that experience.
I will say a prayer for your positive health. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee