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Would you pay money for your Original Window Sticker?

Started by Cuda Cody, October 02, 2017, 09:20:23 AM

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How much would you pay for your car's Original Window Sticker?

Zero, would not pay anything for it.
10 (16.1%)
A small fee around $100
26 (41.9%)
15 (24.2%)
6 (9.7%)
1 (1.6%)
It's priceless, $3,000 or maybe more
4 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 62


Quote from: redgum78 on October 02, 2017, 05:49:34 PM
Quote from: Cuda Cody on October 02, 2017, 09:20:23 AM
Often times when I purchase a car that is missing items like the fender tag, build sheet or window sticker I let the seller know that I would pay a $1,000 if they are able to find them.  Well, I got the call today that a past owner (who is very old) is moving and just found the Original Window Stickers & Owners manual for one of my cars.  :lookatthat:  As you can image I'm super excited, but then I remembered what I always tell the sellers about the offer to buy the documents if they find them.  He made it clear he would like to take me up on my offer of $1,000 for the items.  I'm keeping my word and sending him the money.  After the shock of paying $1,000 for a piece of paper wears off I'm sure I'll be happy with the document.  But it made me think, what really is a fair price for a rare document?  How much would you pay for your cars Window Sticker?

That is a really interesting situation. i would happily pay up to $1000 for an original fender tag, window sticker or broadcast sheet and I think offering money like that is a good incentive to encourage a seller that may not otherwise bother following up. However if the boot was on the other foot and I found your sticker i would happily pass it back to the rightful owner for free. Even if a reward was offered I would not except any more than my costs to post.

Another way of looking at it -Would you have paid an extra $1000 for the car when you brought it if it had the sticker?

Sounds like a good result either way.

Even if 1K seems a lot for the window sticker by itself, most would pay it as an extra when buying the car, as you put it. The build sheet is what made me buy my car, as it made it possible to have reproduction fender tags done afterwards with the rare options that would have been impossible to document without it...



I think it depends on the person. Personally for just a run of the mill car I would pay $ 100.00. If it was a high dollar car I would pay more. It would also depend on the condition of the tag and or window sticker.

Cuda Cody

Original Window Sticker and Owners manual showed up in the mail.  Now that I have it in my hand I'm happy I paid the $1,000 for it.    :banana:


I might pay $100 for my Barracudas one but it is only a modified 318 car. My `70 road runner I would pay more as it`s a factory muscle car, I think I might have a hard time paying $1000 as it`s only a low option 383 but I would probably go that high if I had to. A more rare, valuable car I`d go higher.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


Quote from: Cuda Cody on October 08, 2017, 10:08:54 PM
Original Window Sticker and Owners manual showed up in the mail.  Now that I have it in my hand I'm happy I paid the $1,000 for it.    :banana:

What car was it for?
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There are no traffic jams along the extra mile - Roger Staubach


One add on. If I found someone's. I'd GIVE it to them.
1970 Challenger R/T Numbers Matching 440 Auto in F8 Quad Green


I think it all depends on the car like previously stated. Now if you said no to buying it I feel like he would have called backand offered it at a reduced price.

Shane Kelley

Quote from: Shoooter on September 12, 2019, 12:57:07 PM
I think it all depends on the car like previously stated. Now if you said no to buying it I feel like he would have called backand offered it at a reduced price.

I agree. It's only worth something to one person. What would anyone else be willing to pay for it?


$1000 would be worth it for me in two cases; it is a rare, high-dollar car or if the car is special part of the family.  I'd pay that for my V-code car and the same for my original 318 car which I've had since 1990 and will probably die with.  For some it's the right thing to do to bring it home (and usually add to the car's value) and for others is for the sake of nostalgia.  If it truly is the original document, what better paper window to look into for what the first owner felt as he looked at the same document 50 years ago?  :grouphug:


it seems some are taking the original post out of context  :stop:

an offer was made at the time of purchase to entice the recent owner to hunt for "lost" documentation - if the significant offer wasn't made & the paperwork was found 6-months later, it would've likely ended up in the trash (& if the offer was changed once the documentation was located, wouldn't that be a "bait & switch"?)

also, if a car deal is made & price is negotiated lower because of missing (or lack of) documentation & that prior owner finds it months/years later - should it be passed forward for FREE?  :thinking:


Quote from: JH27N0B on October 02, 2017, 04:28:30 PM
Around 20 years ago my Mr Norms dealer sales packet turned up, and I bought it for $375.  I am sure the guy with the Mr Norms paperwork(Larry Weiner) is charging more for paperwork now.
In fact, I heard rumors one of the Mopar hobby flipper types bought up the remaining R and V code Mr Norms paperwork, and is selling them for $25K if a car owner is found!  Insane!  That documentation is valuable, but 25K valuable?

$25K?? That IS insane!! Outright extortion if you ask me!!

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)

Shane Kelley

Quote from: 6bblgt on September 12, 2019, 02:27:32 PM
it seems some are taking the original post out of context  :stop:

an offer was made at the time of purchase to entice the recent owner to hunt for "lost" documentation - if the significant offer wasn't made & the paperwork was found 6-months later, it would've likely ended up in the trash (& if the offer was changed once the documentation was located, wouldn't that be a "bait & switch"?)

also, if a car deal is made & price is negotiated lower because of missing (or lack of) documentation & that prior owner finds it months/years later - should it be passed forward for FREE?  :thinking:

Very valid points. Price makes since now that I understand it was used a motivator.


Hmmm. My car was originally a 318 column shift auto....I'd have to keep it under 20 bucks.
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


My`72  318 Barracuda - maaaaaybe $100 for the cool factor, my original `70 road runner probably up to $500 as it`s only a 383 low option model, if I had an AAR , 6 bbl or Hemi of course more, probably up to $1000 or so.
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club