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RH Brake light not working

Started by Tantster, January 02, 2018, 06:18:49 PM

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Fresh build and the RH brake lights do not work. Turn signal, running lights all work including LH brake lights. Wiring diagram points toward turn signal switch, but is there a way to test with out pulling switch and replacing? New switch as well.

Chryco Psycho

I would check the grounds first , if the brakes are not on the other lights will ground back through the brake circuit .
Pull a light socket & either ground it well or use a test light or meter & see if power is getting to the connector in the socket


Are you getting 12v to the light socket? If so, then I would go down the ground path.

If not, I would be tracing back through to the turn signal switch. One could buy a new turn signal switch and simply plug it in under the dash as a last ditch effort before tearing into the column...
1972 Barracuda - 5.7L Hemi/T56 Magnum
2020 RAM 1500 - 5.7L

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I agree: It is most likely a ground if you say the turn signals seems to be working.

1 Wild R/T

If the right T/S works especially if it works with the parking lights on it won't be a ground... I think your T/S switch diagnosis is correct.... Before you replace it just plug the new switch in & test everything....


Chryco Psycho


Cannot speak to Tantster's original issue; however, I have a similar issue and am just seeing if I should go down the same path of troubleshooting.  Vehicle is a 72' Cuda w/o rally dash.  Left front turn signal does not work.  When initially switched it very slowly indicates on the dash (or doesn't at all) and/or the 'clicking' sound can slowly be heard but it does not signal the front turn signal.  Also the rear right break light does not work.  All lights properly illuminate for parking/headlights, but still no right rear break light or front left turn signal.  Finally, if either signal (left or right) is switched, even the good break light (left) turns off.  Also, the horn does not work.  Have cleaned up both front light and rear light harness grounds.

Also should note that I don't have any instrument panel lights or power feeding the "INSTR" circuit at the fuse panel, but that appears to probably be something in the dimmer switch...

Leaning toward the signal switch as well but wanted to make sure I am headed in the right direction.  Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Cuda Cody

Ground, ground, and more ground.... that is always what needs to be checked after a fresh build.  The new paint almost always causing a ground issue.  If after you are 100% sure it's not a ground issue, then start tracing power sources.

Any luck getting it solved @Tantster


Quote from: Cuda Cody on January 14, 2018, 09:49:00 AM
Ground, ground, and more ground.... that is always what needs to be checked after a fresh build.  The new paint almost always causing a ground issue.  If after you are 100% sure it's not a ground issue, then start tracing power sources.

Any luck getting it solved @Tantster

:iagree: The majority of wiring problems after a build with new paint is the ground, especially on the tail light housing to the rear panels. make sure their is no paint on the tail light panel where the housing mates to it.

Chryco Psycho

 would test the wires at the plug at the bottom of the column , , red is power in , there are 4 wires out 1 to each corner light all of the these wire should have power out with turn signal , 2 will have power out to the brakes , if you are not getting power out of the turn signal switch to both rear light feeds then the turn signal switch is not sending power out the brake light , these are interupted when the flasher is on


I was able to back to the car yesterday. Used jumper from LH housing and still no lights. Tested socket, no power. Tested at the connector for rear wiring harness and no power. Going to dig out old turn signal switch and plug into harness to see if the switch is faulty before pulling it out of column. Hope I can nail it down trying this.


Any solution to this? I'm experiencing the exact same problem. RH brake light not working, RH rear emergency light not working, driving light and T/S working.


Quote from: jvike on August 07, 2018, 07:00:22 AM
Any solution to this? I'm experiencing the exact same problem. RH brake light not working, RH rear emergency light not working, driving light and T/S working.
@jvike I had the same problem, it was my turn signal switch.  :alan2cents:


Ok :bigthumb:

Is there any difference in repro swichtes? I changed mine two years ago, bought it from Roseville, the ones with the yellow turn signal switch.