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best plug wires 440 with tti headers

Started by cam440, July 10, 2018, 09:28:37 PM

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hi everybody just ordered my fire core plug and play distributor with coil and rev nator box from rt garage , seem like nice people hey laura was so helpful now I need some plug wires would like to go fire core or similar what angle boots  do I need that will fit my 493 with tti headers the best ,tried emailing fire core but no reply


I've never heard a bad word about firecore wires.  Try emailing again or call them.  They should know exactly what plug ends you need for your combo.


I have hedman headers so may be different, but I used the msd super conductor plug set. The plug ends come straight but can be bent to about a 45 degree angle when you need to.  Added heat protector boot covers and no issues.


I am running FireCore wires on my 440 with TTi headers.  They fit great.  The guys at FireCore will help get you what you need.  Laura at R/T Garage is great too.  I am running this system too.  My coil was happier vertical on the inner fender rather than horizontal on the intake manifold. 
"Don't brake until you see God!"


Thanks everybody , so jordon you have a rev nator and fire core dizzy and coil are you happy so your saying don't bolt it to the intake on its side ,


As I recall, some oil-filled coils are not happy on their sides.  Dry coils work fine.


Hi strawdog gotta say iv had a bad run with mds blaster coils they are not oil filled hey , that's why I'm trying a fire core one now what do you run


I have a tuned stock distributor, FireCore wires, Rev-N-Nator ignition with their matching coil.  For too long, my car would start running worse over time.  R/T Garage worked with me and everything turned out great.  Their products and service have been excellent.  My engine builder told me to change the coil location.  I had nothing to lose at that point and moved it to the inner fender by the alternator. The car has run awesome for the past year. I have the distributor retarded to let it run on crap low octane gas with out much predetonation.  I can add octane and turn up the timing if I want to.  It took awhile to figure it all out, but now its set and holding well.   
"Don't brake until you see God!"


Glad to hear yeah Laura seems really nice and pretty easy on the eye as well wink lol , see how it all goes they give those rev nator box's good reviews ,i was gonna run a msd but I have a shaker so makes it hard I think I'll run my coil we're yours is see how it goes yeah had bad experience with blasters I went through 3 nearly in a row lol but yes they were on the intake manifold just running a Bosh one atm seems to last so far , is yours pretty high in compression , any pics of your engine bay please


Quote from: cam440 on July 12, 2018, 01:13:36 PM
Hi strawdog gotta say iv had a bad run with mds blaster coils they are not oil filled hey , that's why I'm trying a fire core one now what do you run

Yes, I have seen plenty of complaints on the Blasters.

As I don't care about stock apperance, I have always had good success with Crane (FAST) coils.  I use this one

If you are running a multi-spark box, then the 92 is made for that.

Back in the SCAA days, we found these coils would pull about 500 more rpm than anything else we tried.


Yeah crane always made pretty decent stuff gotta say , says not available , yeah I love that pure stock look in these cars I have Goodyear polyglas tires love them , even wanted to run manifolds but yeah might choke it up to much on a 493


The MSD high vibration coils are epoxy filled and can be laid horizontal without any issues...Us 6bbl guys don't have much choice with the stock configuration...


Tryed one of those as well got 500 miles out of it lol


kinda sounds like you are getting too much voltage to the coil or such


I've had about 3 MSD coils go bad as well. All of them mounted in the stock Hemi location. I do the 70's thing now and mount them upright, it looks ugly but they last longer.