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Unfollow a thread I posted in

Started by soundcontrol, April 20, 2017, 02:35:02 AM

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Not sure, I think I asked about this one before, but I cant find my question, or, maybe that was in Anyways, can I unfollow a thread I posted in? Been reading the help and all, but cant find anything about that. I know I can turn on notification for threads and turn it off, but once I make a post in a thread it seems to be followed forever, always shows up in my "New replies to my post" that I use a lot. Sometimes I may post in a thread, but are not interested to follow it forever and ever.


I have one thread like that also.
I thought that I found a way to unfollow it, but that didn't seem to work.


@soundcontrol    Go to your profile from the menu at the top of the site. On the left you will see "modify profile". Under there you will find "notifications", click on that and you'll see topic notifications, select the ones you don't want to follow then click "unnotify".


Quote from: JustinHEMI on April 20, 2017, 03:35:31 AM
@soundcontrol    Go to your profile from the menu at the top of the site. On the left you will see "modify profile". Under there you will find "notifications", click on that and you'll see topic notifications, select the ones you don't want to follow then click "unnotify".

Done that, I don't have any notifications turned on. But isn't that just for e-mail notifications? It will still show up in the "replies to your posts" forever. Can't find any settings for that.


I just spent some time looking thru the Simple Machines manual and this is all I could find. I don't think you remove a particular thread once you've posted in it.


Quote from: soundcontrol on April 20, 2017, 04:38:04 AM
Quote from: JustinHEMI on April 20, 2017, 03:35:31 AM
@soundcontrol    Go to your profile from the menu at the top of the site. On the left you will see "modify profile". Under there you will find "notifications", click on that and you'll see topic notifications, select the ones you don't want to follow then click "unnotify".

Done that, I don't have any notifications turned on. But isn't that just for e-mail notifications? It will still show up in the "replies to your posts" forever. Can't find any settings for that.

Ah gotcha, sorry I think Cody is right. I also run a simple machines forum, not car related, and although it is a powerful free forum software, it does sometimes lack features that seem basic. It is coded completely by volunteers, unlike paid forum software such as Vbulletin.


Quote from: Rev-It-Up on April 20, 2017, 05:13:56 AM
I just spent some time looking thru the Simple Machines manual and this is all I could find. I don't think you remove a particular thread once you've posted in it.

Yeah, I read that also, don't think its possible, seems like a good feature they could add though. With time the list of threads you posted in builds up, for me its a difference on the threads I really wanna follow and the threads I just make a comment in.


I had one post like that on  It had been years since I posted to it and never looked at it again.  I ended up just deleting my post from the thread.  It hasn't showed up in my list since.  So, if you wanted to, you could just delete your responce.  That might do it.

Cuda Cody

I think everyone is right.  Once you start a thread or make a post it's always going to show up under your user name for ever.  For example, if you go to your profile and click "Show Posts" the forum lists all your posts you have made.  And the "Show New Replies to your Posts" uses all your posts and then shows you any new replies after your last post.  It's not something we (admins) can control or set.  And only way to stop your post from showing up on the list of posts you have made (as far as I know) is to remove your post all together.

The only workaround I can think of....  If you want to make a list of posts you want to follow, You can use the "Notify" button at the top of every post to build up a list of threads you want to follow.  Or you can go in your Profile settings and turn on your "Notification" for all your posts and then it will create a list of all your posts.  But you would most likely want to turn off your email or PM messaging as it will send you a message each time someone posts in one of your threads.  The downside is you will not be able to be mentioned or know if someone is messaging you.  So in the end I don't think this is a very good option, it's just the only option I can think of.  Sorry I can't come up with a better option right now.   :sorry:  I'll keep thinking about it and if I can figure out another way I'll let you know.


Thanks guys, it's just a first world problem. I can live with it!   :cheers:


Here's what mine looks like when I click on  "Show New Replies To Your Posts"   (which is a VERY useful feature)

It's the "JOKES" thread that I was hoping to unfollow.
The "Fusible Link and Voltage Limiter" thread, I do plan to reply to, but I expect it will be a lengthy reply and I haven't found the time yet.

Anytime you click on one of these threads to read it, it will disappear from the "New Replies" list.
Most threads on the forum will stop showing up after a few days because people stop replying.
If you have a bunch of them that you want to clear out without clicking on each of them, I suspect that the "Mark All Messages As Read" button shown in this picture would do that.
The issue is more with the long running threads that get a lot of replies, like the Jokes thread, or the Sugar and Spice thread, stuff like that where you might not want to read every reply until the end of time.  For those, it seems like not commenting (or deleting your comment) will get it to stop showing up in your "New Replies" list.
Another thing that I've noticed, is that when you comment on a thread, there is a checkbox at the bottom which says "Notify Me Of Replies".   Maybe if you uncheck that box, then you'll stop seeing it pop up in the "New Replies" list?  Might even by able to edit your old posts and uncheck it, instead of deleting them.  It's worth a shot.


Easy enough .....Delete your post ...... I've done it several times 
.         Doin It Southern Style


Quote from: cataclysm80 on April 20, 2017, 12:51:01 PM
Another thing that I've noticed, is that when you comment on a thread, there is a checkbox at the bottom which says "Notify Me Of Replies".   Maybe if you uncheck that box, then you'll stop seeing it pop up in the "New Replies" list?  Might even by able to edit your old posts and uncheck it, instead of deleting them.  It's worth a shot.

Update:  I went into the Joke thread and modified my only post, to uncheck the "Notify Me Of Replies" box.
Since then, that thread DID show up in my "New Replies" list again.

Maybe unchecking the "Notify Me Of Replies" box would be effective when you originally make the comment, but it seems that going back and modifying your comment to uncheck it, does nothing.