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A mouse keeps outsmarting me!

Started by JH27N0B, May 13, 2020, 03:25:40 PM

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My twenty pound cat would make a snack out of it!  :yes:

cuda hunter

With the bucket, you will get the chipmunk as well.  Sometimes they can jump out of the bucket.  but usually you only kill the nice.  the other animals will get out. That bucket trick works great!

I got cats.  have not had any chipmunk or mice problems since.  Now I have a cat that wants me to serve her.  Smart little creatures. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


I make best use of talent like that, put him on payroll in charge of security!   ;)


Quote from: Scooter on May 14, 2020, 12:59:26 PM
I make best use of talent like that, put him on payroll in charge of security!   ;)
That task is left to my hundred pound German Shepard! the cat is head of rodent control.  :yes:


I have some traps that are plastic, and have a cup for the bait. A hole in the flap that is the trigger. to get to the bait it has to step on the trigger plate and bam. the bast part is, ninety percent of the time they don't reach the bait. I toss the carcass out for the crows and just reset with out putting more bait in the cup. Tractor supplie is ware i got them.  :yes:


Google 5 gallon bucket trap. I got 7 this winter. 3" of water in the bottom drowns them. Flawless.
1970 Challenger R/T Numbers Matching 440 Auto in F8 Quad Green


Mice like to lick the peanut butter and not trip the trap .  . Happened to me as well . . Use something that is more difficult to remove from the mechanism ..  or adopt it as a new pet! 
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!

1 Wild R/T

Quote from: 7E-Bodies on May 14, 2020, 08:22:34 PM
Google 5 gallon bucket trap. I got 7 this winter. 3" of water in the bottom drowns them. Flawless.

Seven? My buddy gets more than that in one bucket in one night..... He's always kept his barn & shop spaces pretty clean, sprays for bugs, puts out gopher bait & has a couple dogs that chase rodents & rabbits... But his neighbor doesn't do any pest control so at times the mouse population explodes... When that happens the bucket traps come out..  I've seen a dozen mice in one bucket & he sets up three buckets in different areas...

When he first tried it he didn't put water in the buckets & he thought the buckets didn't work.... Then he noticed mouse droppings in the bucket but no mice..... He put water in the bucket & suddenly he was catching allot of mice...


Try toilet freshener blocks or toilet bowl tablets. Just throw 4 or 5 p. under your car. Last winter I had a mice family who was addicted to the hood insulation. After using the blocks I have never seen the damn mice again. Dutch mice absolutely hate the smell and my garage smells fresh, like Lemon Ocean Blue ;)
In case you hang the freshener blocks in your engine bay, please take them out before you start your engine. The heat will melt the blocks and it will cause a terrible mess...

1972 Dodge Challenger Rallye E55 727A in Bright Blue Metallic

Chryco Psycho


Between the cats and this little devil, house and the yard are free of rodents.


Quote from: Chryco Psycho on May 22, 2020, 10:19:53 PM
Did you get the mouse yet ?
No!  I found there were two settings for the plastic trigger on my mousetrap and tried using the other setting. Twice I found the trap triggered, but no mouse! 
Both times I set the trap recently, I put a few chunks of Dcon bait from the cartridges they sell to put in bait stations, in the peanut butter.  And when I find the trap triggered, the peanut butter and bait are gone so I assume the mouse ate it.
The other day I put a chunk of Dcon on the battery, next day, it was gone.
Have the mice developed cast iron stomachs and the poison doesn't affect them, or are there dozens of them and I'm poisoning a few and their brothers and cousins go under my hood after they die?
I'm tempted to try the bucket trick but don't have a spare bucket.  I'll pick one up next time I'm at the store, as I don't want to drill holes in my car washing bucket.
I'm also concerned with drowning my chipmunk.  Though he's pissing me off now too, he dug out a bunch of gravel and sand from under my stoop where he lives!
I just planted my vegetables, and in a couple months when I start getting tomatoes, the squirrels will get into them.
Damn rodents!

cuda hunter

Hate to say it but chipmunks will eat wires also.  Not as often but I've seen it. 

Try putting the bait traps onto the middle of the sticky pad.  maybe you can get one to stick to the pad if he's up there trying to get to the bait. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Chryco Psycho

not sure why you have to put a hole in the bucket , I just set a 2" wide piece of wood across the top with a T


I looked at pictures and videos online, and the ones I saw, both homemade and commercially available, had rods installed in holes drilled 180 degrees apart near the rim of the bucket.  Then there was a collar on the rod so that when the mouse walked out on it to get the peanut butter in the middle, the collar would spin and the mouse would fall into the bucket