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Bad sad day

Started by dvldwg89, September 28, 2022, 05:32:04 PM

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So my island Pine island took a direct hit today
I just had my Cuda shipped down there in July
Now I'm praying bokeelia didn't storm surge.
So far it hasn't. The house is full concrete and weird angled
hurricane roof. Just praying it's there whenever we can
get back on the island. Matlache, the only road onto pine island was wiped out. Sannibel Island got wiped out. Ft myers, punta gorda and cape coral took heavy damage and got flooded. Sad day indeed. I've had my Cuda and protected it for 35 years.


Wishing you best of luck.


Yea, we've been getting a bit of info up here on the news...looks absolutely terrible down there....hope everyone stays safe :fingerscrossed:
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Got my fingers crossed for you . Hope it all turns out well for you and your family  :australia:


Yep pictures are coming out this morning. It's worse then I even thought. I have no idea when I'll be able to get on the island to see my house. They are saying hundreds of confirmed deaths. So sad. This is a true disaster.


My in-laws live just across the way in Cape Coral, very near the road to Pine Island. They decided not to evacuate and caused my wife and I a great deal of worry yesterday. Apparently they made out ok as the water only made it up their driveway and not into the house. Hoping for the best for you.


Quote from: dvldwg89 on September 29, 2022, 04:34:13 AM
Yep pictures are coming out this morning. It's worse then I even thought. I have no idea when I'll be able to get on the island to see my house. They are saying hundreds of confirmed deaths. So sad. This is a true disaster.

Wishing the best for you and the others impacted by the storm down there.


Prayers for you and the others impacted by the hurricane. This one was a beast.   The storm surge through Naples is textbook example of the power of these storms.

We dodged a couple of potential Cat 4/5 storms when we lived around Houston.  It was a really surreal experience to walk around our house video taping the contents with the expectation that it would all be gone.   We were fortunate that the storm hooked east at the last minute. 


So sorry for your losses. I know the area well. Altho I'm a non-resident, I am a property owner in LEE County. Been so downhearted seeing so many places I know that are just destroyed. Many have died according to the Sheriff. Blessings for you and your family


  Glad your safe brother... Just saw a helicopter shot of Sanibel Island.. lots of water but the structures for the most part still seem to be there.   
.                                               [glow=black,42,300]Doin It Southern Syle[/glow]       


I live in Tampa, about a mile from the bay but on a canal.   Was planning on evacuating until the storm took its turn.  Spent most of the day Monday and Tuesday moving things upstairs in preparation for flooding.  Moved the cars inland and elevated.   A very surreal feeling to think about the ramifications as your preparing for them. 

The damage in southwest Florida is catastrophic.   Even here in Tampa the high winds were here for 15 hours but we ended up with reverse storm surge because of the wind direction as we were north of the storm.   A lot of tree related damage and was listening to transformers pop all day.  Nothing compared to a 15 hour storm surge.  That's insane.  Feeling very lucky and sad for those south.


I feel for you, I hope your car is ok!  I have family in Florida and they have been posting updates on fakebook. Lots of tree's down and flooding .....


Just posted from Florida...  :'(
Not sure if it's real? Looks kinda photoshopped somehow?


Quote from: Brads70 on September 29, 2022, 11:14:04 AM
Just posted from Florida...  :'(
Not sure if it's real? Looks kinda photoshopped somehow?

Damn! Looks real to me, light and shadows on the car usually gives away a Photshop job, unless it's done by a real pro.


Damn, they needed to move the car.   Moving boats is a whole another level if it's big or you don't have a trailer.  Moving a car is well move the car.  Only excuse is if your out of town or it doesn't run.  Hope the owner is at least ok.

I got up Tuesday at 5am and ran my cars to a restricted parking garage    Took the bus home, twice.  By the time the storm had turned the garage was closed.    I checked them this morning they were fine.   I had put car covers on them and regretted that halfway thru the storm thinking about the covers fluttering but when I went to the garage there was metal debris from the garage lights on the ground.  Felt better about the decision then.  Don't know perhaps the paint is scratched.  Have to wait for the garage to open.  Still better than an upside down flooded car.