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I hope my cars AC parts survive Irma!

Started by JH27N0B, September 09, 2017, 07:46:06 AM

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I suppose it's a bit selfish of me to be thinking about this, what with people's lives and homes at risk with this huge hurricane.  But some of my convertible's AC components have been at Classic Auto air since late July for restoration. They are in Tampa and latest I've been hearing is the hurricane is taking a more westerly track and the gulf coast is at risk.  I saw Tampa forecasted to get 10+ inches of rain and 55 MPH winds.
They were supposed to be done by late August or early this month.  I had to call them a week ago to give them a different credit card number after the card I gave them in July got hacked, and they said there were some delays with the compressor and they hoped to be done "next week".  The revised invoice they sent me said 9/8, but last night I checked my credit card online and no charges from them, so I assume not shipped.
Oh well, I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed, and I hope everyone in Florida gets through this OK!


It must be tough living in that area. I just wouldn't deal with living on the east coast.

Chryco Psycho

It effects everyone differently , I may not even get home , Miami Airport is predicted to be under 8 feet of water in the next 24 hrs


Rough deal: I hate snow and cold weather but snow shovels and you can dress for the cold.

Chryco Psycho

Dressing for the cold never worked for me , I looked like the Michelin dude but was still shivering inside !!
Panama has been a perfect fit & life changing , no SAD or depression anymore & too far south for hurricanes  :cooldance:
this is cool,21.92,1041


I'm no fan of winter, but no fan of heat and high humidity either!
For the most part we don't seem to be getting a lot of bad snowstorms here in Chicagoland in recent years.  Just cold and short days.
We did get some bad storms with major flooding a month or so back, so we are not immune to flooding.  This one was north of me, so no issues here, but I've seen flooded streets by me, and water in the basement.  I can't see ever having a flooded garage with my cars at risk.  :bigthumb:
I'll take winter and an occasional tornado in the spring and summer here over humidity and hurricanes!


Good luck on getting your parts. I'm tired of the heat more this year than ever. I guess there's no perfect place to live. Agree about dressing for the cold, but man that ice hurts when I fall.


Like lots of people in Illinois these days, I'm sick of the corruption and ever rising taxes and fees to pay for it, and want to move.
Hard to figure out where though.  I know friends who've moved to Florida in recent times, and several talking about going there.  Not for me!
Somewhere in the Midwest I think, just not Illinois, and certainly not further north. 
When I figure it out, I'll send out a change of address card!  :D
Funny thing, I just went to Classic Air in Tampas website to see if there was any updates on their situation with the weather.  Nothing on that, but it did say "home of the Hurricane".  Oh the irony, I guess Hurricane is the name of an AC system.  Good luck to them, I hope my parts are on a high shelf....


Quote from: JH27N0B on September 09, 2017, 12:36:42 PM
Like lots of people in Illinois these days, I'm sick of the corruption and ever rising taxes and fees to pay for it,
Somewhere in the Midwest I think.
California is right behind Illinois


             The 5 pm update had it going directly over Tampa as a cat 3 about 2 am Monday morning.  :thumbdown:   


Yeah, I think my AC parts are goners.   :bye:
Maybe I'd better post a wanted ad for a compressor and dryer?   :notsure:
At least my super rare big block AC lines are up here.
Just my luck.  Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone down there.

1 Wild R/T

Compressors are easy, I probably have 4-5 floating around but they are heavy, find one local... The dryer, I've never been anal enough to spend $$ on an original, aftermarket replacements are common & usually about $25....

If you don't mind post pictures of the lines... Especially the crimps..


I'm expecting the worst, but my stuff will probably be OK.  Certainly will be delayed though, I don't expect them to show up anytime soon.
The replacement dryers aren't super close to originals I've heard.  The wiring harnesses don't connect without modifications etc.  They restore the originals by cutting off the bottom and replacing the desiccant with new.  Weld up and paint...results are like new!  So I hope mine comes back.
Time will tell.
My lines are at the shop in Indiana that has been working on my car.  They are the originals removed off my car 25 years ago.  The hoses were really nice and pliable with the original markings and date codes.  So the plan is to cleanup the fittings and reuse as they are.  I'm glad they aren't in Tampa!


My AC parts finally came back in early November.  Not without some additional headaches.  First off, they said they'd have the stuff back around Labor Day, and that didn't happen.  Then they told me in late October my compressor core was bad, and they had some cores in stock so I had to pay another $75 for a core.  Why after having the parts since July did it take until October to inspect my AC compressor to see if it was usable?
Then after the parts were finally returned, the shop said when they went to install it, the compressor wouldn't fit as it had the wrong oil pan!  Fortunately the shop had a spare core with the right pan, and used it, and contacted the place to return the pan from my old one to replace on his core.
All is well that ends well, he returned my car today with the AC installed, my AC car has AC on it for the first time in at least 25 years!  Looks cool.


Glad it worked out, I had no idea compressors had oil pans, and different ones too.
I'm a native Floridian and can't imagine living anywhere cold.