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Long shot.... anybody here aware of ...

Started by BIGSHCLUNK, March 06, 2019, 07:51:45 PM

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trigeminal neuralgia?  This is something right out of hell....


Yes, I have. The doctors think my daughter-in-law may have it. She was experiencing a severe pain followed by numbness on the one side of her face and upper head. They thought she had severe dental problems somewhere. She had some dental work done but still has the problem. She get's severe pain and numbness still on the one side of her face and head. It's excruciating and makes it hard for her to function. Terrible condition. She's 32 years old.


@71vert340 - Thanks for your input. Only 1 person I know, knows about this cause their dad had it. By the age of 25 he had every tooth pulled cause they thought it was a dental problem. When that din't work they started randomly cutting nerves in his face. He lived to be 96..... my god I don't know how he did it. Guess I'm just looking for someone to relate to.. I've just been diagnosed with this... I've been cut, burnt, hit..... cakewalk

Jay Bee

I've never heard of it but, geez, Chris I'm so sorry to hear you have this. I did a quick wikipedia read and in the first paragraph it said, "It is one of the most painful conditions...". I really hope you get some relief from it somehow.

Chryco Psycho


Quote from: Jay Bee on March 07, 2019, 05:06:18 AM
I've never heard of it but, geez, Chris I'm so sorry to hear you have this. I did a quick wikipedia read and in the first paragraph it said, "It is one of the most painful conditions...". I really hope you get some relief from it somehow.

:iagree: I had to google it also. Sorry your having to endure this, not fun!

blown motor

Damn BIGS! Can they control the pain? Let's have a  :grouphug: for BIGS
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel


I am familier with it. My friend has it. He found that eating organic helped reduce flare ups. The pesticide residue on non organic messes with nerves. Sorry to here that you have it. Hopefully you will be able to find a way to minimalize it in your life.


I'm seeing the ENT doc tomorrow. My doc wanted to put me on a nerve blocker such as Lyrica/galupentin..... ya allergic to that..... vicodin is NO help... raiding the liquor store, no help. Percocet helps some. In my case imagine this scenario.....  you have a BAD toothache... ok with me?? Now imagine that toothache  in EVERY tooth on one side of your face.  :headbang:  :bricks:


WOW-So sorry to hear of you ailment. Praying that science can come up with something soon so you do not suffer the rest of your life with this. How about some good old weed ? IS it legal in your state ?


Damn... had to google it myself.... rough goin sounds ta me...
   Best wishes for finding a solution buddy ..
.                                               [glow=black,42,300]Doin It Southern Syle[/glow]       

Chryco Psycho

Allergic to the one medication that would help Wow
Praying for you


  I don't have that and have never heard of it, I can't imagine what that must be like. I have had my share of injuries and to maybe state the obvious everyone responds differently to medications. Percocet does nothing for me and I finally just started telling everyone I'm allergic to it to avoid the delay n getting relief. Hopefully they can get this figured out for you. Prayers for you Bigs!!


Wow Bigs.

You are always getting something with pain.

Hope you get this tackled and improve.


Dang Bigs.   Hope you find some relief.   Prayers for you.