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Of course a Cat 5 storm is heading my way.... just because I moved.

Started by mopar thunder, September 06, 2017, 04:17:48 AM

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mopar thunder

All I can say is I hope my garage holds up. At least my Cuda isn't down here yet. I hate saying that but at least it won't get hit by the storm. My fingers are crossed that it turns away but chances are slim to none at this point. I found an issue with the lanai sliders too last night. Seems as the previous owner put down this nice paver patio around the pool but.... covered up the storm shutter attachment area so now I am in dire need to figure something out. I don't have much time.


Yuck, hope it all works out. I too have family that live in Ocala  and near Myrtle beach . Both of these locations are potentially in the path.


Florida ... Great place to visit but I'd never settle down there. 
  Best of Luck Bro.   :bye:
.         Doin It Southern Style


Yeah - best wishes...  We were planning to travel to Myrtle this weekend but are likely cancelling plans.  This one's gonna be nasty...



Cuda Cody


Quote from: Bullitt- on September 06, 2017, 05:05:12 AM
Florida ... Great place to visit but I'd never settle down there. 
  Best of Luck Bro.   :bye:

I'm with you 100%. certain States and areas I would never move to, not sure how/why people stay when they live in a disaster zone almost yearly. tornado alley? nope. hurricane zone? nope. flood zone? nope. why put yourself and your family through the yearly pain and stresses?

anyways, Good Luck to all our eastern seaboard members, looks like it might be a rough ride.

being an IT geek, this always come to mind when someone mentions a Cat5 storm ....

The only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself.

'70 Barracuda B5/B5 225 /6 3spd ... about as bare bones as they came .... now in 4spd flavor for Reproduction Fender Tags


Stay safe.  Hope the storm misses most of Florida,  :fingerscrossed:     I too have family in South Florida

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible


Be safe. Just went through this in Houston. It's no fun. Just get prepared and be ready to leave if you have to.


Hey guys,

I'm in Boca Raton.  It's headed straight for us.  I was able to get my wife and my daughter with Down Syndrome on a flight  to Baltimore on Friday to stay with Family.  My daughter wouldn't know what to do if she was here and just panic.  I've got plenty of gas, food and fuel for the generator.  It's not a matter of if we lose power if when.  Good luck all. 


Ugh not good, hoping the best for you. Sure your super busy right now doing what you can. Living in the shaky state Krazyfornia we don't get to see them coming, it's just "surprise". Good luck to ya!


Good luck yall. I'm holding out hope that it doesn't hit Savannah head on, but it isn't looking too good. I'm just outside of a 500 year flood plain and hoping the winds won't be so bad that it blows the house down. Probably evacuating back to Athens on Sunday.


 :rebelflag"           2PM update on the track. 


Best site I've seen so far for tracking the storm:

I have been keeping an eye on the spaghetti models, and they haven't settled down yet.  I'll be putting up plywood tomorrow here in central Florida.


Yep, I'm here too. 
Most hurricanes are nothing to worry about.  We've had 9 + named storms so far this year, and the first 7 of those didn't really do anything.  The 8th didn't come here, it went to Texas (which also doesn't usually get that bad of storms).
It's been years since we've had any really bad hurricanes.  This one is looking pretty serious though.  Anyone in the area needs to be evacuating or preparing for some time without power.
I've been in Florida for 20 years, and visited in the summers before that.  Back in 1993, I saw some of the damage from Hurricane Andrew.  Awe inspiring damage, and that was 9 months after it hit!  This one reminds me of Andrew, category 5, and making landfall near the same spot on the map.
The worst storms are almost always in August or September.  We always have at least a week of warnings before it hits though.  It's not sudden like an earthquake or tornado.
For the most part, the weather in Florida is great.  It's hot in July and August, just like everywhere else in the summer, but it's usually only cold (freezing) for a couple weeks in January.  No snow to mess with.  You can drive your car or work on it all year round.  Hail almost never happens here, and when it does, it's tiny tiny little ice bits, pea size or smaller, so no hail damage to cars either.  To have a hail damage sale here, they have to import the cars from Tennessee.