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P.I.T.A. Fraud !!!!

Started by anlauto, January 15, 2019, 08:02:02 PM

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So years ago I had my credit card compromised....which is crap !

Tonight I get a strange automated phone call about my debit card # ending 1966...yadda yadda yadda... say "press 4" if this is your I check my wallet....yes it's my card....I press 4 it asks me to wait "wait time could be 20 mins " :pullinghair: I wait almost 25 mins....

In the mean time I log onto my bank account and see there has been three transactions on my debit car totalling $1611.57....????? How the heck do they do that without the card ???

So finally the guy comes on  ... says I was flagged due to suspicious activity  8)  Had to cancel my card and do an investigation before I can get my money back....but there won't be an issue...just need to go to the bank and get a new card and change my PIN

What a hassle....and I have no idea where or how they got my number....this is a card I only use for business so there's only two places I've used it in the last 30 days... :tired:

I'm glad the bank is on top of things like this, but it would be nice to catch the people doing this.... :headbang:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

Cuda Cody

Dang, that's a bummer.  Big hassle. :pullinghair:  And the people that get away with it suck.

Chryco Psycho


Same thing happened to me twice on my business card. The last time was about 3 years ago. I get a call from the bank concerning a charge that through up a red flag.
Some one in Huston Texas Charged a little over $1000.00 at a Mens Warehouse. They sell suits and mens clothes. Bank redeposited the funds the next day and an investigation
was opened up. Everything worked out in the end.


Do they have origin of the charge, Country?  Also, employees at one of those 2 companies can potentially be suspect.  Particularly if you give info by phone.  Many other ways of doing it, but when you say you use it at 2 places, that really narrows things down.


I use my credit cards pretty heavily.  I have my card compromised - seems like once per year.
This is the reason I stopped using a bank card that directly debited my bank.  The bank was good about addressing the issues - but the money did come out of the account immediately when the fake transaction were posted.

At least with a credit card - the credit card companies will immediately take the disputed charges off the statement.

Still a PITA to change all of the automated transaction.


Happened to me last month. My Credit Union has an APP that I put on my phone. If anything is charged to my card, I get a notification within five seconds.
I got five charges within 30 minutes. I called my Credit Union and the web sites they were charging to. I stopped it right away.
The Credit Union canceled my card and send me a new one.

The charged web sites stopped the transactions.

I asked the web site personial to give me the shipping info of the charger so I could do something about them. Guess what, they said they could not give out that information.


Well I'm glad it wasn't my credit card because I've got likely a dozen or so pre-authorized payments that come off of that card....that's a REAL pain changing all of those....

I've checked my activity with this compromised debit card for the last 60 days.....three stores and my home branch ATM that's it...
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


It's happened to me once as well. What is amazing is that the banks catch it so quickly. They must have some seriously powerful AI running on the database of transactions.


 :angry:  This has happened to me about 3-times in the last 8-years .. The bank has always caught it.. This is why I only use Credit Cards for on-line purchases or any time my card will be out of sight such as a restaurant where they pick up the card at the table.
  I know of folks using a Debit Card & their bank account gets emptied which can be a much bigger hassle to get corrected... 
.                                               [glow=black,42,300]Doin It Southern Syle[/glow]       


All that is needed is to walk past the wrong person with a devise to read the magnetic strip from the card in your wallet, bam they got your information!


That really sucks-lucky that you do not have to pay for it but in the end we all end up paying for fraud by paying higher rates. Banks are more on the ball than they use to be.  We changed Credit Cards last year and in the beginning every time we went out to eat at a certain bar we always leave a bigger tip than 20 % because the food is so cheap. Our bill would be $10 to 12 dollars and we would leave a $5.00 tip and the credit card company would send us a email saying we noticed you left a unusually high tip is this correct. We thought that was good that they picked up on something that small.


Wallets made that block walk by reader/scanners.

I got one for Christmas.


As much as I hate technology the App that alerts you to purchases is a good idea these days.