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Pot now legal in Canada...

Started by anlauto, October 17, 2018, 04:46:01 AM

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Prices driven up on Tobacco products forced many to quit.

So guess what happened?
Less Tax revenue.

No idea how much tax revenue was lost from it from back then till now; but it had to be alot.

So is Pot their new answer to regain their losses?   :dunno:


There has always been a double standard when it comes to weed and alcohol - it`s OK to be a drunk ( as long as you don`t drive) but smoking weed meant were some loser pothead. As others said alcohol has ruined many lives from chronic abuse, car accidents etc. and while pot has many bad side effects for some who abuse it (stoned 24/7 like some people I know, warped sense of reality, driving stoned etc.) it is not too bad compared to a lot of other detrimental things us humans do to ourselves and each other. Like most I`ve lost people close to me form accidents and know more than a few who are serious alcoholics and it`s just sad. I used to drink a lot when I was younger but luckily was able to stop being a drunk and now can enjoy just a couple occasionally. I haven`t smoked in years mainly due to a former job that required pre-employment drug screening but I can now but really have no desire to. I think times have changed and the stigma is going away and the time has come to just make it legal everywhere so the government can control it and get their tax dollars.  ::)
Jeff   `72 Barracuda 340/4spd

Northeast Mighty Mopar Club


I agree: I think alcohol does tons more damage than pot does. It seems pot is lumped in with drugs by a lot of people and I don't really know why.




Boy, it didn't take long! The local paper this weekend had a recipe section for pot dishes and the method to infuse them! I wonder how Martha and that pot head Snoop Dog are working out on new recipes! LOL  :yes:
In the immortal words of Jimmy Scott- "pace yourself!"