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Selling a newer car?

Started by JH27N0B, August 13, 2021, 07:17:36 PM

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Well now I've done it..last weekend I traveled out of state to see a car and put a deposit on it.
WTH am I doing, as many members here know I've had my '71 V code on the market for ages because I don't have room for it and have had it stored.
And in recent times I've found myself to be a complete failure when it comes to selling cars.  Not just the Challenger, a couple daily drivers I advertised but eventually just traded in after no responses to ads.
I bought a new Ram last spring. When I did that I questioned the sanity of my owning 3 late model vehicles, so started casually shopping my '09 Challenger R/T around.  Not surprisingly no response.
I traded it in storage for my 71 in early July and between the new truck and working 50% from home these days and my sideline job being very slow, I haven't missed having it really, I have 2 vehicles to chose from for errands and the days I commute.
I'd be happy to sell it and have 3 vintage rides in my garage instead of 2 and the '09.
There's a couple types of cars I'm interested in, that rarely come up for sale, and for a while I've said if one comes up, I can't wait for things to be right, need to buy and figure out the details like where to keep. I've found waiting for life to hit on all 8 cylinders to be a recipe for never realizing any dream.
So a friend bought a car from a collector recently and the seller had one of those cars I want in his collection, the nicest example I've seen, and after a few months decided he'd sell.
It's a Mopar but not a E body, in fact it's a "malaise" era car.  But an oddball you don't ever see and something comfortable I can drive to further away events.  I love my E bodies but don't like driving them very far away, on our crazy highways. So I've been one of "those guys" driving yet another late model to further away events. The new malaise mobile will fill the road trip role instead of the '09.
So now the 09 really needs to go...or else I end up with 2 cars stored indefinitely.
I avoid selling my soul to Facebook like the plague, and a former EBay fanboy broken hearted as to how bad they destroyed that place for sellers. I don't want to use those platforms.
Any other ideas for how to sell my car for near market value? I'm really between a rock and a hard place with too many cars! Anybody looking for a one owner like new 6 speed Challenger?  :D


I can appreciate your sentiments about FB Marketplace but it reaches a huge audience and it's free. I sold a nice 2015 Honda CRV in less than one day recently. Post about 10 photos and price it fairly. Super easy and with you being in the Chicago area, you are reaching out to thousands of potential buyers.  :alan2cents:


Someone posted an ad on FB for me for a set of wheels and tires I had, and it sold.  Not quickly and I let it go cheaper than I wanted but my main goal there was getting them gone!
Is it possible to "join" Facebook with a false name and no personal information about yourself?
The more I learn about that site the more I'm pleased I never joined. No cost to join, just give them access to every detail about your life so that they can sell that data to anyone and everyone.  With access to that data they know more about you than you do.
Give up that for the privilege of seeing pictures of friends kids playing soccer or of their vacation? Or to place an ad?  Nope, not for me, I put a higher value on my privacy than that, but to each his own...


I believe all you need is an email address. So create a gmail and an alias.


70 Top Banana

Yep, I have done that and sold some stuff. Bought and sold a couple cars as well. But be careful of where you meet and make sure it is public. Have  a friend with you too.


Quote from: captcolour on August 14, 2021, 05:03:06 AM
So what did you buy?
I don't want to curse myself by getting into details until I actually get it.
There is a title issue that needs to be worked out, the collector never changed it to himself so we need to sort that out.  He said he would get it transferred if need be.
I felt the same way when I ordered my new 2500 in February, between chip shortages and worries about if the dealer would play games when it arrived, I didn't consider myself the owner of a new truck until I was actually driving it home!  As it turned out, it arrived ahead of schedule and the dealer experience was pain free.  Hopefully this deal will be similar.  Get the title issue worked out, figure out getting it 400 miles, and hopefully sell the 09 so my fleet doesn't become even larger!
I do have a vanity plate picked out.  We have 2 choices for vintage vehicle plates here.  Antique vehicle which is cheap but highly restricted use; to and from shows and to and from maintenance basically.  And Expanded Antique which costs half of what a regular plate fee is, and allows recreational use from April to October, over winter the AV plate restrictions apply.
My 70s and 71 are AV but this one I plan to get EA.  And the vanity plate will be "Malaise".  I mentioned that idea to my friend and he pointed out if I got a small "R" sticker at the hardware store and strategically put it in place, my plate would then say MALAISE ERA which is pretty funny!


eBay has got terrible for smaller items, is selling cars there terrible now too?  They made some change requiring social security number and more to be a seller this year I heard, I assume same to sell a car?
I haven't been happy with response to my 71 listing on CarsOnline.  I listed several inexpensive daily drivers on Craigslist years back and other than some goof wanting to trade a hopped up Ranger for one of them, I got 0 responses, even scammers ignored me, so not impressed with Craigslist.
Back in June I put a for sale sign on it and drove it to several cruises and it was getting a lot of looks but no calls resulted.  I want to take my vintage cars to cruises so not too eager to do more of that.
Anybody else have success with any other online car sales platforms?


       I've never sold but always seem to end up shopping on
    Be realistic with your asking price... I shy away from approaching any that are way
overpriced to begin with...despise haggling   :alan2cents:
.         Doin It Southern Style


I think AutoTrader would be a good place for a newer car.. :twothumbsup:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


I just sold my 2018 Challenger RT  a few weeks back to a local dealer.. I got what I paid for it in 2018 :) Guess I got kinda lucky..I did not need to sell it, but the offer was there..  You may want to try the local dealers, cannot hurt to find out,, , this way you do not have to deal with people



To answer your question about facebook, there is NO requirement for you to use your true identity or any of your personally identifiable information (PII). As mentioned, all you need is a valid email address. I have a totally made up identity on facebook - there is NO WAY I'm putting any of my PII on there - it's a virtual gold mine for identity theft "pharmers".

Second, FB market place has become a hot place for selling. Unfortunately it has become inundated with dealerships ads and the private individuals ad can kind of get lost in the sea of ads from the dealerships. It's still a good place to advertise - EVERYBODY seems to be shopping there now. As mentioned, Autotrader is pretty good too. It's volume far exceeds that of it's closest competitors like Cars dot com, etc.

Third, I also live in the blood-sucking state of Illinois ... how in God's name do you afford all of the title, tax and registration costs for all of those cars!!  :pullinghair:

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Personally, I would check out Bring A Trailer. The fee is only $100 to list a car, and you get the same exposure as ebay, but with a much nicer platform to work with. There is a person assigned to you to do the write up on the car, you post the pictures and videos, and you get interactions for questions/feedback from the peanut gallery of community users. There is no commission for selling your car, only buying. They also have a built in shipping function to help make that easier. If it doesn't meet your reserve, it doesn't sell unless you work out a deal with the high bidder.
1973 Barracuda
2012 Charger R/T AWD

cuda hunter

I've sold cars on everything except BAT.
The only things I have sold online have been the ones that I dropped below what I thought it was worth. 
As soon as I came off my price the car or truck sold.  Most folks are looking for a deal.
Finding the one guy who wants to pay 80K for a car that has 100 K into it seems to very difficult. 
Bottom line, when the price is an acceptable price the market will snatch it up. 
I have several cars that just sit out there because no one wants to pay me what I have into them or pay me what I think they are worth. 

Price is everything on each site. 

I've yet to make any money on old/new cars.   Gotten my money back, yes sometimes. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


I mentioned in a previous post I didn't want to give details on the new purchase until the deal was done and I actually had the car in my grubby little paws. 
Anyway it got delivered yesterday and I have the title in hand, just need to take it to the secretary of state and get bent over there LOL.
It's a '78 Magnum GT with a E56 360 rated at a tire frying 160HP!
Sadly I had to have it delivered straight to the storage building where it is now keeping my '71 company.  I really need to sell my '09 Challenger so I can bring it home and cruise it around before the season ends!
My first B Body, and it is one of the last of the iconic Mopar B bodies.  I look forward to driving in comfort at 70 mph to more distant events while driving my Challengers to the nearby happenings.
I still have 3 E bodies so I hope I don't get banned here.  :stop:   ;)