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Severe weather season is here

Started by Burdar, March 06, 2017, 06:50:26 PM

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303 Mopar

Near 100 degrees here today and these poor guys are stuck repaving my street. It has to be one of the least popular summer jobs.


Be sure to " mark your territory" on that new pavement!  :D  :burnout:

cuda hunter

Quote from: 303 Mopar on June 19, 2018, 01:45:04 PM
We grow 'em big out here in CO!

  My buddies business in fountain had 7 bobcat's destroyed.  Every plastic part has holes in it.  roof is full plastic. Busted out windows.
  13 work trucks busted windshields and side windows.  Massive body damage. 
All their spreaders and lawn mowers were destroyed.  Literally anything plastic or upholstery has holes in it.

  The fountain police department had all their windows in their patrol cars busted out and lights all busted up.  County sheriff's patrol cars were hit the same.
  My brother in law had his windshields shattered as well as the main window in his home. 

  I had some fence post holes dug at my fathers house and they filled up 30" with hail.   

  Mulitple friends that I have in widefield, security and fountain have had damage to their cars and most were totaled. 
  Lots of damage down there!
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

Chryco Psycho

My condolences , hail can be brutal


 :iagree:  Wow that sucks, can't say I've ever experienced anything like that.

303 Mopar

cuda hunter

So my towns internet has been off for 4 days.   There is a fire in La Veta, about 100 miles from my town that has a large forest fire burning.  It knocked out 90% of the internet carriers and all cell phones except AT&T.  some land lines were down also.
We now have internet again but it's very slow. 

  It was a pleasure to not have internet for a little while.  Brings back fond memories. 

Extreme weather.   
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Quote from: cuda hunter on July 03, 2018, 10:51:21 PM
So my towns internet has been off for 4 days.   There is a fire in La Veta, about 100 miles from my town that has a large forest fire burning.  It knocked out 90% of the internet carriers and all cell phones except AT&T.  some land lines were down also.
We now have internet again but it's very slow. 

  It was a pleasure to not have internet for a little while.  Brings back fond memories. 

Extreme weather.

Wow, hope it gets under control and no where near you!

cuda hunter

We have 9 fires in the state.

Not surprising due to the dry climate and the fact that we don't let natural fires burn themselves out.  We stop every fire that burns.  Then of course we have a ton of beetle kill trees all over the state.  These things combined will cause this burn all year until the snows come again.

  Not that big a deal really.  unless it's my house that's burning of course.  I build homes right smack dab in the middle of giant forests that all need burned.  I've made a ton of money over time doing fire mitigation for my clients. 
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


We just had a bad storm come through the Ohio Valley on Sunday night with severe 60 mile an hour winds and hale.

Chryco Psycho

Lucky today , heavy rains & Hail forcast , it can get bad in AB , have not heard of any hail materializing thankfully


And this would be today in socal Corona area.
Upper 90s for temp and then throw in some wind.
Recipe for yet another fire.
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



Quote from: YellowThumper on July 19, 2018, 05:50:18 PM
And this would be today in socal Corona area.
Upper 90s for temp and then throw in some wind.
Recipe for yet another fire.

Yuck , that's not good


Quote from: Chryco Psycho on July 18, 2018, 10:18:31 PM
Lucky today , heavy rains & Hail forcast , it can get bad in AB , have not heard of any hail materializing thankfully
You are back in AB?
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Just as I was about home from work yesterday, the tornado alert came on the radio.  It was for a storm that was about 1 1/2 hours away from me.  The alert was more ominous then I've ever heard before.  Apparently it was a "Tornado Emergency" alert instead of the normal "Tornado Warning" that usually plays.  An "Emergency" is issued when a tornado is headed for a heavily populated area.  It certainly got my attention.   So far it doesn't look like there were any fatalities.  They are still searching homes.  Last I heard was 17 injured.