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Show or tell: The rare option your E body came with

Started by Topcat, April 02, 2017, 05:25:35 PM

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cuda hunter

the horn on the 71 a93.  Can you tell if that is a high or low tone?
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee

cuda hunter

a93 hardware
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


cuda hunter

I have pictures of the chrome plug and the rear panels.  Can't find them.  Will keep looking.
"All riches begin as a state of mind and you have complete control of your mind"  -- B. Lee


Those look like Spartan horns Dan.
Didn't E bodies use Prestolite horns?

I'm thinking the Prestolite horns are labeled on the little raised lettering on them.


that pic is of Classic Industries reproduction E-body horns & yes they are SPARTON - I was looking at the sound path shape to guess the A93's horn was "LO" 


Quote from: 6bblgt on April 04, 2017, 10:18:01 PM
that pic is of Classic Industries reproduction E-body horns & yes they are SPARTON - I was looking at the sound path shape to guess the A93's horn was "LO"

That second pic looks better.   Thanks!   I hadn't realized the Hi & Lo were mirror images of each other.

I agree, Looks like A93 (or at least this one) use Lo note.

I wonder if all the A93 used a Lo note, or if it's just whichever horn they happened to grab.

Is the Lo note horn normally mounted in the upper position on the car?  I don't recall paying attention to that before.

Cuda Cody

I never knew that either.   :clapping:  Learned something new.   :banana:

Quote from: cataclysm80 on April 04, 2017, 11:25:42 PM
Quote from: 6bblgt on April 04, 2017, 10:18:01 PM
that pic is of Classic Industries reproduction E-body horns & yes they are SPARTON - I was looking at the sound path shape to guess the A93's horn was "LO"

That second pic looks better.   Thanks!   I hadn't realized the Hi & Lo were mirror images of each other.


while looking for some A93 pics I have, I stumbled across a broadcast sheet for a 1971 Challenger Deputy with the following extra cost OPTIONS:
EV2 & V1X
E44 D31
A01 A22 A62
B41 B51
F11 F25 F56 (Oh CANADA!)
S13 S25

a "HEMI orange" DEPUTY w/rubber bumpers, gauges, power disc brakes, manual steering & some more  :looney: ODD +


I dug into my car notes a little regarding A93 cars, and thought I'd share a bit...

The A93 option package was introduced mid year 1970, around the same time as the Trans Am cars.
From then until the end of 1970 production, you could order A93 on a JH Challenger or BH Barracuda.
The A93 Barracuda was called a Coupe.  The A93 Challenger was advertised as a Deputy in 1970.
The Deputy name was not used in 1971 Challenger advertising, it was called a Coupe like the Barracuda.
You couldn't order the A93 package in 1971 (it wasn't an option on the order form).  To get the A93 package in 1971, the order form had JL21 & BL21 VINs, and ordering one of those gave you the A93 package.  L in the VIN is for Low price class, and 21 in the VIN is for a two door car with back windows that don't roll down.  Ideally, the Coupe cars would have used L21 VINs from the start, but I suppose that as a mid year introduction, it was easier to implement an option package onto the existing order forms.
Even though the 1971 order forms indicated an L21 VIN, the cars were actually built with H23 VINs and A93 package, as they had been done the year before.
I've heard rumors of a 1971 JL21 VIN car existing.  It was an empty shell last I heard, but that was many years ago, before I started saving pictures and writing things down.

A93 Engine selection was the same both years.  198 six cylinder, 225 six cylinder, 318 V8, 383-2 barrel, 383-4 barrel.
NO 340, 440, or Hemi.

A93 cars came with a non-Day/Night mirror, unless the optional G41 Day/Night Mirror was ordered.

A93 cars came with a chrome metal plug in the cigar lighter hole, unless the optional J15 Cigar Lighter was ordered.

A93 cars had fixed rear windows with no regulators.
Power Windows were not available on A93 cars.

In 1970, the only interiors available with A93 were L6X9  &  L6XW.
In 1971, the interior color options opened up to include blue, green, & saddle, in addition to the X9  &  XW.

I've heard that the 1970 cars, having such a limited interior color selection, used color matched plastic plugs for the window crank holes that were predrilled in the rear panels.  That would be black plugs or white plugs.
I've heard that 1971 cars, with their wider interior color selection, used a generic chrome metal plug for the window crank holes.
However, I've also heard of a 71 Challenger A93 with green interior that has green plastic plugs.
At this point, it seems that the chrome plugs are on later built cars, after they ran out of plastic plugs, but I welcome more data.

Here's some pics...


Quote from: cuda hunter on April 04, 2017, 09:55:45 PM
I have pictures of the chrome plug and the rear panels.  Can't find them.  Will keep looking.

@cuda hunter  What color is your interior, and what is the cars scheduled production date?


Here's an original seat from a 1970 Deputy with L6XW interior.
The insert on the seat base has been replaced, but I'm told it was flat like the insert in the seat back, not ribbed at all.
I think this makes it a little different than the regular vinyl Barracuda interior, which I think had some ribs in the inserts.

Here's a close up of the grain on this seat.

I think this white seat looks a lot like the white interior shown above with the chrome window plug.  That could be a 1970 car with a chrome window plug.

Here's an original 1971 Challenger Coupe black interior.  (Door panel has been changed, but rear panel and upholstery are original)
It looks like the 1971 Challenger Coupes did actually use the Barracuda interiors. 
Did the Barracuda Coupes also use regular Barracuda interiors?

1971 Challenger Coupe interior page

The Challenger Coupes weren't supposed to have woodgrain on the door panels, but it wouldn't surprise me if at least some of them got it anyway, since it was on every other Challenger built by that time.


Here's one of the first announcements for the 1970 Challenger Coupe.
Notice that it has a JL23 VIN.  I've never heard of that VIN actually being used.

Here's a Challenger Deputy advertisement, with a lot of info.
Notice that since the first announcement, they've decided that dual horns are not an available option.
This advertisement also indicates that carpet is standard.

There was no mention of carpet on the first announcement.
I've heard that carpet was optional on some A93 cars as option code C93.
Does anyone have a broadcast sheet that's NOT coded for C93 Carpet?
Here is a picture of a 1970 Barracuda A93 Coupe, column shift with Vinyl Flooring (the steering wheel is not original).
Sorry the picture quality isn't better.  Digital cameras weren't great back then, and photo's had to be resized smaller in order to share them on forums.  We're really lucky to have a great forum like this.  Thanks again Cody!
There was another picture of this vinyl floor after it had been removed from the car, and laid out on the driveway, but I didn't save that picture.  The car owner installed reproduction carpet.
Does anyone else have pics or info on E body vinyl flooring?


Instead of the 3 spoke woodgrain steering wheel, A93 cars used a 3 spoke black steering wheel.

The 1970 cars had a smooth black steering wheel rim, made from the same plastic material as the woodgrain wheel, and prone to cracking like the woodgrain wheel.

The 1971 cars had a textured black steering wheel rim, made from the same plastic material as the 72-74 wheels.

The horn pad should be black unless the car has a rallye dash.  If the car has a rallye dash, the horn pad and steering column is colored like the dash pad.
Since 1970 A93 cars could only come with black interiors or black & white interiors, the horn pad should always be black.
1971 A93 cars with a rallye dash, could have a black, blue, green, or saddle horn pad to match their interior.

The Rim Blow Steering wheel was optional of A93 cars, but the Partial Horn Ring was not available.


Very informative info. thank you for sharing.  :cheers:

Since it was such a short production offering, kinda make me wonder why they bothered?  Perhaps a market test with results that really didn't get carried forward?