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SUPERBOWL! 2020 Who will win!

Started by Spikedog08, February 05, 2017, 08:47:37 AM

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Who will win today?



I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
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me 2! I won some Cuda money, hahaha
The only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself.

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Good for Andy Reid!!  :cooldance:

BOTH teams are well rounded and strong will be a force in the playoffs for the foreseeable future.

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Young coach learned he needed to remind and motivate his players they must play the full 60 minutes...
Life is to be viewed thru the windshield. Not rear view mirror.
You are the only one in charge of your destiny.



I won $100.00 in a pool. Won 1st Quarter.


That was one heck of a game; Glad KC pulled it off and made history, beating the 50 year drought! Mahomes has some NFL future  ;)

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible


I remember when Joe Montana went to the KC Chiefs with Marcus Allen. I wonder if he feels bitter sweet about the outcome. I saved the pennant from the 1994 game when he helped take the KC Chiefs to their first conference championship.

303 Mopar

I bet my friend there would be not butt cleavage during the halftime show. I lost early.    :bricks:


Quote from: 303 Mopar on February 03, 2020, 10:24:46 AM
I bet my friend there would be not butt cleavage during the halftime show. I lost early.    :bricks:

:haha: :rofl: :haha:

Yeah, On the radio this morning I heard them refer to half-time show as the ... "ass-time" show!!  :crazytalk:

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


The half time show was nice. I just didn't understand why they felt the need to make it bi-lingual.

The craziest thing was with 5 seconds left on the clock, Maholmes throws a bomb. If he had completed that pass for a touch down, everyone that bet the "under" of 54.5 points would have been toast.


 :-[ Third and fourteen seven minutes and a little change as a Chiefs fan it was more than I could bare so I left the game behind and went in to the other room and watched a Hallmark movie with my daughter :headbang: :bricks: ... I humbly submit BOTH my fan card and my man card!! :crying:


I watched the last half again tonight just to watch the horror unfold to gain more perspective.

The 40 plus yard catch was a really well designed play.
It totally threw the defense off guard.

So many thing went wrong...or right, depending on your point of view.

It's gotta really hurt...It did!


I almost always pull for the underdog ... but in this case I don't think that there really was one.

I have liked the 49'ers since the days of John Brodie and Gene Washington and of course Joe Cool and The Goat! Besides, my wife is from there ... and I just couldn't bring myself to root for Al Davis's crew!

Like the Chiefs too ... and Andy Reid. Was probably pulling a little more for them since they hadn't been to the Big Show in 50 years while the 49'ers have been there seven times over that same span.

In the end, it's just a game and I was happy to see Andy Reid finally grab the big prize! It was certainly more entertaining than last year where the Lambs were never really in the game at all.


Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Glad the Chief's won.  :banana: Made $100!
According to the Prez....Congrats to the state of
"There is nothing your government can give you that it hasn't already taken from you in the first place" -Winston Churchill


Quote from: Topcat on February 03, 2020, 08:31:37 PM

It's gotta really hurt...It did!

Mike, I know what it feels like to lose a SB. I thought the 49er's had it in the bag.

The positive out of this? You have a great front seven on defense. Bosa is a monster. The team is young. This might be just a stepping stone to greater things.