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Wrecked, destroyed, mangled Mopars

Started by Roadman, September 21, 2017, 03:00:18 PM

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Quote from: anlauto on September 22, 2017, 02:32:46 PM
Quote from: MoparDave on September 22, 2017, 02:17:02 PM
couple decrepit cars

That Daytona is now restored isn't it ?

Yes, its still a roller though in matte black with red tail, Just for display purposes.
Please Email me at or call 586-790-4100


My story is simple...18 year old with booze and horsepower mixed.
After leaving a party at midnight,  a friend and owner of a new 71 Demon 340 following,
we decided to see which 340 car was the faster.
What was supposed to be a 1/4 mile run on a deserted stretch of Hwy 15,  led to top end....real stupid, and a after couple miles of neck and neck we slowed for a slight bend with a dip in the road and I lost control at about 90 mph.
Barrel rolled it down an embankment after taking out 22 guideposts.
No seat belt on in 1971, so I bounced around inside like a rubber ball till the Challenger landed on its roof.
I thought the pounding noises would never end and then just like the scene out of the Wizard of OZ when the house landed...
...complete silence.
I was laying on the inside of the roof...all that hurt besides my feelings was my thighs from the constant thrashing against the steering column and I got a 3 stitch deep cut on my forehead.

Dont know the story on this 1970 Challenger RT, but chances are the occupants were not as lucky.


Quote from: RzeroB

"That '71 Satty took out three trees at once ..."

"Three trees! Bet they got hurt!"

Yes Robert was hurt pretty bad, laid up for almost two months. He loved Motorsports. He had a pipe buggy and also modified 4 wheeler. We called him one of the Dew boys from the Moutain Dew commercials.  About five years later he crashed his street bike and died instantly. Good guy, was an excellent machinist and used to always make oddball parts like bushing when I used to restore antique tractors. Still miss him but you can't drink and drive man!


Here's a wrecked '70 HEMI Super Bee  :thinking: wonder if it got fixed? 1 of ~32


IIRC this happened to someone from the pacific northwest coming to or returning from one of the Spring/Fall Flings  :unbelievable:


That one gives A whole new meaning to wrapped around A tree  :'( 

1 Wild R/T

Like I said earlier, There's not a car made that could withstand a hit from a tree like that.  And yes this tree is bigger but trust me a surprisingly small tree will win every time....  Many years ago, just out of the military I drove tow truck for a couple years.... Trees win every time... Half the time all the tree loses is a very little bit of bark.....


Quote from: 1 Wild R/T on September 26, 2017, 02:22:58 PM
Like I said earlier, There's not a car made that could withstand a hit from a tree like that.  And yes this tree is bigger but trust me a surprisingly small tree will win every time....  Half the time all the tree loses is a very little bit of bark.....

:iagree:  Friend had a '70 Charger RT, 440 auto. Going down a straight back road he decided to stick his foot in it and to his surprise the throttle stuck in the WOT position!! A couple of stabs at the pedal did nothing to release it so he reached for the key. In his panic, he turned the key too far and the steering wheel locked in a slight left turn. He skidded off of the road and hit the one and only tree along that part of the road. As fate would have it, he hit that lone tree dead center on the grill and it cleaved the front of that Charger in half. It wasn't an overly large tree, maybe 10" in diameter, but it was a locust tree and that species of tree is hard as nails. The Charger was totaled. We parted it out and off to the junk yard it went. The tree?? Like Randy said, all it did was lose some bark ...

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Unless it's A sapling, tree's don't move!!! I have been in the towing and recovery business 30 + years.


Looks like another tree encounter?? Damn those trees for jumping out in front of these cars!!  :verymad:

Tis' better to have owned classic Mopars and lost than to have never owned at all (apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson)