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Small town mini-car show

Started by 340challconvert, October 10, 2021, 08:17:34 AM

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Attended a small local car show in a park yesterday in Madison , NJ

About 30 cars ranging from hot rods to new and old muscle cars. Only one e-body; an 1970 RT SE 440 4 speed. The car was restored beautifully with all correct coded parts on a numbers matching Challenger. A great car with a small number of items needed to be totally correct.

Of course the car was beautiful and modeled what my Y 1 Challenger should look like! :ohyeah:

Data Moderator A66 Challenger Registry

Owner of 1970 A66 Challenger convertible

Cuda Cody

Mr Lee

Cool!  Fellow New Jerseyan here and yes, seeing an E-body at local shows seems to be extremely rare. That's a nice one!

I went to a local show recently and my Challenger and a yellow cuda were the only ebodies. 

Saw a cool old doge pickup with a 5.7 hemi.  Had the whole patina thing going. 

Worth sharing was this old Ford with an all wood body that was stained and sanded smoooooth.  I wanted to run my hands over it so bad but restrained.  Haha. Every screw hole had a wood plug over it.  It was very nicely done. 

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Remember, wherever you go, there you are.


Here near Raleigh there are several "car cruises" weekly that one can go to.   Ranging from 20 cars to sometimes about 150.   At the larger ones there is usually at least one other E body besides mine, and a Road Runner and of course the ubiquitous tri-five chevies, chevelles, and camaros.   

There is also at least two car shows charging $20 a car and doing judging and giving trophies.   I quit going to them as i don't need to have any more pieces of plastic trophies and i dont need to donate to their endless "great causes".   Plus i hate being held captive for three or more hours waiting for the judging and the award ceremonies.

One thing that became popular down here with covid is nursing home drive thrus... meet at a close nursing home and have a parade of classic cars driving thru...the old residents there come out in their wheel chairs and walkers and wave to us...   gives you a great feeling to make them happy...     


That wooden bodied Ford is really cool! Gotta admire the craftsmanship in that !  :bradsthumb:

I agree , paying to go to a small local car show is a negative to me too. I love the idea of the old age homer cruise by!  :clapping:  They did that here also for the hospital.


I agree also about paying (and staying for a long time), and seldom do. But I do like to go so just drive on out and park with spectators, if I draw a crowd so be it  :P