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Feeling pretty good about life

Started by Shoooter, October 09, 2017, 08:57:37 PM

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I know most of you don't know me but there are a few of you who do so I though I would share a few highlights of my day. Today is thanksgiving Monday up here in Canada and I got to spend the weekend with my wife and two boys. I feel pretty blessed with my life right now. My two young boys  (2.5 and 4.5) amaze me every day. My oldest asked me to go into the shop today and have a talk. He said he is ready to build a race  cart and started picking up tool. It was followed up by a question if home depot was open cause we are going to need parts haha. About five minutes later my youngest came in the shop and climbed right into the side by side (no key in it ) and started making engine spunds. These little guys crack me up. It really makes me feel special for everything I have worked hard for in life. I am still young at 34 yr old, my beautiful wife made the most amazing dinner as always. As I'm sitting here thinking about the great weekend i had with my loved ones it takes away the guilt of not working on the cuda in the garage....that my son always tells me he will be able to drive before it's done.! Just thought I would share a few events from me weekend.  I hope everyone out there is doing well . feel free to post your weekend fun or life events.

Cuda Cody


You are blessed for sure and you are spot on for life's priorities. Man what a great outlook and attitude you have, just keep it! Remember these days as they are precious! Remember them, for life will throw you for a loop now and then. Life is short enjoy them.  :grouphug:

1 Wild R/T

Chryco Psycho

Happy Thanksgiving sounds like you have lots to be thankful for.
I had a great day too,  had some work & got an fantastic turkey dinner with friends  :twothumbsup:


Great family and good friends, everything else is just material


I asked each of the twenty-four people at our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday what they were thankful for.....number one answer...."family".... :brainiac:
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration

blown motor

That's cool stuff Shoooter! Thanks for posting.
Who has more fun than people!
68 Charger R/T    74 Challenger Rallye 
12 Challenger RT Classic    15 Challenger SXT
79 Macho Power Wagon clone    17 Ram Rebel


I love hearing this! It's awesome and also awesome that you appreciate it! Get the wrench in there hands early!  :banana:


Hey Pete,

Sounds like a pretty awesome day man.  Both my boys (5&7) have developed an obsession with jeep wranglers with "monster truck tires"  :haha:  makes me smile every time they point one out they like.  I can't wait to land a cuda to get them around muscle cars again, my oldest was only 4.5 when I sold the challenger, but he still recognizes challengers as "daddy's race car" lol. Any day with the boys is a good day eh Pete?  Good to hear from you man, I'll shoot you a text so we can catch up.
Looking for the right 70 Cuda project!


Thanks Scott.  Every day this week has a came up with ideas for the race cart haha. He also asked if we could say what we are thankful for everyday at dinner. He seemed to really enjoy it. About 20 min after that the younger boy hit the older boy with a toy fishing rod and split is lip open lol. always a interesting time with two young boys . I see my shop space being taken up more in the near future .


I think shop bonding goes a lot deeper than people realize. Busy hands stay out of trouble and projects motivate youngsters into wanting a good paying career to finance them as well.


Enjoy the good times while you can!   :clapping:
Drive it like you stole it . . . And they're CHASING you!


Hi Pete, I love hearing this. Enjoy the boys while they are young cause they grow really fast! Life is great buddy!
Keep yer foot in it


Quote from: Shoooter on October 09, 2017, 08:57:37 PM
I know most of you don't know me but there are a few of you who do so I though I would share a few highlights of my day. Today is thanksgiving Monday up here in Canada and I got to spend the weekend with my wife and two boys. I feel pretty blessed with my life right now. My two young boys  (2.5 and 4.5) amaze me every day. My oldest asked me to go into the shop today and have a talk. He said he is ready to build a race  cart and started picking up tool. It was followed up by a question if home depot was open cause we are going to need parts haha. About five minutes later my youngest came in the shop and climbed right into the side by side (no key in it ) and started making engine spunds. These little guys crack me up. It really makes me feel special for everything I have worked hard for in life. I am still young at 34 yr old, my beautiful wife made the most amazing dinner as always. As I'm sitting here thinking about the great weekend i had with my loved ones it takes away the guilt of not working on the cuda in the garage....that my son always tells me he will be able to drive before it's done.! Just thought I would share a few events from me weekend.  I hope everyone out there is doing well . feel free to post your weekend fun or life events.
Great reading this....there are people who have what you have but sadly enough don't realize it, can't see it or always look at the negative. Keep on enjoying it, my daughter is 12 and it has been a great ride thus far.

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