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Body plug advice

Started by nsmall, November 10, 2017, 04:43:35 PM

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Quote from: nsmall on November 11, 2017, 06:59:04 AM
The sound deadener I'm using is pretty stiff as it has  a layer of metal/aluminum inside of it.  should I cut a slit in the sound deadner on the floorboard channels to try to get the sound deadener to fit tight in that area or do you think I should just be fine leaving it alone as it did stick well around this area.  Thanks

@Claudia I know you recently did your car so maybe you can chime in.

IMO - I worked all of my heat / sound deader into every area that I could to get it to adhere as completely flat as possible as I wanted a tight fit everywhere that I could possibly get it.  I ended up using a heat gun and a wooden paint stick to get mine to confirm to all of the areas.  It was definitely time consuming and takes a toll on your back but it did seem to work pretty good and I was happy with the result.