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Column repair bill

Started by nsmall, May 31, 2017, 09:57:05 PM

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Try not to laugh.  I know next to nothing about restoring cars.

So I planned to change my turn signal handle and blinker switch as my steering column is out.  My "friend" said, let me do it as I have the tools and "I'll will treat you right."  I thinking like $50.  He charged me $150. He charges $50 an hour and it took 3 hours. Really?    Do I need a new friend or am I just being a cheapskate?

PS The blinker handle is a repop and already lost some of its chrome near the bend where it connects to the column.  Flaked off.  Some of these repops are utter crap imo. 

I guess I am asking how long should a job like this take for those you have done this?

Thanks in advance.


Ugh: Well an hour should do it if you have to fight with the wheel can I suppose. Did he blast it, repaint it and change bearings or anything like that or just change the switch?


Only switched the turn signal and blinker handle.  That's it.  I almost need the next person I hire to tell me the price up front as I don't mind paying, but I hate over paying.  He's been fair so far, but this bill kind seems unfair.


Chryco Psycho

An hour  if you are working slow , maybe he had to build a crush can puller & charged you for that otherwise it takes minutes to pull the switch & replace it.

Cuda Cody

An hour would be plenty of time unless he had to blast and paint something.

You know it's a pretty easy job to do that column yourself?

You can watch me take all the time to explain and then show you how to take a column completely apart in less then 30 minutes (Video #2). 



I was confident I could do the job myself but he told me it's a "hard job."  I was trying to save some time as I have 3 small kids and it's hard for me to get anything done nowadays.

I appreciate your help even though it wasn't the answer I was hoping to hear.  Now I just got to face whether or not I'm tough enough to tell him I think he overcharged me.

Thanks again. 


Cody thank you for those videos and I was planning to refer to them.  I just kind of got caught up with trying to save time but ended up paying.  I'll say something to the guy as I'm not totally timid but I'm also not a very confrontational type person.  I just try to treat people right and expect them to do the same but the more I live here in California I'm having a hard time finding others who are like that.  There are great people here.  Just an expensive place to do business.


Yep...I just changed the Duster's turn signal switch and lever in under 30 minutes....and I'm a girl!  :haha:


Rev-It-Up Restorations

Specializing in turn signal replacement.  :tool:

I like it!!!  :bigthumb:

Be careful. Don't get caught drinking the Kool-Aid or believing the hype.


 :haha: :haha: :haha:................Oh sorry......
I've taught you everything you know....but I haven't taught you everything I know....
Check out my web site ....  Alan Gallant Automotive Restoration


Quote from: Slotts on June 01, 2017, 05:13:50 AM
Rev-It-Up Restorations

Specializing in turn signal replacement.  :tool:

I like it!!!  :bigthumb:


:rofl: :haha:  I don't think so Slotts. 


Don't be afraid to ask questions about nice little jobs like that. Most of us have done those jobs and can guide you through if there are any pitfalls or tricks.


Don't sweat it too much.  That's not much money in the grand scheme of things.  Use it as a lesson.  You can do more of these small jobs then you think.  You learn as you go.  No one was born with all of their knowledge.  It's learned by trial and doing.


Good thing you were not low on blinker fluid. Wonder what the going rate for that would have been? :headbang:

But on a serious note, as Burdar, Runcharger and others said, you learned a little lesson, and ask questions here, and the best part, the questions get all kinds of good info and doesn't even cost a dime.  :cheers:


Yes with time you learn lessons and unfortunately this one cost me about a hundred bucks.  Some good news is I sold the 70 Cuda I was trying to sell for what I wanted and so that's basically going to pay for the rest of my paint job.  Yeah!

From this point forward I am going to do as much of it as I can to finish my car by myself which I think will be everything.  Appreciate your help and support.